
Chapter 23

In Gaius' chambers.Hadrian was helping Merlin with try the spell that would help take down the Griffin, he said with encouragement"Enchanting needs a calm mind,yours is completely disarray because you are thinking about

Gaius comforts Merlin saying"Don't worry, Merlin. I know you're trying."

Merlin with frustration replied"And I'm failing. And if Arthur dies because I'm not good enough..."

Gwen runs in and with fear and worry yelled"Merlin! Lancelot's riding out to kill the griffin!"

Merlin yelled back"He's what?"

Gwen shrugs her helplessness, while Merlin runs out with Hadrian giving Gaius a look as he followed him.

They soon reached Lower Town,where Hadrian and Merlin runs to Lancelot, who was saddling a horse,

Merlin arrived and said"I'm coming with you."with Hadrian behind him.

Lancelot shook his head and replied"No, you're not."

Hadrian told Lacelot"He won't listen."

Merlin nodded and said"If you have to just try and stop me.You said it yourself, Lancelot, Arthur needs all the help he can get. Now let's go."

In the Forest mounted knights soon reached the location,where the Griffin was last spotted and just like they thought the Griffin arrived and screeched at the approaching Knights.

Arthur draws his sword and yelled "For Camelot!"

As the knights draw their swords and joined in"For Camelot!"

Hadran,Merlin and Lancelot ride along the woods where foggy and they hear dying men, sword clanging, and the screech/hissing from griffin.

Lancelot gave Hadrian and Merlin,then closed his visor rushed there with his mounts and finds the fallen knights and dismounts.

Merlin and Hadrian searched for Arthur,they soon found him knocked out uncounsious.Merlin checked for Arthur's pulse,while Lancelot questioned"Well?"

Merlin with relief answers"He's alive."

The griffin's hisses could be heard,while they looked around.The Griffin arrived screeching,Lancelot rides into attack position with a lance and shuts his visor.He knew,he only had one chance to kill it.

Merlin Okay, Merlin, it's now or never.

Lancelot rears his horse, while Merlin chants"Bregdan anweald gafeluec."

Nothing happens,Merline was frustrated he once again tried nothing happens.Just then Lancelot passes Merlin,Hadrian knew from Lacelots thoughts he heard Merlin's chants.

When seeing Merlin was having a hard time casting this with such a mindset,Hadrian decided to help and silently cast"Tranquillitas"

Merlin didn't know why,but suddenly his mind felt at peace and his whole body felt enveloped by calming aura,but he soon saw Lancelot charging towards the Griffin,so he once again chanted"Bregdan anweald gafeluec."

The lance is ignited with blue flames,while the Griffin was ran towards him and flew straight at him.

Lacelot hits the griffin straight in the heart with his spear, while the griffin screened in pain and flips over him and dies, and the magic glow on the spear disappears, which was something Lancelot quickly connected to Merlin.

Merlin and Hadrian celebrates"Yes!"

Arthur wakes up and find Hadrian,while Merlin runs off and Lancelot removes his helmet

Hadrian helped Arthur up, who recognized the face and muttered" Lancelot."

Lancelot nodded and with respect replied"Sire."

Arthur was in awe shouted"You did it.You killed it, Lancelot!"

Merlin quickly got back to Camelot on his horse,then he bursts into the Physician's Chambers

Gaius seeing Merlin safe, so be guessed the outcome and with a smile asked"You did it?!"

Merlin nodded and replied"I did it."

Gaius and Merlin hugged each other celebrating there victory.

But Lacelot even though he killed the Griffin, but because of him being a honourable man with a very strong sense of morality. He disliked lying, also disliked taking credit for things that he hadn't done, as evidenced by his refusal to accept any commendation for killing the Griffin when he knew that Merlin was truly responsible.

As such, he apologized for how his lies had created conflict between Arthur and his father and told them that he wished to start over again elsewhere with the hope that maybe one day fate would grant him another chance to become a Knight of Camelot. They accepted his decision, and he left the following day 

Morgana watched the Knight leave, she remembered how sad Gwen was and asked Hadrian"Should we help him?"

Hadrian smiled and replied"Don't worry, I have set up a place for him work, at least for while."

Morgana nodded, but then added"You know Uther and Arthur are idiots, I mean it was obvious someone used magic.I mean Gaius himself said, how only magic will kill the Griffin and they had proof of that with how a sword pretty much broke against it's skin."

Hadrian shrugged and replied"Maybe age is catching up to him or he just is the same fool."

Morgana rolled her eyes and muttered"I am betting on him being a fool."