
Chapter 19

Hadrian was now back to Camelot and surprisingly during the tournament a knight named Valiant used enchanted shield to cheat.But was caught red handed during his fight with Arthur.

Morgana grinned and said"I saw a vision of Arthur's fight with Valiant.But even I warned him,Arthur seems to belive he would have come out of the fight unharmed.I mean was only saves because if Merlin interfering."

Hadrian asked"Did you sense Merlin use magic?"

Morgana nodded and replied"Yes, he was not exactly subtle about it and his magical signature was easy to pick up on."

Hadrian nodded, he knew Morgana was more intended with magic than before thus she is able to pick up the use of magic in close proximity.

Moragana asked"Also there is a magical plague, did you hear about it?"

Hadrian nodded, he heard rumors about corpse being found in streets and he could tells really powerful magic was used.

He spoke up"I am sure magic is root of this, whoever did this was powerful user of Old religion.I will call Qetsiyah here, she could act as healer and keep the infected to a minimum."

Qetsiyah arrived and was happy to reunite with her husband, while Hadrian explaied everything.Also he introduced her to Gaius in cover of gifted healer, but that was when Gwen father who was infected suddenly recovered causing doubts and upon serching they found enchnatments inside there house.

This had Merlin's hand all over it,he had cured Gwen's father.But suddenly one person getting cured during magical plague can attract quite a attention.

Arthur and guards drag Gwen down the Upper Corridor, while Gwen pleaded"No, please. You've got to listen to me! Please, I haven't done anything wrong! You have to listen to me, please! I am innocent, I swear! Let me go! I swear to you!"

Uther had sentenced her then and their,no matter how much Morgana tried to defend her.

As the Courtiers leave. Morgana and Hadrian watched as Guinevere get dragged off, then turns to Uther and said"I know Gwen, she's my maidservant, not an enchantress."

Uther with sneer asked"Have you ever seen an enchantress? Believe me, they bear no sign, no mark.There is no sense of evil in the eye."

Morgana retorted"I've seen the way the girl works. Her fingers are worn, her nails are broken. If she was a sorceress, why would she do this? Why would she kneel on a cold stone floor morning after morning when she could make these things happen with a snap of her fingers? Like an idle king!"

Uther in anger shouted"You have no right!"

Morgana retorted"You have no right to cast a judgement on that girl!"

Uther spoke up"I have a responsibility to take care of this kingdom! I take no pleasure in this!"

Morgana in annoyance said"But you're sentencing the wrong person!"

Hadrian who was silent till now,also added"I have to agree with them,if by chance after you kill them and the plague doesn't people will talk about wheather you will start killing anyone you doubt.Also Gaius and Merlin are witness to Gwen asking them to cure her father,if she was which and capable of healing why ask them."

Uther forwned, while Arthur agreed with Morgana and Hadrian adding"They are right, Father. You hear the word magic, you no longer listen."

Uther stood firm and said"You saw it for yourself. She used enchantments."

Arthur replied"Yes, maybe. But to save her dying father, that doesn't make her guilty of creating a plague. One's the act of, of kindness, of love, the other of evil. I don't believe evil's in this girl's heart."

Uther shook his head and replied"I have witnessed what witchcraft can do. I have suffered at its hand. I cannot take that chance. If there is the slightest doubt about this girl, she must die or the whole kingdom may perish."

Arthur sighed in defeat and muttered"I understand that."

Uther looking at Arthur with serious tone said"One day you may become King. Then you will understand. Such decisions must be made. There are dark forces that threaten this kingdom."

Arthur looked down and replied"I know. Witchcraft is an evil, father. So is injustice. Yes, I am yet to be King, and I don't know what kind of king I will be, but I do have a sense of the kind of Camelot I would wish to live in. It would be where the punishment fits the crime."

Uther acted as if he understood and said"I fear you're right. She's played with fire, and sadly she must die by fire."

Hadrian and Uther looked at Uther with disgust,

Morgana in anger leaves thr room leaving only Arthur and Hadrian alone.

Arthur paces the Council Chamber, while Hadrian spoke up"So what are you going to do listen to your heart or your father?"

Arthur was silent, but then replied"Father is right magic is dangerous,."

Hadrian hummed and said"Do you know , Uther is called the Tyrant King or Evil King outside Camelot for killing witches and Warlock without any issues or wrong doings."

Arthur didn't know this, while Hadrian added"Your father has killed many magical and non magicals with his hatred for magic.He is not righteous as he portrays himself to be."

Arthur stood there in deep thought about everything Hadrian said, he would question some of his associates who travel around the kingdoms and would find everything Hadrian said was true.

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