
Chapter 17

[A/N:Is anyone a fan of Narnia,I mean like Hadrian ending up in Narnia after the war and he is going to be the heir and son of Aslan, the pairing with Susan,I mean she got the worst ending in the books out of everyone.]

In the king's palace, banquet hall,Court members gather. Gaius and Merlin enter. Merlin sees Arthur joking with his mates.

Arthur feints a punch into one of his mate's stomach. They laugh. Arthur turns and does a double take to see Morgana and Hadrian walks into the chamber,both men and women eyes are focused on thr couple.

Arthur was sligtly enchnated by Morgana,while Gwen was staring at Hadrian,both muttered"God have mercy."

Merlin stares at Morgana as she passes him.

Gaius seeing this said"Merlin. Remember, you're here to work and that is Hadrian's bethrothed.'

Merlin flustered replied"Oh, yeah.But I am not the only one staring."

Merlin continues to stare at Morgana subtly as Arthur approaches to talk to her and Hadrian.

Arthur smiling at both of them said"Morgana, you look well..."

Hadrian nodded and said"Yes,she looks beautiful."

Morgana smiled and kissed Hadrian on the cheek,while Arthur rolled his eyes and said"Can you guys please atop doinf that infront of me?"

Hadrian and Morgana just gave grin,Gwen sidles up next to Merlin asked"Both of them looks great?

Merlin nodded and replied"Yeah."

Gwen sighed and said"Some people are just born to be queen.Noth that I want to be her or marry Hadrian or Arthur"

Merlin chuckled and replied"Oh, come on, Gwen. I thought you liked those real rough, tough, save the world kind of men."

Gwen glacing at Merlin said"No, I like much more ordinary men like you."

Merlin not understanding the signal replied"Gwen, believe me, I'm not ordinary."

Gwen felt she annoyed Merlin and corrected"No, I didn't mean you, obviously. Not you. But just, you know, I like much more ordinary men like you."

Merlin still didn't fully understand replied"Thanks."They turn away from each other awkwardly.

Celebratory horns signal King Uther's entrance and everyone finds their place at the tables.

Uther speaks up"We have enjoyed twenty years of peace and prosperity. It has brought the kingdom and myself many pleasures, but few can compare with the honour of introducing Lady Helen of Mora"

Morgana whispered"That is the mother right."

Hadrian nodded and replied"Yes,she is here for revenge."

Hadrian already knew this and already saved two people from falling to Mary's revenge like a servant girl and a guard.

Applause. music begins and the Uther and the court take their seats. Mary (Helen) sings. The court members begin nodding off to sleep.Expect for Hadrian,Morgana and Merlin , who notices and presses his hands over his ears.

Cobwebs begin forming over the enchanted sleepers. Hadrian and Morgana had an illusion placed on them,which caused Merlin nor Mary to see the fact they weren't affected.

While Merlin notices Mary staring at Arthur as she walks forward. She pulls a dagger from her sleeve.

Hadrian used Jelly-Legs Curse,which caused Mary to feel as if she couldn't feel her legs and collapsed,while Merlin at the same time magically drops the chandelier on her as she raises her arm to throw the dagger.

Court members wake and pull the cobwebs off, muttering. Uther and Arthur stand up to see Mary Collins lying on the floor. Mary raises herself up enough to throw the dagger at Arthur. Merlin slows down time to reach Arthur and pull him out of harm's way. The dagger slices into Arthur's chair as they fall to the floor. Mary dies. Uther and Arthur stare at Merlin and said with slightym gratitude "You saved my boy's life. A debt must be repaid."

Merlin tried to reject"Oh, well..."

Uther didn't have it and said"Don't be so modest. You shall be rewarded."

Merlin replied"No, honestly, you don't have to, Your Highness.

Uther spoke upNo, absolutely. This merits something quite special.You shall be rewarded a position in the royal household. You shall be Prince Arthur's manservant."

The court applauds,while Arthur was angry yelled"Father!"

Gwen claps with a pitying smile on her face, it was the same with Hadrian and Morgana. Arthur and Merlin look away from each other unhappily.