
Chapter 13

Hadrian felt the bond strengthen over time, so before their relationship went any further.He told Morgana about his past and Qetsiyah.

Obviously Morgana was saddened hearing about Hadrian having a wife, but with the revelations of bonds and Death,she soon accepted it and within a year their bond solidified.

Uther seeing how happy Morgana was accepted the relationship, since this would also bring a good alliance too.But Arthur was reluctant to accept the whole thing and he did try to poke at their relationship now and then.

Morgana was spirited, quick-witted and compassionate in nature.she is also fiery and independent and will not hesitate to stand up to Uther, despite his being her guardian. She always takes issue with his cruel and unjust persecution of magic-users, believing that his punishments are unfair and unfitting. 

Then Hadrian talked to Morgana about her being a witch, which shocked her as she questioned"You really think I am a witch?"

Hadrian nodded and answered"You told me about those visions that came true.Those are signs of you being a seer."

Morgana's nodded and with slight excitement asked"So you are going to teach me?"

Hadrian smiled and replied"Yes, I will."

Morgan's was excited about this, while she went back.Hadrian was curious and questioned Death telepathically"How did Morgana go from being a compassionate women to a cold a ruthless killer."

Death raspy voice echoed in Hadrian's mind"Lies, stupid decision, misunderstandings and everything has a connection to Merlin and Gaius."

Hadrian remembered Gaius, the man decided to turn a blind a eye to every murder done by Uther.

Interesting thing was at the start of the Great Purge, Uther gave Gaius a list of all people who were suspected of using magic to be killed. When Gaius discovered his beloved Alice on the list, he struck her name off, thus giving her time to escape. He himself decided to stop practising magic and to remain in Camelot as the court physician.

During the Great Purge, Uther ordered many people to be drowned, including children who had inherited magic from their parents.A good number of them were drowned on just suspion and Uther did his best to hide that part.

The only reason Hadrian didn't kill Uther was because of the fact Uther and Arthur were already cursed along with Camelot, so their death was inevitable and no one, not even Merlin could stop it.

Also during this time met the famous Guinevere or Gwen,who was maid of Morgana.Hadrian also learned many secrets from Uther's mind,like why thr Purge started and about Morgana being his daughter.

He revealed everything to Qetsiyah,who in disbelief questioned"So Uther went on genocide because he couldn't take resposibility for the fact he was cause of his wifes death."

Hadrian nodded and replied"This whole thing is just fucked up."

Qetsiyah sighed and asked"What about Morgana,are you going to tell her about Uther."

Hadrian sighed and replied"Soon."

Which Hadrian did and Morgana was in disbelief at the whole thing.But after calming down she could see why Uther was kind to her,still she openly told Hadrian how she will never acknowledge Uther as her father and Gorlois would always be the one to hold that position.

Also Hadrian broke out another secret"I also found something from Gaius mind,it was pretty shocking.But you have a half sister and her name is Morgause."

Morgause was the eldest daughter of Vivienne - who was also the mother of Morgana, thus making Morgause and Morgana maternal half-sisters.

Morgana with slight hope questioned"Where is she?"

Hadrian winced and explained"During the great purge since she inherited magical powers from your mother.Gaius was asked to smuggle the infant Morgause out of Camelot and give her to the High Priestesses of the Old Religion."

Morgana with slight excitment asked"Can I meet her?"

Hadrian frowned and repleied"Not sure,I did some digging and found out that Morgause is now a very powerful witch.But the issue is she has now dwelled very deep into dark arts.So her minfmd is warped by it and she has huge hatred for Uther."

Morgana was sadned hearing this,while Hadrian explained"The dark arts of Old Religion is stronger and is much more enchanting."

Morgana nodded and asked"So we can't help her?"

Hadrian sighed and replied"You could try, but chances are low because even with Uther's death she will not rest, she will just change her target to Arthur and then to Camelot.I am not sure.....but there is chance of her using you to get what she wants."

Tears slid down Morgana's cheeks as she thought about her sister.