
Chapter 24

The next day Tyler and Bode were sitting at the kitchen table,while Hadrian was the one who prepared the food gave it to everyone.Nina was looking through some papers,she was really thankful Hadrian was their to help her.Then Kinsey entered the Kitchen.

Nina seeing Kinsey's new look smiled and commented"Hey, like the new look."

Tyler grinned and said"Yeah, it's very "saving it for Jesus."

Kinsey snarked back"Forget your eye drops in Seattle?"

Nina sighed on exasperation saying"Guys,same team.Also Hadrian has cooked Pancakes,sandwiches and Bacon anything you like?"

Kinsey takes a sandwich and pancakes,she quickly started eating.While Nina,Tyler and Bode really liked the breakfast.Kinsey muttered a thanks, Bode gave Hadrian a hug and even asked for a burger next time.But Nina who was about to wash the dishes found out it was clogged with something.

Bode seeing the thing clogging it muttered"That looks disgusting."

Tyler agreed thankfully he had just finished his breakfast otherwise he wouldn't be able to eat anything.Hadrian spoke up"I will fix that up,when I come back."

Nina was really thankful nodded"Thank you."

Kinsey looked at Bode with slight envy and said"You're so lucky it's a week before your school starts."

Bode simply shrugged and replied"Someone has to map out the house."

Kinsey being annoyed added"How are we in boarding school and aren't even boarding?"

Hadrian cut in"Actually they also have day students."

Nina had enough of the complaining said"Listen, guys. Hey,going to a new school,starting in the middle of the year,sure, it might suck, but,also it might not."

Kinsey frowned and said"Stellar pep talk, Mom."

Nina sighed and took her bag while saying"Yeah, wait, let me write that down.What did I forget?... Permission slips? Ty, you have that hockey thingamabob."

Tyler corrected"Medical consent."

Nina was about to say somthing,but Kinsey cut in"Already turned it in.I forged your signature.And I sent an email from your account to the Assistant Head so we can catch up on whatever we've missed."

Nina was slightly angry and said"Great. Okay. Okay, next time,I got it, just ask me, okay?"

While Hadrian who was sitting near to Kinsey whispered"Next time you may want to not tell her when you do stuff like that."

Kinsey waa slightly flustered,since how close Hadrian was.But she was soon able to get back her calm.

As Tyler, Kinsey and Hadrian made their way to the school Matheson high school Hadrian has been going there for a week and it is annoying. Everything is based on popularity and those that are into studying are classified Nerds.

Hadrian has been popular and a girl named Eden has tried to flirt with him multiple times only for Hadrian to ignore her.

Hadrian,Kinsey and Tyler made it into the school,as Kinsey turned to Tyler and asked"See you at lunch?"

Students were next to her laughing,Tyler really decided to take Hadrian's advice and slowly start talking to his sister and mother about his issues as he replied"I will try my best,but chances are I will be in my hockey tryouts."

Kinsey saw Tyler really was slightly guilty about it smiled and said"Don't worry,I will eat with Hadrian."

Tyler nodded as he walked away to find his class,while Kinsey now looking at Hadrian asked"So I am going to get some of papers from my teacher. You can find your locker in that direction."

Hadrian gestured towards the area where Kinsey's locker was located. Kinsey nodded she makes her way through kids who stare openly. They're all talking about her. This is her hell,she wanders the hallways looking for room numbers, lost. The constant stares don't help, the outsider.

Kinsey finally found her locker and quickly opened it,then noticed two girls talking nearby.

Eden was telling Jackie"So, Angelica's coming to Javi's party, Emma,other Emma, Logan,Peter."

Jackie added, "You should invite the Locke girl."

Eden with frown replied"I know, but come on,she's probably a real killjoy."

Jackie actually sympathized with Kinsey and said"Can't exactly blame her."

Eden with mocking tone said"It's really not that big of a deal.I mean, my aunt died last year and I didn't get any special treatment."

Jackie closes her locker while saying"Okay, but your aunt didn't die like that."

That's when Eden yelled"Hadrian"as Kinsey turned to see Hadrian walking towards her,she noticed he was slightly annoyed seeing Eden who quickly went to Hadrian and asked"So are you going to come to Javi's party?"

Hadrian found Eden to be slightly similar to Lavender Brown,she was marked by gossip,but Eden was too snobbish and she looked down on a lot of students.She loved her popularity,a part of her even felt Kinsey was taking the shine from her.

So Hadrian with slight disgust said"No,also make sure keep a minimum decency when you talk about someone mourning or dead."

Eden was slightly stumped as Hadrian walked towards Kinsey who had small smile on her face.

Hadrian smiled at Kinsey and said"We have different classes."

Kinsey nodded and replied"So we will see each other during lunch."as they walked away,

For Hadrian Kinsey has an introvert personality, having long harboured a desire to sit up and make people notice her.

Eden was glaring at Kinsey ans clenching her fist in anger.She felt it was Kinsey's fault Hadrian hated her,this didn't sit right with her.

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