

Hadilocks, a secret organization that works under the name of Kahley their boss, also the master of Hadilock, or otherwise known as -the Hadilock secret organization- their goal -no, their boss's goal; is to kill all mages and obtain all their powers, of course, that is just a side quest, as many people overlook this organization, there is more to what meets the eye... Kahley has many dreams in mind, but to what extent will she go to achieve them? 14 year old Jack, walks swiftly along the aisles of one of the grandest trains ever made, not knowing what kind of mess he'd get himself into just by being a Hadilock agent...

yanyun_dong · Action
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17 Chs


After a while, which seemed like ages…

Evelyn finally spoke up,

"Look, there is a way to get us out of here. But it will be very risky. I believe we'll be safe in Petrostan. A place quite far from here. Too far, in fact it will take nearly 3 days to get there, we'll end up in HQ16."

"You're joking right?" Jack said.

"Not quite, I'm being serious, remember the chutes? We will use that again." Evelyn replied.

"No, that's not happening. It's dreadful there, and we're going to starve to death there." Jack argued, already fuming with anger.

"Alright then, you can stay behind, me, Radeon and Emily will go." Evelyn said, tossing her long, curly hair.

"You'll die there."

"Not a chance. Not with me—at least."

Jack finally gave in, "Alright, fine. If we die in there, I'm gonna hurt you."

Emily giggled.

"What's so funny?" Jack snapped.

"You're already dead, how do you plan on hurting her?" Emily replied.

Jack blushed in embarrassment.

"Let's just go already."

Evelyn smiled at Emily, she winked mischievously at her. They silently giggled, exchanging looks.

"Alright! Let's go to the HQ5 chute," Jack urged impatiently.

They each made their way down the chute as Evelyn started shoving large amounts of food and water into the chute as well.

"This is so weird." Jack sighed.

"Well, you can stay in HQ5 and receive your punishment from boss." Evelyn shot back, she was visibly annoyed at Jack from all the complaining.

Jack just shot her a look and climbed into the chute. Evelyn, Emily and Radeon followed behind shortly after Evelyn tosses the last supplies in.

"So… toilet? What are we going to do about that?" Emily asked as she hopped in.

"I've got bottles for that." Eveyln replied, "And I also have a cushion to separate us from those boys if we need to."

The chute starts grumbling, its route was from HQ9 to HQ12, then finally, to HQ16.

The kids sat there silently. There was nothing to do but to pray that everything would go as planned. 

Jack calmed himself; What could go wrong? I have 3 other people with me. Nothing could go wrong. Right? Then something hit him–

"Hey, Evelyn, what do you plan to do after we arrive at Petrostan?" Jack asked.

"Well, I was thinking we get there and then figure it out…" Evelyn started…

Jack cut in saying, "But what if there is a mission going on in HQ16? Wouldn't we then be screwed?"

"There shouldn't be! I checked the missions before planning to go to HQ16, stop making me doubt myself! I'm already anxious enough!" Evelyn said, visibly annoyed.

"Alright. Tell them that I was forced if we get caught." Jack replied.


"Alright you two, stop it. I'm trying to sleep!" Emily said, giving a big yawn.

"I'm going to choke you in your sleep," Evelyn said.

"Well, I must sleep very well then; in order not to feel it." Emily smiled.

"Alright, let's see how well you sleep then." Evelyn smirked.

Hours had passed, and each minute only seemed to last longer and longer…

{4h and 37m later…}

The chute grunts, then slows to a halt. 

"Are we here?" Jack asked hopefully.

"No, it's only been 4 hours. I think we are at our first stop." Evelyn says.

"And where is the first stop?" Jack asks, disappointed.

"I thought I told you." Evelyn says, a bit annoyed; He never listens.

"I forgot, now tell me again." Jack said.

"We are at HQ9 right now. I will go out to see if we can take any food supplies and throw away our waste. Put all your rubbish in the bag. And wait here. DO NOT go anywhere. Stay deep in the chute, away from sight, got it?" Evelyn said, giving Jack a glare.

"Alright, but why can't we go?" Jack said, mildly annoyed at how bossy Evelyn was.

Evelyn steps out of the chute, looking around. She tiptoed into the corridors, which seemed like a maze, never-ending. She takes a deep breath and walks slowly towards a bin, carefully opening it and slowly dropping the rubbish bag in. Next, she walks into a food restock area and gently searches for some food and drinks she could bring…

But that's when she heard something; something like a lever that went— click!

Evelyn jumped back, surprised. She looks around, then behind her; nothing.

Then the wall of the food restock started to move… it slowly opened, revealing a series of spiral stairs, leading to which seemed like an endless void…

She took a deep breath, and entered…