
Hades, the Urban Legend

Synopsis: Yang Chen, the inheritor of the divine throne of Hades, was separated from his family at a young age and sold to a foreign assassin organization. Enduring the darkest of worlds, he eventually returned to his homeland incognito. Intending to live a low-profile life as a street vendor selling lamb skewers, fate took an unexpected turn when he married a well-known local corporate CEO. Hoping for a quiet existence, he found himself drawn into the role of a guardian knight due to the presence of beautiful women from various walks of life. As he navigates through these connections, his past experiences and former comrades resurface. Inadvertently, he delves into the world of cultivation in China and uncovers the essence of this world.

yin_chenghao · Urban
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469 Chs

Chapter 412: Putting Pressure on Yang Chen

The sudden "favor" from President Lin had surprised Yang Chen greatly, but when she said, "I'll come too," Yang Chen was dumbfounded.

Seeing Yang Chen's wide-eyed and bewildered expression, with his phone dropping to the ground, Liu Mingyu couldn't help but wonder if Yang Chen had lost his mind.

"Are you okay?" Liu Mingyu asked with concern.

Yang Chen picked up his phone from the ground, waved his hand to indicate he was fine, and continued speaking to Lin Ruoxi on the other end, "Darling, are you feeling unwell today? This isn't like you!"

Lin Ruoxi replied coldly, "I care about the leisure activities of my employees and like to participate in some events with them. Is that not allowed? Or is there something you don't want me to see?"

Yang Chen quickly responded, "Absolutely not. I'm just happy that you want to come." Yang Chen chuckled bitterly.

Lin Ruoxi stated firmly, "It's settled then. You'll pick me up after work. I'll call you."

Pick her up after work? Wouldn't that let others know they were together? Was she planning to announce their relationship?!

Yang Chen couldn't understand Lin Ruoxi's intentions, but personally, he didn't care. As long as Lin Ruoxi wasn't bothered, he had nothing to hide.

"Is your wife pregnant?" Suddenly curious, Liu Mingyu asked.

Yang Chen stiffened, "What do you mean pregnant? Who said that?"

"Then why did you ask if she's feeling unwell?" Liu Mingyu grinned mischievously.

Yang Chen felt there was nothing to hide from his woman. Sooner or later, she would find out. "My wife said she wants to attend tonight's gathering. You'll get to meet the mysterious main wife then."

Liu Mingyu's smile faded instantly, replaced with a worried expression. "Should I prepare something?"

"What do you mean prepare?"

"Like a gift for meeting her, or maybe find out what she likes?" Liu Mingyu whispered.

Yang Chen smirked, "It's not like a concubine meeting the main wife in the old days. Why are you so scared?"

"Can I not be scared? You're so impulsive. It doesn't matter to you, but I'm actually quite worried. If things go wrong, you'll suffer, and so will I. Besides, I was the one who intervened, so I'm obviously in the wrong."

"No need to prepare anything. When you meet her, you'll understand that preparing anything is meaningless," Yang Chen said.

Exactly, even his job was given by others, and his salary was paid by others. What's the point of preparing anything?

Liu Mingyu didn't know if he had taken it in. Lost in thought, he ignored Yang Chen.

Seeing that Liu Mingyu had no intention of doing anything else, Yang Chen tactfully left the office.

The afternoon passed in a blink of an eye. When it was time to leave work, Yang Chen arrived at the parking spot where he had agreed to meet Lin Ruoxi.

As soon as he parked, he saw Lin Ruoxi walking towards him. She wore a simple light brown wool collar vest, a thick black skirt, paired with light lace knee-high socks, and carried a coffee-colored sparkling small bag.

Lin Ruoxi, who usually appeared solemn and aloof, now looked much more youthful and attractive in this outfit.

Of course, this simple assessment was only what Yang Chen, a man who was used to seeing his wife, thought. If it were any other ordinary man witnessing this scene, they would inevitably stare for quite a while before they could look away.

"Not bad, not bad. You even know how to dress up for an evening gathering. My darling Ruoxi isn't clueless about everything," Yang Chen praised.

Lin Ruoxi seemed to hit a sore spot and bit her lip. As she got into the car, she murmured softly, "I asked Nini how to dress, and she told me to wear like this."

Yang Chen's facial expression froze. No wonder Lin Ruoxi suddenly wore an unfamiliar outfit. It turned out she had consulted Mo Qianyi's opinion!

If that's the case, Mo Qianyi already knew that he would bring Lin Ruoxi over. Would she have already told Liu Mingyu about his relationship with Lin Ruoxi?

Thinking that his two lovers would be with his wife tonight, Yang Chen couldn't help but feel uneasy.

The gathering was set at Ziyu Pavilion, a well-known upscale nightclub at Zhonghai, offering various entertainment facilities that could be described as both a KTV and a nightclub, catering to diverse tastes.

After handing over the car to the valet, Yang Chen and Lin Ruoxi walked into the dimly lit lobby of the nightclub together.

Since it was still early, there weren't many guests. Waiters moved around, leading Yang Chen and Lin Ruoxi to the reserved VIP room.

Even before Yang Chen and Lin Ruoxi arrived, discussions were already lively in the VIP room, mostly about the explosive news brought by Mo Qianyi and Liu Mingyu: President Lin is also coming to tonight's gathering?!

For these young employees from the Public Relations and Finance departments, they usually didn't dare to look President Lin Ruoxi in the eye, treating her like a goddess from afar. Now, their goddess was about to join them and sit together. How could they not be ecstatic and feel honored?

"What should we do? I was planning to sing. I'm afraid I won't even be able to open my mouth once President Lin arrives," a female PR blushed shyly.

Another young man from the Finance department chuckled, "Let's ask President Lin to sing for us later. I'm really curious about how President Lin sings."

"Careful not to make President Lin angry, or she'll deduct your salary!" a girl said.

"Even if it means losing a month's salary, I still want to hear President Lin sing."

At this moment, the door was pushed open from the outside. Yang Chen smiled and walked into the room first, followed closely by the graceful figure of Lin Ruoxi.

In the VIP room, more than a dozen young men and women fell silent instantly, staring straight at Lin Ruoxi in her slightly sexy outfit. The blurred face of their goddess now became clear and surreal to them.

"Hello, President Lin!" a male employee greeted nervously, standing at attention and bowing.

The other employees suppressed their laughter but still greeted Lin Ruoxi.

Mo Qianyi and Liu Mingyu were chatting on the side. When they saw Lin Ruoxi, Mo Qianyi naturally winked at her, while Liu Mingyu dared not meet Lin Ruoxi's eyes, seeming guilty about something.

Seeing this scene, Yang Chen immediately confirmed that Liu Mingyu had known about his marriage to Lin Ruoxi beforehand and probably scared her.

Initially a bit nervous, Lin Ruoxi noticed that everyone was more nervous than she was, so she smiled lightly and said, "Please, everyone, have a seat. I'm just here to see, not to supervise."

"Haven't you heard? Sit down like I said. Why are you standing there like wooden stakes?" Yang Chen couldn't help but joke.

At this moment, everyone noticed Yang Chen, who had entered first, and curiously wondered why Director Yang and President Lin had come together. However, such questions obviously wouldn't be deeply investigated. No one would believe that Yang Chen could be Lin Ruoxi's husband; at most, they would gossip about whether the two had some private relationship.

Several employees made room for Lin Ruoxi to sit in the middle, close to Mo Qianyi, but Yang Chen didn't receive such favorable treatment. He sat on a small stool at the edge, casually munching on sunflower seeds, watching with interest as several employees fawned over Lin Ruoxi.

At this moment, Liu Mingyu shot a fierce glare at Yang Chen, followed by a look of slight grievance. Yang Chen thought to himself that a woman's eyes could really speak volumes; just one glance from Liu Mingyu made him feel embarrassed. After hiding his relationship for so long, it turned out his legitimate wife was her boss.

"Let's stop circling around President Lin. Today, we're here to have a happy gathering, not to flatter. Start choosing songs quickly, and dancers, get ready," Mo Qianyi commanded her subordinates.

The young people who had been lingering around Lin Ruoxi immediately smiled awkwardly and stepped aside to operate the karaoke machine. Several cheerful girls from the PR department also got up to dance along with the music, keeping the beat.

Taking advantage of the distraction, Liu Mingyu reached out her slender hand and pinched Yang Chen's thigh, whispering in a voice only he could hear, "You scoundrel! Why didn't you tell me earlier? Keeping it from me for so long, I feel so embarrassed!"

"What's there to be embarrassed about? You never asked me who my wife really is," Yang Chen said helplessly.

Liu Mingyu looked bitter and rueful. "But President Lin must have known that I'm with you, seeing me hanging around under her nose all the time. Now I feel so ashamed."

Yang Chen reached out and squeezed Liu Mingyu's slightly cold hand. She trembled a bit nervously and glanced anxiously at Lin Ruoxi. Seeing that Lin Ruoxi hadn't noticed, Liu Mingyu didn't pull away from Yang Chen's hand.

"Don't be so jittery. Since I dared to bring Ruoxi here, I'm not afraid of her facing you. You're my woman, and that's an unchangeable fact," Yang Chen comforted her.

Although he felt a bit sorry for Lin Ruoxi while saying this, adjusting the relationships between his confidantes meant sacrificing Lin Ruoxi's status a bit. He thought guiltily that he would just have to be more affectionate towards her and make her happier.

"Ah," Liu Mingyu suddenly sighed sadly and smiled bitterly, "Honestly, I've been thinking for a while whether there might be a chance for me to do better than your legitimate wife, and then you might remarry me. I know it's just wishful thinking, but I had some hope. But now, I feel like not just me, even Qianyi probably doesn't expect you to remarry or anything."

Yang Chen chuckled nonchalantly. He knew Liu Mingyu, like many other Jade Lily employees, had an idolizing admiration for Lin Ruoxi, so her words were somewhat expected.

Meanwhile, several young people had started singing the English oldie "Home" passionately, having switched from the opening track "Take It Off." The male employees sang well, taking turns with each verse and showing a touch of melancholy.

When the microphone was passed to Yang Chen, all eyes were on him, eagerly anticipating him to sing a few lines. Yang Chen didn't refuse and, though he wasn't into domestic pop music, he was an expert in foreign songs.

"Another summer day has come and gone away... in Paris or Rome, but I wanna go home," he smoothly sang a few lines in an authentic English accent.

After finishing, Yang Chen prepared to pass the microphone, but the employees strongly demanded him to continue singing, impressed by his husky voice with a pure English accent. Mo Qianyi and Liu Mingyu encouraged him with applause.

However, Lin Ruoxi, sitting on the sofa, suddenly looked pale. Her initial reason for coming here was not only to interact more with the employees but also to prevent Yang Chen's other lovers from uniting against her. Mo Qianyi was her best friend, but if Liu Mingyu got too close to her, it wouldn't be good for her either. Therefore, she needed to show her face appropriately and also put a little pressure on Yang Chen not to be too flirtatious.

But now, Lin Ruoxi realized a major mistake—she was terrible at singing. Moreover, the challenge of her voice would likely humiliate her in front of everyone. Although she didn't want to admit it, she had to acknowledge that if she sang now, she would ruin her reputation forever in front of these employees.

Lin Ruoxi might have a calm temperament, but it didn't mean she lacked a sense of shame. As she sat restlessly, Liu Mingyu got up from her seat intending to go to the restroom. However, because she still didn't dare to face Lin Ruoxi, she walked out with her head down.

Lin Ruoxi's eyes lit up. She quickly spoke up, "Oh, Mingyu, are you going to the restroom? I'll come with you."

Before Liu Mingyu could react, Lin Ruoxi took the lead and walked out of the private room first.

Liu Mingyu thought that Lin Ruoxi was intentionally finding an opportunity to ask her out for a talk. Her palms were cold with sweat, and she angrily glared at Yang Chen once more before slowly moving her feet to walk out of the room.