
Hades, the Urban Legend

Synopsis: Yang Chen, the inheritor of the divine throne of Hades, was separated from his family at a young age and sold to a foreign assassin organization. Enduring the darkest of worlds, he eventually returned to his homeland incognito. Intending to live a low-profile life as a street vendor selling lamb skewers, fate took an unexpected turn when he married a well-known local corporate CEO. Hoping for a quiet existence, he found himself drawn into the role of a guardian knight due to the presence of beautiful women from various walks of life. As he navigates through these connections, his past experiences and former comrades resurface. Inadvertently, he delves into the world of cultivation in China and uncovers the essence of this world.

yin_chenghao · Urban
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453 Chs

Chapter 409: Wanting to Cry but Having No Tears

Now that their relationship had somewhat improved, Yang Chen decided to seize the opportunity. Trying to curry favor, he asked Lin Ruoxi what she wanted for dinner.

However, Lin Ruoxi had no particular idea. She usually ate at home or at the company, and when she did go out, it was to some big restaurant. But with just the two of them, there was no need to go to such grand places.

Yang Chen thought hard for a while. He felt that constantly taking Lin Ruoxi to small eateries was getting old. While small restaurants had their charm, their food generally couldn't compare to that of proper big restaurants. Since they had a rare chance to enjoy a date-like meal, it would be a pity if it was too ordinary.

After thinking for a long time, Yang Chen turned the car towards the seaside of Zhonghai.

Though Lin Ruoxi drove regularly, she usually only went to a few places, so she was unsure where Yang Chen was taking her. She asked nervously, "Aren't we going to eat? Why are we heading to the seaside?"

"You'll find out soon, dear. Don't worry, your husband won't let you go hungry," Yang Chen said with a relaxed smile.

In less than fifteen minutes, the car stopped at a seafood hotpot restaurant by the beach. During the transition between winter and spring, having a hotpot to ward off the cold was a good choice.

Lin Ruoxi looked at the brightly lit hotpot restaurant, with steam billowing and the scent of fresh food wafting through the air. She curiously glanced around and then felt her stomach growling.

"How did you know about this place?" Lin Ruoxi asked.

Yang Chen remembered the restaurant because of Tang Wan. The beach where he met her was nearby, and he had noticed the place while passing by. However, he couldn't tell Lin Ruoxi that, so he simply said, "I wander around a lot in my free time."

"Is this a hotpot place?" Lin Ruoxi asked, puzzled.

"Of course, why do you ask?" Yang Chen replied, puzzled.

Lin Ruoxi blushed slightly. "I've never had hotpot before, so I just wanted to check."

Yang Chen was taken aback. This young lady had never had hotpot in her life?! Thinking about it, though, it made sense. With a household full of women, who would think of such a hearty way of eating? Plus, hotpot can cause breakouts, which isn't ideal for maintaining beauty.

"Then let me be the one to break your hotpot virginity," Yang Chen said, pretending to be serious.

Lin Ruoxi glared at him, understanding the innuendo in his words.

It's just hotpot, right? I've seen it in Korean dramas, how hard can it be? Lin Ruoxi thought to herself.

They entered the restaurant, and the waiter led them to a table by the window. Along the way, many eyes in the bustling restaurant were on them, making Lin Ruoxi feel a bit uncomfortable. It was her first time seeing such a lively dinner scene.

Yang Chen noticed the table's size, just enough for five or six dishes, and frowned. "Get us a bigger table; this one is too cramped."

The young waiter silently cursed Yang Chen for being troublesome. Just the two of them and they want a big round table? But seeing Lin Ruoxi's appearance and attire, he knew they were not ordinary people, so he smiled and said, "Sir, although the table is small, we have racks for the dishes. It won't be an issue."

Yang Chen shook his head. "It's a rare occasion for my wife to have hotpot, and I don't want her to keep fetching dishes from racks. Give us a big round table, the kind that seats ten. Oh, and we need a private room."

"Sir, our private rooms are in high demand. When the evening gets busy, there won't be enough," the waiter explained, his smile fading.

Lin Ruoxi, not familiar with such matters, noticed Yang Chen seemed to be getting into a dispute with the waiter. She thought he should just let it go, but Yang Chen seemed to care a lot about it.

Yang Chen took out his bank card from his pocket and said to the waiter, "I'll pay right now. I want a private room, and I don't mind paying double the price."

The waiter was left speechless. Although he looked down on such extravagance, he had no reason to refuse. He took the bank card to the manager, explained the situation, and they finally agreed.

After they entered the private room, Lin Ruoxi asked, "Why insist on a big table? A smaller one would have been fine. Now, with just the two of us at such a large table, it feels strange."

Yang Chen smiled, "Since it's your first time having hotpot, the setting should be special. Anyway, my dear Ruoxi doesn't lack money. Spending a bit more is no big deal. Besides, it might be strange, but it will be memorable, right?"

Lin Ruoxi ignored Yang Chen's twisted logic but felt a bit sweet inside.

In fact, while eating in a crowded place would be a novel experience for Lin Ruoxi, being in the main hall meant too many eyes would be on her, making her uncomfortable. Moreover, being somewhat introverted, she felt awkward trying hotpot for the first time in front of so many people.

Yang Chen clearly took these things into consideration, which is why he insisted on having a private room even with just the two of them.

Despite there being only two of them, Yang Chen ate enough for five or six people. He ordered over a dozen plates of lamb rolls, leaving the waiter dumbfounded.

Lin Ruoxi, eating the spicy hotpot, had a rosy face, sweat trickling down, and her bangs sticking to her forehead, making her look rather disheveled. This added a touch of human warmth to her usually cool demeanor.

Seeing her sitting beside him, her eyes glistening and sticking out her pink tongue to cool off, Yang Chen thought she finally looked like a girl in her twenties, extremely adorable. Unable to resist, he leaned in and kissed her on her rosy cheek.

Lin Ruoxi gave him a side-eye and frowned, "Your lips are greasy. Don't be so cheeky."

"Does that mean I can kiss you when they're not greasy?" Yang Chen asked with a mischievous smile.

Lin Ruoxi puffed her cheeks and immediately moved two seats away, ignoring Yang Chen and continued fishing vegetables from the hotpot.

"Eat more meat. You're not fat, so a bit more meat won't hurt," Yang Chen said, placing a heap of lamb and beef on her plate.

Lin Ruoxi blinked and asked, "Am I really that skinny?"

Yang Chen shook his head, "Your figure is just right."

For the first time, Lin Ruoxi discussed her figure with her husband. She wondered if the hotpot had gotten to her head, but since she had already started the conversation, she decided to continue. "Then why do you want me to gain weight?"

Yang Chen chuckled, "I like looking at slim women, but I prefer touching women with some meat on them."

Lin Ruoxi wanted to pick up her plate and throw it at his face. How could he say something so shameless? But she quietly ate the meat he had put on her plate.

When Yang Chen felt full and satisfied, they left the private room and went to the counter to pay.

"Sir, your total is 1,260 yuan," the cashier said, her voice slightly strained. She knew about the couple's insistence on having a private room, and she was astonished that two people had eaten enough for ten.

Yang Chen suddenly pointed to a table with a couple of men eating nearby. "I'll pay for their meal as well."

The cashier was momentarily stunned but nodded and had Yang Chen sign two receipts.

After leaving the hotpot restaurant, Lin Ruoxi asked curiously, "Do you know those two men?"

Yang Chen shook his head. "Nope."

"Then why pay for their meal?"

As they got back in the car, Yang Chen started the engine and pointed to the entrance of the hotpot restaurant. "Look, they're coming out."

Lin Ruoxi looked over and saw the two men leaving the restaurant, casting a meaningful glance in their direction.

Realizing what was going on, she asked, "You mean they were following us?"

"To be precise, they were monitoring what we were doing," Yang Chen said with a smirk.

"Who would do such a thing? Why monitor us?" Lin Ruoxi was puzzled.

"Besides the one who is very curious about our relationship, who else could it be?" Yang Chen replied with a cold smile.

"Ning Guodong?" Lin Ruoxi immediately thought of that troublesome man. He was the only one who knew they were out for dinner and had the means to have them followed so quickly.

"You insisted on a private room to avoid their surveillance?" Lin Ruoxi suddenly realized and asked.

Yang Chen smiled, "That's one reason, but the main reason was to make my dear wife happy. So, my dear Ruoxi, did you enjoy dinner tonight?"

Ignoring his teasing, Lin Ruoxi expressed her concern, "By doing this, you are showing Ning Guodong that you saw through his tricks. Doesn't that mean you've made an enemy of him? He doesn't seem like a good person, but he is the prime minister's son. If he really decides to go against you, what will you do?"

Yang Chen laughed heartily, "Since I dared to expose his men, I'm not afraid of him. Today, I played along with his game, but if he really pushes me too far, there's nothing I won't do."

Seeing the glint of fervor in Yang Chen's eyes, Lin Ruoxi felt a bit reassured, albeit faintly. She sighed softly, pondering how people say that couples grow to understand each other more deeply as time passes. However, the longer she was with her husband, the more inscrutable he seemed.

When they returned home, it was nearly ten o'clock at night. Guo Xuehua, Wang Ma, and Hui Lin, who had gone out for some self-care treatments, were already home. Zhenxiu, who attended night classes, was upstairs doing her homework.

Entering the living room, Guo Xuehua greeted them with a kind smile, "You're back! Did you have a good time?"

Lin Ruoxi pursed her lips, staying silent, and indicated with her eyes for Yang Chen to speak.

Yang Chen nodded, "It was a bit lonely with just the two of us. Next time, you all don't have to coordinate your activities so uniformly."

"You're such a child. We meant well. You two aren't close enough yet, so it's good to spend more time dating," Guo Xuehua said frankly.

Yang Chen chuckled nonchalantly and then noticed a large pile of shopping bags by the sofa. "You all went shopping?"

Wang Ma replied sheepishly, "Yes, son-in-law. We ended up buying so many clothes. Looking at it now, a lot of it wasn't really necessary."

"That's not true. These clothes look really nice on you, Wang Ma," Hui Lin said with a sweet smile.

"An old woman like me doesn't need these new clothes," Wang Ma said, her eyes crinkling with crow's feet but her smile full of grace and charm.

They chatted for a while, and Wang Ma made tea for Yang Chen and Lin Ruoxi. Suddenly, she remembered something and addressed Lin Ruoxi, "Miss, now that Miss Zhenxiu is living with us, the house feels a bit crowded. Earlier today, while shopping, Madam Guo mentioned something that made sense. In the future, you and the young master will have children. In a family like ours, we should have many children. When that time comes, this house will definitely be too small. It might be a good idea to move while it's still convenient."


Lin Ruoxi didn't catch much of what was said, but the word "children" stood out to her. She stared blankly at Guo Xuehua, who was smiling and nodding in agreement, and then at Yang Chen, who was rubbing his nose and trying to look serious.

Lin Ruoxi could hardly believe she had ever felt so conflicted. She felt a mix of wanting to cry but having no tears.