
Hades, the Urban Legend

Synopsis: Yang Chen, the inheritor of the divine throne of Hades, was separated from his family at a young age and sold to a foreign assassin organization. Enduring the darkest of worlds, he eventually returned to his homeland incognito. Intending to live a low-profile life as a street vendor selling lamb skewers, fate took an unexpected turn when he married a well-known local corporate CEO. Hoping for a quiet existence, he found himself drawn into the role of a guardian knight due to the presence of beautiful women from various walks of life. As he navigates through these connections, his past experiences and former comrades resurface. Inadvertently, he delves into the world of cultivation in China and uncovers the essence of this world.

yin_chenghao · Urban
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453 Chs

Chapter 394: The Last Plate Left

Hearing Lin Ruoxi's words, Yang Chen once again realized that a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law conflict was gradually arising. He sighed inwardly, realizing he was now facing a family drama, yet he found it somewhat enjoyable. Smiling, he said, "Don't say that. I wouldn't, and I can't bear to bully you. She's my mother and also your mother. She just can't stand the way we get along, it's not aimed at you."

"I can judge for myself, I don't need your explanation," Lin Ruoxi said coldly and was about to get into her car.

Yang Chen swiftly moved to block her path. "Don't be in such a rush. Leave the car here for now. It's already noon, let's go have lunch together."

"You can go eat by yourself," Lin Ruoxi replied, unwilling to comply.

Yang Chen showed a troubled expression and said, "Wife, if you don't go to lunch with me, I might just hug you right here and carry you to lunch. Being seen by people on the street... that actually sounds like a good option."

"You... how can you be like this?!" Lin Ruoxi exclaimed, taking two steps back in surprise.

Yang Chen spread his hands. "Since the day you met me, didn't you always say I was a rascal?"

"You just said you wouldn't bully me, and now you're bullying me again!" Lin Ruoxi gritted her teeth.

Yang Chen laughed. "How is this bullying? We're just going to have a meal together. You've been shopping for my clothes all morning; you must be hungry. What if you starve?"

As he spoke, he moved closer to Lin Ruoxi.

Lin Ruoxi, having no other choice and truly fearing this thick-skinned guy might actually carry her, reluctantly agreed. "I'll go with you. Just... don't come near me."

Yang Chen grinned. "You should've agreed earlier. Why make me 'win you over' with my charm? Show off a bit of the man's presence in the family."

Lin Ruoxi pretended not to hear him, suspecting that if she took him seriously, he might drive her crazy.

They walked out of Yuzong Tower together, deciding not to drive since finding parking during lunch hour would be difficult.

Yang Chen walked ahead while Lin Ruoxi followed behind, her head slightly lowered, looking unwilling but helpless.

Yang Chen, seeing her look like a little girl being wronged, felt rather happy. Compared to when they first met, when Lin Ruoxi was always cold and expressionless, she now showed much more emotion, at least in front of him.

Suddenly, Yang Chen stopped in the middle of the street.

Lin Ruoxi, not paying attention, walked right into his broad back.

"Ah," she exclaimed, rubbing her forehead in frustration. She looked at Yang Chen, not sure whether to be angry or not, with a conflicted expression.

This man was bullying her again!

Yang Chen smiled gently. "Honey, don't walk with your head down, or you'll bump into a utility pole. Come, walk with me."

Before Lin Ruoxi could react, Yang Chen took a step back and grabbed her delicate hand.

Feeling her hand being held tightly by his warm, large hand, Lin Ruoxi blushed. She wanted to ask him to let go, but with people all around, it would draw too much attention.

Yang Chen gave her no time to consider and led her forward, just like any other couple on the street.

Lin Ruoxi's shy and beautiful appearance turned many heads. While not everyone looked, a solid ninety percent did.

Fortunately, Yang Chen was thick-skinned, and Lin Ruoxi, feeling nervous with her heart racing, had no energy to care about other people's gazes.

In a daze, she walked hand-in-hand with Yang Chen for about ten minutes until he stopped again.

Lin Ruoxi, now calm and lost in a strange mood, asked naturally, "What's wrong?"

Yang Chen pointed to a bustling shop by the roadside. "Let's eat here."

Lin Ruoxi looked and saw a clean and lively Northeastern dumpling restaurant.

It wasn't that Yang Chen hadn't had enough dumplings at Mo Qianni's house; rather, this dumpling restaurant was hosting an event that caught many people's attention.

Lin Ruoxi quickly noticed the reason for the crowd. Outside the dumpling restaurant, a large wooden board displayed a poster with exaggerated text reading "Spring Festival Dumpling King Contest."

The contest details stated that anyone who could eat eighty-eight dumplings in ten minutes would get their meal for free, a free dumpling feast, and a limited-edition "Dumpling Doll," a chubby, cute dumpling plushie that many women adored. However, if participants failed, they would have to pay for the eighty-eight dumplings and receive no consolation prize.

Such an event seemed manageable at first glance, but participating proved that being a "big eater" wasn't easy. The dumplings were packed with meat, each one hefty. A typical person would struggle to eat forty or fifty, let alone eighty-eight, especially for those in the South, who generally had smaller appetites compared to Northerners.

However, the challenge and the chance to win a prize attracted many. The cost of eighty-eight dumplings wasn't high, so many people tried their luck. Some men participated because their girlfriends or wives wanted the adorable dumpling plushie, hoping to win it and make their partners happy.

As a result, the spectators far outnumbered the participants.

Lin Ruoxi also noticed the chubby dumpling plushie on display, finding it indeed very cute. She quickly turned to Yang Chen, who looked eager, and said, "You... you're not thinking of...?"

"Hehe, honey, just wait here. I'll win that prize for you and take care of lunch at the same time," Yang Chen said cheerfully.

Lin Ruoxi shook her head hastily. "Are you crazy? Eating eighty-eight dumplings could make you burst!"

"I can handle it. Don't underestimate me because I'm not as big as those guys. I can eat a hundred without a problem," Yang Chen assured her.

Lin Ruoxi wanted to say more, but Yang Chen was already dragging her to the counter, where he told the staff, "I'd like to sign up. What do I need to do?"

The staff, a young man with slicked-back hair, initially thought Yang Chen was some laborer but then saw Lin Ruoxi, who looked elegant and frowned slightly. Feeling a pang of envy, he forced a smile and said, "Sir, you need to show your ID, sign a waiver and a disclaimer, and then you can participate."

Without hesitation, Yang Chen handed over his ID, signed the documents, and sat down at the designated eating area.

Lin Ruoxi reluctantly followed and stood behind him, enduring the curious and intense gazes from the crowd. She felt uncomfortable but pretended not to notice, internally cursing Yang Chen for his ridiculous idea of participating in such a contest when they could easily afford lunch.

The server brought the first plate of dumplings, a large plate filled with twenty-two dumplings, making some of the female customers feel full just looking at it.

Without a word, Yang Chen picked up his chopsticks, grabbed a dumpling, and shoved it into his mouth without even dipping it in vinegar.

Lin Ruoxi frowned and couldn't help but say, "Eat slower. Don't choke. Dip it in vinegar; it'll help with digestion. Oh, why aren't you even chewing properly?"

With his mouth full, Yang Chen chewed vigorously and mumbled, "Why are they all pork and cabbage? How about some with chives or celery?"

His comment caused a burst of laughter from the crowd. The waitress smiled awkwardly and said, "Sorry, sir. Our contest dumplings are all pork and cabbage."

Lin Ruoxi felt exasperated. This guy still had the energy to think about the filling when he hadn't even finished half of the first plate.

Before long, Yang Chen finished the first plate with eight minutes left. The server brought out the second plate, again with twenty-two dumplings.

Yang Chen continued to devour the dumplings without hesitation. Lin Ruoxi, watching him, lost her appetite. "If you can't eat anymore, don't force yourself," she said.

Yang Chen waved his hand to indicate he was fine.

He ate the second plate even faster than the first, finishing it in just one and a half minutes. This surprised not only the server but also the onlookers, who now focused more on Yang Chen than on the beautiful Lin Ruoxi.

"Third plate, sir, please," the waitress said, sweating nervously. She wanted to say "enjoy your meal," but that didn't seem appropriate. Saying "eat quickly" was even worse.

Yang Chen appeared quite relaxed. He had a large appetite to begin with, and now, by channeling his true energy, he could finely control his digestion. The dumplings, while filling his stomach, were quickly being broken down by his internal energy, making it much easier for him than for a regular person.

After finishing the third plate, Yang Chen burped, feeling his stomach was about three-quarters full. He could still eat more, but the constant taste of pork and cabbage was starting to make him uncomfortable.

Lin Ruoxi noticed Yang Chen's expression and couldn't help but feel concerned. Despite often making her angry, he was still her husband, and she cared for him. "Don't eat anymore. Your face is turning pale," she said.

Yang Chen shook his head and forced a smile. "Just one more plate left."

The waitress brought the fourth and final plate of dumplings. Yang Chen took a deep breath and began eating again. Despite his discomfort, he was determined to finish the challenge for Lin Ruoxi.

As he chewed through the last few dumplings, the crowd watched in anticipation. Lin Ruoxi's worry grew, but she knew Yang Chen well enough to understand his stubborn determination.

Finally, with just a few seconds left on the clock, Yang Chen swallowed the last dumpling. He leaned back in his chair, taking deep breaths to steady himself. The crowd erupted in cheers and applause.

The waitress, still in disbelief, congratulated him. "Congratulations, sir! You've won the challenge. Your meal is free, and you've also won the dumpling feast and the limited-edition dumpling doll."

Lin Ruoxi sighed with relief, a mixture of admiration and exasperation on her face. Yang Chen, though exhausted, looked pleased with himself. "See? I told you I could do it," he said, smiling at her.

Lin Ruoxi couldn't help but smile back, albeit reluctantly. "You're unbelievable," she said softly, but there was a hint of affection in her voice.

As they collected their prize and left the restaurant, Lin Ruoxi held onto the dumpling doll, her earlier frustration melting away. For a moment, they walked in silence, the bustling city around them, but in their own little world, they shared a rare moment of understanding and connection.