
Hades, the Urban Legend

Synopsis: Yang Chen, the inheritor of the divine throne of Hades, was separated from his family at a young age and sold to a foreign assassin organization. Enduring the darkest of worlds, he eventually returned to his homeland incognito. Intending to live a low-profile life as a street vendor selling lamb skewers, fate took an unexpected turn when he married a well-known local corporate CEO. Hoping for a quiet existence, he found himself drawn into the role of a guardian knight due to the presence of beautiful women from various walks of life. As he navigates through these connections, his past experiences and former comrades resurface. Inadvertently, he delves into the world of cultivation in China and uncovers the essence of this world.

yin_chenghao · Urban
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453 Chs

Chapter 388: The Old Man

A trace of fresh blood lingered at the corner of his mouth, diluted by the seawater, making it less conspicuous.

Ares' gaze, like that of a lion calmed after a fit of rage, fixed on Yang Chen for a moment before he asked, "Is this the inner strength of Yanxia?"

"Yes," Yang Chen nodded. "To be honest, I'm also quite puzzled. Today is the first time I've realized that this energy can actually disregard the laws of space."

A complex expression flashed in Ares' eyes. After a long while, he said, "You've won."

Yang Chen was taken aback, then smiled. "As expected, just like the rumors say, you always claim victory before a fight, but you are also quick to admit defeat."

Ares, with a look of resentment, said, "Do you take me for a coward who can't let go? If I lose, I'll win back with my fists next time! Even though you've beaten me today, you still can't kill me. Your Yanxia techniques can hurt me, but as for hunting me down, you should know very well that it's impossible."

"I know," Yang Chen nodded. "I never intended to kill you. Killing you only for you to reincarnate for a few hundred years again doesn't hold much meaning."

"Good that you know," a hint of struggle flashed in Ares' eyes. "Since you've won, the Divine Stone naturally belongs to you. However, once I find a way to counter you, I will challenge you again! One day, I will seize the Divine Stone!"

Yang Chen asked in frustration, "Why do you have to do this? You are already immortal, why do you need the Divine Stone so badly?"

"Because of the same reason," Ares sneered.

Yang Chen, recalling the history he knew, frowned and asked, "After thousands of years, can you still not accept this world? The other main gods have integrated into this world, why can't you and Athena?"

"Because that is the meaning of my existence. Although I dislike Athena, I admire her persistence in maintaining our beliefs," Ares chuckled a few times, coughed, and said, "I'm leaving now. I'll take my Sandstorm people with me. You keep the Divine Stone safe, and don't lose it. I'll come back for it."

With that, Ares disappeared from mid-air in a flash.

Yang Chen sighed, suddenly finding this guy quite endearing. Despite thousands of years, he had never changed his ideals, which made Yang Chen admire his persistence.

After collecting his thoughts, a cloud of gloom flashed in Yang Chen's eyes. Taking a deep breath, he slowly descended to the ruins of the base.

There, Cai Ning, Master Yunmiao, and the awakened Lin Zhiguo and others were all eagerly waiting.

"How did it go? Did that God of War leave? What about the Divine Stone?" Normally calm, Cai Ning couldn't help but step forward and ask anxiously.

Yang Chen gave her a slight smile. "He couldn't beat me, so he ran away. He said the Divine Stone is left behind."

"Is that so? What a relief," Cai Ning smiled knowingly. Master Yunmiao and Yu Jizi also exchanged smiles.

But Lin Zhiguo still looked troubled, as if something was weighing on his mind.

Yang Chen walked up to Lin Zhiguo, stared him straight in the eyes, and asked expressionlessly, "Is there something you need to explain?"

Lin Zhiguo was taken aback, and asked in return, "Explain what?"

"Regarding the mess you caused this time," Yang Chen said, his eyes already showing a hint of killing intent.

Lin Zhiguo's face darkened, and he smiled bitterly. "So you already know."

"I'm waiting for you to confess," Yang Chen replied coldly.

"I figured as much. Since Orlenos—or rather, Ares—has been deceiving me from the start, he must have exposed me," Lin Zhiguo said, becoming more candid now that he realized Yang Chen knew the truth.

"What's going on? What are you two talking about?" Master Yunmiao and the others asked, confused.

Yang Chen said nothing, waiting for Lin Zhiguo to speak.

Lin Zhiguo thought silently for a while before speaking in a low voice. "Yes, everything was indeed my design."

Everyone was even more confused, watching Lin Zhiguo tensely. Meanwhile, Hui Yi closed his eyes in pain.

"Yun'er, do you remember where our son and daughter-in-law died?" Lin Zhiguo suddenly asked Master Yunmiao.

Master Yunmiao was taken aback, her face showing sorrow. "In Kashmir?"

"Yes, in Kashmir, at the border of India and Pakistan," Lin Zhiguo said with a sarcastic smile. "I was the one who sent them there."

"Why bring this up?"

"I want to tell you that it was people from India's Brahma who killed our son and daughter-in-law," Lin Zhiguo said.

Yang Chen and the others were shocked. Yang Chen recalled that when he was in Tibet, Master Yunmiao had briefly mentioned Lin Zhiguo's "sins," including their son and daughter-in-law's deaths in Kashmir, but he hadn't paid much attention then.

Master Yunmiao's eyes reddened. "Is that true?"

"Yes, I spent over twenty years investigating, and it was only last year that I confirmed it was Brahma's people who killed them in Kashmir," Lin Zhiguo said, his eyes filled with resentment. "If it weren't for them, our son and daughter-in-law wouldn't have died, Hui'er wouldn't have grown up without parents, and you wouldn't have left me. Our family wouldn't have become so miserable."

Master Yunmiao turned away to wipe her eyes. "What's the point of saying this now? It's all in the past."

"No, it isn't over. What I'm about to say starts with that event over twenty years ago." Lin Zhiguo's explanation left everyone in the room stunned and incredulous.

Just last month, the Yanhuang Iron Brigade received intelligence that Brahma from India planned to sabotage Yanxia's nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. Brahma had also hired Sandstorm, a top Middle Eastern mercenary group, to assist.

This news infuriated Lin Zhiguo, but he knew the situation was dire, as the opponent's strength was formidable.

Lin Zhiguo, already harboring a deep hatred for Brahma due to his children's deaths, could not tolerate this threat to his country. In considering how to respond, he thought of using Yang Chen's strength, and a bold, risky plan emerged in his mind.

Lin Zhiguo secretly contacted Sandstorm's leader, Orlenos, also known as Ares. He told Ares he could offer double the amount Brahma was paying to stage a counterintelligence operation.

The plan was simple: use Yang Chen and Sandstorm to eliminate Brahma's people at the aircraft carrier base.

Moreover, Lin Zhiguo had his eyes on the Divine Stone Yang Chen possessed. Though he had always coveted the stone, he had never had the chance to seize it. He knew turning against Yang Chen outright would have severe consequences.

Thus, this counterintelligence operation became an opportunity.

First, Lin Zhiguo contacted Sandstorm and offered double Brahma's price to stage a play. After Sandstorm agreed, Lin Zhiguo contacted Brahma, proposing an exchange: the Divine Stone for the aircraft carrier.

Lin Zhiguo promised Brahma he would help them obtain Yang Chen's Divine Stone, as he could accurately identify Yang Chen's associates and mobilize the Yanhuang Iron Brigade to avoid interfering. Brahma had to agree not to destroy the aircraft carrier with Sandstorm.

Knowing the importance of the Divine Stone, Brahma agreed to cooperate with Lin Zhiguo to force Yang Chen to surrender the real stone.

When Brahma and Sandstorm arrived in Zhonghai, Lin Zhiguo pretended to be captured by Brahma in a sneak attack, designing it so that Yang Chen would rush to the aircraft carrier base, leaving his family unprotected.

As for the Sea Eagle team, Lin Zhiguo had already disclosed their exact location to Sandstorm, allowing them to be controlled.

Lin Zhiguo's plan was meticulous. As long as Brahma, through Sandstorm, obtained the Divine Stone, Yang Chen wouldn't suspect that he had it. He would only think Brahma had taken it.

Furthermore, Brahma would certainly capture Lin Ruoxi and others as hostages, thoroughly enraging Yang Chen. In reality, it would be Lin Zhiguo who possessed the Divine Stone, not just him but the Yanhuang Iron Brigade and the Lin family. By the time Brahma realized that Sandstorm had taken the Divine Stone and hadn't handed it over, they would already be scapegoats.

Moreover, with Sandstorm's internal help, Lin Ruoxi and the other hostages could be rescued, and Yang Chen would certainly kill Brahma's people. Even if Brahma was killed and the Divine Stone wasn't found, Yang Chen wouldn't suspect Lin Zhiguo.

Unfortunately, Lin Zhiguo miscalculated one crucial person—Ares!

Ares, the God of War, intended to seize the Divine Stone and kill Yang Chen, using both Brahma and the Yanhuang Iron Brigade as mere tools for his amusement. Being inherently combative, he reveled in orchestrating such conflicts.

Thus, from start to finish, Brahma was merely a pawn exploited by both sides. Lin Zhiguo thought he was the mantis stalking the cicada, unaware of Ares, the oriole, behind him.

After Lin Zhiguo explained everything, everyone looked at him with indescribable expressions. Master Yunmiao was shocked, then filled with sorrow and disappointment. Yu Jizi was indignant. Cai Ning bowed her head, unwilling to speak or look at Lin Zhiguo. Hui Yi seemed to have known all along, standing silently.

Yang Chen, half-amused, said, "No wonder the aircraft carrier was relocated so early, vanishing without a trace. No wonder you miscalculated the enemy's arrival time. Not only did you miscalculate, but the enemy also knew all our locations in advance. By the way, when Yang Lie suddenly came to my house to take Hui Lin away, that was your doing, right? You knew my family would be taken as hostages, so you had Yang Lie take Hui Lin to protect her, right?"

Lin Zhiguo smiled bitterly. "I didn't expect you to figure that out as well. Yes, I secretly let Yang Lie know Hui Lin was at your place. Unfortunately, that fool failed to take her away. Maybe it was fate. My plan failed, but at least Hui Lin is safe."

Yang Chen laughed. "You had a few more loopholes, but I must admit, your plan was brilliant and nearly flawless. Your only mistake was bad luck, with Sandstorm's leader being Ares. That guy was born for battle and war. He's no schemer, but he's not stupid."

"Humph, and an untrustworthy one at that," Lin Zhiguo said disdainfully.

Yang Chen laughed heartily. "Do you really think he exposed you?"

"What?!" Lin Zhiguo suddenly realized, trembling, and pointed at Yang Chen. "Did you trick me?!"

Everyone else looked at Yang Chen in surprise.

Yang Chen nodded. "Yes, I initially suspected you were behind all this, but I couldn't be sure. So, I wanted to test you. Who knew you'd actually confess? Ares said nothing and just left. If you hadn't been guilty, I wouldn't have found out the truth so quickly."

Lin Zhiguo staggered back a few steps, looking utterly defeated.

"You made so many plans, even sacrificing your men, like Tianlong, who almost died. And in the end, look at what happened. Honestly, I can't understand your thinking. Your actions are suicidal," Yang Chen sighed.

Lin Zhiguo suddenly started laughing coldly, gradually growing louder and more manic. "What do you understand?! What do you know?! Do you know how much pain I've endured?!"

"Let me tell you, Yang Chen," Lin Zhiguo said, "I've been the head of the Lin family for over twenty, almost thirty years. Because I serve as a general in the Yanhuang Iron Brigade, I couldn't be too high-profile, so the Lin family has always been considered a second-rate family in Yanjing. Even though I lead an organization dedicated to defending Yanxia, I've had to endure the disdainful looks and sneers from a bunch of fools without being able to retort! For almost thirty years, I've silently endured this. And what have I gotten in return? The Lin family hasn't grown; my son and daughter-in-law sacrificed their lives for the country! My wife and granddaughter live far away in the mountains, leaving me a lonely old man at home! Even my relatives think I'm incompetent and can't make the Lin family flourish!"

Lin Zhiguo shouted, causing Master Yunmiao's eyes to gradually moisten with a look of pity and sorrow. Hui Yi closed his eyes in pain, clearly aware of the hardships Lin Zhiguo had faced.

Lin Zhiguo, his breath uneven and veins bulging on his forehead, continued, "Over the years, other countries have been constantly strengthening their covert security organizations. Whether it's the Blue Storm of the United States, the Soviet Order of Russia, or unofficial groups like the Eight-Headed Society, the Church, and the Jaguar, they all grow faster than our Yanhuang Iron Brigade! We have the largest numbers, but our quality is declining! We lose over ten soldiers to defeat one enemy agent. How can such an organization protect this country?! We've been seeking development, but who helps us?! Those fools are only interested in fame and fortune, not realizing that without us, they would have been torn apart by foreign organizations long ago! If not for this country, do you think, as an elder, I would humble myself to you, endure your sneers, and not retort?!"

Yang Chen remained silent. Lin Zhiguo's words had some truth; although he had taken a wrong path, his feelings were understandable.

"I've had enough of being looked down upon and humbling myself to people who are clearly worse than me," Lin Zhiguo scoffed. "Since things have come to this, I have no intention of staying in this position any longer. Yang Chen, if you have any conscience, don't speak of today's events. I just want to resign and go back to live out my days as a retired old man."

Before Yang Chen could respond, a deep, slightly magnetic male voice came from behind the small hill of rubble.

"If you've made a mistake, you must be punished. Escaping means not acknowledging your mistake."

Everyone was startled and looked in that direction.

Yang Chen was particularly shocked. Someone had approached so close without him noticing?! How was that possible?!