
Hades, the Urban Legend

Synopsis: Yang Chen, the inheritor of the divine throne of Hades, was separated from his family at a young age and sold to a foreign assassin organization. Enduring the darkest of worlds, he eventually returned to his homeland incognito. Intending to live a low-profile life as a street vendor selling lamb skewers, fate took an unexpected turn when he married a well-known local corporate CEO. Hoping for a quiet existence, he found himself drawn into the role of a guardian knight due to the presence of beautiful women from various walks of life. As he navigates through these connections, his past experiences and former comrades resurface. Inadvertently, he delves into the world of cultivation in China and uncovers the essence of this world.

yin_chenghao · Urban
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453 Chs

Chapter 380: Just These Three

Seeing the truck hurtling toward him like a raging beast, Yang Chen couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart. This was a suicidal attack! If the truck hit him, the tanker would undoubtedly explode! The driver, determined to take Yang Chen down, was clearly prepared to die.

While Yang Chen wasn't afraid of such an explosion, he didn't see the point in headbutting the truck. Besides, he'd grown quite fond of this BMW, and it was borrowed from his wife!

Turning around was impossible, so Yang Chen floored the accelerator without hesitation.


The BMW roared like a crazed lion, the engine thundering as it hit 240 kilometers per hour, cutting a white line across the highway like a lightning bolt!

In the split second before the collision, Yang Chen yanked the handbrake while sharply turning the steering wheel!


The piercing sound of the tires screeching against the asphalt was enough to burst a person's eardrums. The BMW executed a bizarre drift, narrowly avoiding the tanker. The sudden brake caused the tires to spark dark red embers, leaving a trail of dust and smoke as it skidded to a stop on the roadside.

The tanker, failing to collide, braked hard and stopped in the middle of the road.

It was late at night, and while there were occasional cars on the highway, none dared to stop and investigate such an unusual scene. Everyone who passed sped away quickly, sensing something was terribly wrong.

Yang Chen left his car running and got out. In the beam of the headlights, two figures emerged from the tanker and began moving toward him.

Yang Chen quickly recognized the two men. They were the same Sandstorm mercenaries who had tried to kill Tianlong and Yezi at Mo Qianni's house.

The white turbans they wore earlier were gone, revealing their dirty, battered heads. Their white clothes were disheveled and filthy, but the hostility in their eyes remained unchanged.

Yang Chen was surprised. He had thrown them from a height of over ten meters, and yet here they were, unscathed! Although he knew the Sandstorm mercenaries were on par with his Sea Eagle subordinates, their physical resilience seemed even more impressive.

Without a word, the two mercenaries simultaneously sprang into action, attacking Yang Chen from both sides!

They weren't using firearms, seemingly aware that guns were ineffective against Yang Chen. Instead, they wore spiked steel knuckle dusters, the cold steel glinting in the night as they rained down blows on Yang Chen like a storm.

Yang Chen realized his aura had no effect on these two. They seemed immune to fear, even the natural human fear of death.

These mercenaries had undergone some sort of special modification, far beyond ordinary training!

With these questions swirling in his mind, Yang Chen's hands moved swiftly. He channeled his true energy, creating a powerful spiral force between his palms, deflecting the mercenaries' punches.

As their attacks missed, Yang Chen's hands darted forward, aiming to strike the tops of their heads!

The mercenaries reacted with inhuman speed, deflecting his strikes and countering with deadly precision. Yang Chen could feel the raw, enhanced strength behind their moves. He realized that these weren't ordinary men but likely augmented soldiers designed for combat.

Determined to end the fight quickly, Yang Chen increased his true energy flow, his strikes becoming faster and more forceful. He dodged and parried their blows, each movement calculated and deadly. The battle on the deserted highway was intense, with only the sound of fists clashing and the occasional grunt of exertion.

Yang Chen knew he had to disable them before they could execute any more suicidal tactics. He saw an opening, and with a swift, decisive move, he disarmed one mercenary and sent him sprawling to the ground.

The second mercenary, seeing his comrade fall, launched a desperate, frenzied attack. Yang Chen met his assault head-on, using his enhanced reflexes to parry and counter. In a final, powerful move, he struck the mercenary's chest, sending him flying back against the tanker.

With both attackers incapacitated, Yang Chen took a moment to catch his breath. He looked at the fallen mercenaries, wondering who could have trained or modified them to such a level.

The highway was eerily quiet now, the adrenaline of the fight still coursing through his veins. Yang Chen knew this was just the beginning; whoever sent these men was still out there, and he needed answers. He got back into his car and sped towards the aircraft carrier base, ready to confront whatever lay ahead.

"Bang! Bang!"

Two loud thuds echoed as Yang Chen's hands, capable of shattering rocks, struck the two men on their foreheads. However, instead of the expected scene of their heads splitting open, only a mist of blood erupted from their foreheads. They glared murderously at Yang Chen, continuing to swing their fists at him!

Yang Chen was taken aback. These two had bodies tough enough to withstand his blows! Even though he hadn't used his full strength, even Blue Storm agents couldn't endure such a hit; their heads would have caved in!

What kind of monsters were these Sandstorm mercenaries?!


The two mercenaries didn't speak, only let out beast-like roars, and their powerful fists again slammed into Yang Chen!

Yang Chen didn't dodge. Though their fists were strong, the steel spikes could only pierce his clothes.

Receiving their attacks, Yang Chen grabbed both men's throats with his hands.

"Crack, crack…"

With a slight exertion of force, Yang Chen crushed their throats!

Normally, even the strongest person would die if their throat was crushed. But these two Sandstorm warriors just kept roaring, their hands continuing to pummel Yang Chen! Yang Chen frowned. Were they zombies? They seemed like the undead creatures from Western myths! Did they not need to breathe?

If all Sandstorm soldiers were like this, it was no wonder they could dominate the war-torn Middle East in just two years. It took much more than a year or two to train such elite mercenaries.

However, no matter how strong their bodies were, they couldn't surpass Yang Chen's god-level physique or withstand his innate true energy at the Great Perfection level!

Unwilling to waste more time figuring out these two, Yang Chen's hands turned into blades, concentrating pure innate true energy, and he slashed down on their heads!

Their skulls were smashed in, brains and blood splattering everywhere.

Finally, the two mercenaries stopped their instinctive attacks and collapsed, their brains apparently still their weakness.

Yang Chen didn't feel particularly relieved. He had managed to crush their skulls because he could withstand their attacks. If other members of the Yanhuang Iron Brigade faced such relentless, undead-like monsters, they would likely be killed!

Returning to his car, Yang Chen quickly started it and headed toward the aircraft carrier base while dialing Sea Eagle team member Mo Lin.

When Mo Lin answered, Yang Chen could hear the fierce sounds of battle and shouting, and even Mo Lin sounded out of breath and furious.

"Hades! Damn it! Someone has attacked our base! It looks like they're Sandstorm people!" Mo Lin shouted.

Mo Lin's loss of composure and yelling indicated that the situation was dire.

"I'm coming to you right now," Yang Chen said without wasting words.

"Absolutely not!" Mo Lin shouted back. "Since it's Sandstorm, we'll defend Sea Eagle's honor with our fists!"

"Can you manage?" Yang Chen asked seriously.

"Please trust us," Mo Lin replied solemnly.

Yang Chen ended the call and continued driving toward the aircraft carrier base. The questions in his mind deepened. Sandstorm and Brahma's people knew exactly where the Sea Eagle team was stationed, which meant they knew Yang Chen would help Lin Zhiguo. But how could they know this? Was there a leak? An insider?

The situation was becoming more complicated. It was clear the Sea Eagle team couldn't assist in securing the base. The only force Yang Chen could rely on now was himself.

The coordinates given by Lin Zhiguo led to a near-abandoned port near Zhonghai, a desolate place rarely visited by anyone.

During high tides, this port would see massive waves. Decades ago, many people were swept away by the tides, leading to the government abandoning it and secretly constructing an aircraft carrier base there.

Following the winding stone path, Yang Chen arrived at the port, where withered wild grass stretched to the horizon. The old concrete ground barely hinted at the bustling scene it once was, while the surrounding factories were nearly all in ruins.

As soon as Yang Chen got out of the car, three figures emerged from the darkness ahead. Upon closer inspection, he recognized them as Cai Ning, who had called him earlier, along with Jade Master and Yun Miao, the nun.

Yang Chen smiled wryly, "I hope it's not just the three of you here."

"Unfortunately, it is," Cai Ning replied with a melancholic expression. "We couldn't reach anyone else. If it weren't for the extraordinary abilities of the Daoist and the nun, we probably wouldn't have made it here either."

Yang Chen then noticed that Yun Miao's face was quite pale, indicating that she had expended a lot of her true energy and hadn't fully recovered.

"Where exactly is the base?" Yang Chen asked.

Cai Ning pointed to a distant cliff, whose silhouette was faintly visible in the darkness. It seemed to be dozens of meters high and was either naturally formed or deliberately constructed as a cover.

"Climb over there, and you'll reach an elevator near the base's entrance below the cliff."

"Let's go."

Without another word, Yang Chen and the three of them headed toward the cliff.

As they moved forward, Yun Miao spoke gratefully, "Thank you for coming. If it weren't for you, we might not be able to handle this enemy."

"No need to thank me. They almost killed my woman, so they deserve to die," Yang Chen thought of the attack on Haiying. If he did nothing, it would be too cold-hearted.

Cai Ning frowned, "Was Ruoxi attacked?"

Yang Chen shook his head, "Someone else."

A peculiar look flashed in Cai Ning's eyes, but she didn't ask further.

Seeing Yun Miao's poor complexion, Yang Chen asked, "Do you know who attacked you?"

Jade Master replied, "From what we heard, they seem to be called Heitian, Jialouluo, and Molo, just those three."

Yang Chen thought for a moment and said, "It must be Heitian and Dali Molo. Those two are said to be the two main avatars of Vishnu, the guardian god in Indian mythology. Heitian is slightly stronger, and Dali Molo is his younger brother. As for Jialouluo, it's the name of Heitian's divine bird mount."

"What? Avatars? Can they combine into one?" Yun Miao was unsettled to hear that the three who had given them so much trouble were actually just one person and a beast.

Yang Chen shook his head, "I don't know. That's just a legend from Indian mythology. Brahma is too mysterious, and many ancient Indian techniques are only known through hearsay."

"No matter what, even if they held back their strength, we must stop them as soon as possible. Hopefully, the base's defenses haven't been breached yet, and the general is temporarily safe," Jade Master said calmly.

Yun Miao's face darkened, but it was unclear whether she was worried about the aircraft carrier base or concerned about her husband, whom she had never seen eye to eye with.