
Hades, the Urban Legend

Synopsis: Yang Chen, the inheritor of the divine throne of Hades, was separated from his family at a young age and sold to a foreign assassin organization. Enduring the darkest of worlds, he eventually returned to his homeland incognito. Intending to live a low-profile life as a street vendor selling lamb skewers, fate took an unexpected turn when he married a well-known local corporate CEO. Hoping for a quiet existence, he found himself drawn into the role of a guardian knight due to the presence of beautiful women from various walks of life. As he navigates through these connections, his past experiences and former comrades resurface. Inadvertently, he delves into the world of cultivation in China and uncovers the essence of this world.

yin_chenghao · Urban
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453 Chs

Chapter 377: The Dharma Aspect

Just fifteen minutes before Yang Chen and his team were attacked, outside the Cai family's fortified courtyard in Zhonghai, a tall and graceful woman in a black leather suit was striding impatiently, her boots clicking crisply on the stone floor. This woman was Cai Ning.

Following closely behind her was a man in a suit, exuding a suave demeanor, with a fawning smile on his face, incessantly talking.

"Ning'er, I've already spoken with my father. Next month, he has a meeting in Zhonghai and will meet with Uncle Cai. Our matter will be settled then."

Cai Ning stopped in her tracks and couldn't help but turn around to glare at the man. "Yong Ye, how many times do I have to tell you? I don't like you. Why can't you understand that?"

The man, the leader of Dragon Group Two, Yong Ye, wasn't deterred by her words. He laughed sheepishly, "Ning'er, you've been training in the Tang Sect since childhood, and haven't had the chance to interact with men your age. Besides me, no one is worthy of you. We are a match made in heaven. Even if you can't see my merits now, you'll know how considerate a husband I am once we're married."

Cai Ning, enraged to the point of laughter, retorted, "A match made in heaven? Who told you that? Say it again, and I'll shoot my 'Violent Rain Pear Blossom Needles' straight at your face!"

Yong Ye turned pale, cursing inwardly, which old fool taught her that hidden weapon technique?! If I ever get her, I'll make sure to cripple her hands so she can't threaten me anymore!

Though such thoughts roiled within, Yong Ye dared not express them. He continued to smile ingratiatingly, looking innocent, "Alright, alright, I won't say it anymore. Anyway, our matter will be settled soon enough."

Cai Ning, who had initially had no strong feelings towards Yong Ye—a man of mediocre skills who had secured his position through connections—had become thoroughly annoyed by his relentless pursuit over the past two years.

In contrast, Yong Ye viewed ordinary women as worthless, no matter how beautiful they were. To him, they could never compare to the allure of the skilled beauties among the Eight Divisions. Thus, his initial admiration for Cai Ning had turned into an obsessive pursuit, and her continued indifference only fueled his desire for her.

As the two of them entered the main hall of the Cai family mansion, the head of the Cai family, Cai Yuncheng, was having tea with Master Yunmiao and Taoist Priest Yujizi, who had been staying there. Several members of Dragon Group Two were also present, awaiting their leader, Yong Ye.

Seeing Yong Ye trailing behind Cai Ning, with her evident displeasure, Cai Yuncheng could only sigh inwardly.

He felt an immense guilt towards his eldest daughter, Cai Ning. Although Cai Yan had grown up independently, she had stayed with her parents. Cai Ning, on the other hand, had been sent to the Tang Sect in Sichuan at the age of ten, rarely coming home, and her parents had no opportunity to visit her in the highly secretive Tang Sect.

Thus, when Cai Ning returned after completing her training, Cai Yuncheng and his wife tried to shower her with affection. However, their eldest daughter, with her unparalleled martial arts skills and lightness techniques, was independent and required no care. She could handle everything on her own and even take care of her sister and family.

Therefore, finding a good husband for Cai Ning seemed the most worthwhile effort. Unfortunately, being in a powerful family had its complexities. Although Yong Ye's parents were on par with the Cai family, the faction they belonged to in Yan Capital was beyond the Cai family's reach. Even knowing that Cai Ning disliked Yong Ye, Cai Yuncheng had to constantly remind her not to offend him. If Yong Ye's parents turned against them, the Cai family might not withstand the consequences.

Thus, Cai Ning endured Yong Ye's relentless pursuit, avoiding confrontation unless absolutely necessary.

Master Yunmiao, aware of Yong Ye's pursuit of Cai Ning, bluntly remarked, "Yong Ye, it would be more practical to improve your skills than to chase after the Cai family's girl."

Yong Ye's face turned purple with embarrassment, but he dared not retort. Among the Eight Divisions, the most formidable was this quick-sworded and sharp-tongued old nun. Her high status only added to his reluctance to confront her.

"Daoist Master Yujizi, the general asked me to inquire about Yang Lie's condition," Cai Ning addressed Yujizi directly.

Yujizi stroked his beard, "Lie'er's condition has improved significantly, but his injuries are severe. It will take another two to three days for him to regain consciousness. He won't be able to participate in the upcoming operation."

Cai Ning nodded, about to inform her father that she would retire to her room, when she suddenly sensed an unusual presence approaching from outside.

"Who's there?!"

Almost simultaneously, Master Yunmiao and Daoist Master Yujizi stood up solemnly. In a flash, the two elders were positioned in front of the hall, facing the main entrance.

The courtyard of the Cai family mansion was brightly lit, illuminating the entire area like daylight.

Suddenly, a melodious flute sound wafted into the courtyard. The haunting melody seemed to take root in everyone's minds, infiltrating their consciousness like a germinating seed!

"Something's wrong! Everyone, use your internal energy to resist! There's a trick in the music!"

Yujizi shouted, but it was easier said than done.

The members of Dragon Group Two had limited internal energy skills, and the ordinary guards in the courtyard, including General Cai Yuncheng, were merely trained in basic hard martial arts, lacking profound internal energy techniques.

Frowning, Cai Ning immediately placed a hand on her father's back, helping him resist the sonic attack while protecting him from fainting.

Within moments, before the enemy had even entered the courtyard, a dozen soldiers were already writhing in pain, clutching their heads. Even the members of Dragon Group Two, including their previously vigorous leader Yong Ye, now looked pale and contorted in agony.

Only Master Yunmiao, Daoist Master Yujizi, and Cai Ning remained focused, vigilantly preparing to face the intruders.

As the flute's sound gradually waned, a large, black, glossy snake as thick as an adult's thigh slithered into view from the entrance.

"A king cobra?!"

Yujizi was the first to recognize the large snake.

"To be precise, it's a 'Naga Serpent,'" he corrected.

A voice with a thick Indian accent came from outside the courtyard. Following it, a man in a black robe with long, black braided hair stepped through the gate first. Behind him was a burly man with blond hair, his bronzed chest exposed and expressionless, resembling an ancient mythological deity.

The last to enter was a man holding a small silver flute, with dark golden hair, a hooked nose, and eyes as sharp as an eagle's.

Yujizi and Master Yunmiao exchanged worried glances. The attire, accent, and techniques of these three were identical to the rumored Indian guardian organization "Brahma."

If it was indeed them, it meant that the Sandstorm group had arrived in Zhonghai earlier than anticipated.

The members of the Yanhuang Iron Brigade were still being deployed, with many still on their way from other locations. Now, before everyone could take their positions, the enemy had already struck, clearly intending to catch them off guard with a premeditated surprise attack!

"That idiot Lin Zhiguo even sent us incorrect intelligence!" Master Yunmiao couldn't help but curse her husband. However, there was no time to ponder their next move.

The black-haired man seemed to be the leader of the three. He casually addressed the blond, hook-nosed man behind him, "Garuda, make them sleep like the other soldiers."

The man named Garuda, after a brief rest, nodded silently and began to play the silver flute again.

This time, the flute produced no sound. Instead, the Naga Serpent's eyes turned blood red!


As it flicked its tongue, the Naga Serpent shot forward like a black lightning bolt, its jaws wide open, spewing a cloud of cyan venom as it lunged at Yunmiao and Yujizi!