
Hades, the Urban Legend

Synopsis: Yang Chen, the inheritor of the divine throne of Hades, was separated from his family at a young age and sold to a foreign assassin organization. Enduring the darkest of worlds, he eventually returned to his homeland incognito. Intending to live a low-profile life as a street vendor selling lamb skewers, fate took an unexpected turn when he married a well-known local corporate CEO. Hoping for a quiet existence, he found himself drawn into the role of a guardian knight due to the presence of beautiful women from various walks of life. As he navigates through these connections, his past experiences and former comrades resurface. Inadvertently, he delves into the world of cultivation in China and uncovers the essence of this world.

yin_chenghao · Urban
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453 Chs

Chapter 369: Superpowers?

Seeing Yang Pojun actually pointing a gun at Yang Chen, Guo Xuehua, like a mother tiger protecting her cub, immediately stood in front of Yang Chen to shield him.

"Yang Pojun! Have you lost your mind? Yang Chen is your son! Even a tiger does not eat its cubs! Are you worse than an animal?!"

"An animal—" Yang Pojun's face turned livid. "Xuehua, you dare say I'm worse than an animal—"

"Aren't you? You stopped me from seeing my son, and I tolerated it. You won't let me go with him, and I tolerated that too. But why do you have to point a gun at him? If you really want to shoot, then put a bullet through my heart first! I already feel so guilty towards him that I can never make it up in this lifetime. If I can accompany him on his way, I will die without regrets." As she spoke, Guo Xuehua spread her arms wide and stared resolutely at Yang Pojun.

Yang Chen looked at the woman standing before him, her arms spread wide like a reed swaying in the wind, and his heart was overwhelmed with emotion. In his memory, there had been others who had taken bullets for him. Back in Xiang Port, Mo Qianni, unaware of his abilities, had tried to shield him with her body out of love that had burst forth after much struggle.

Now, Guo Xuehua, equally unaware of his capabilities, was ready to take a bullet for him without hesitation or second thought. What was this?

A slight smile spread across Yang Chen's face, like a warm light in the dead of winter.

Yang Gongming's expression turned extremely grim, and he began to breathe heavily, struggling to keep his balance. He staggered back, nearly falling, but the elderly woman beside him caught him just in time.

Yang Gongming, seeing his son aiming a gun at Guo Xuehua and Yang Chen, was deeply disappointed and pained but remained silent, realizing he was too old and powerless to stop his enraged son.

"Master, should we stop them?" the elderly woman asked Yang Gongming with concern.

A glint of wisdom flashed in Yang Gongming's eyes as he shook his head. "No need."

At the same time, Yang Gongming glanced meaningfully at Yang Chen. If everything is as I suspect, this child should be fine, he thought.

Yang Pojun's rage reached its peak. His arm, which wouldn't tremble even when holding a rocket launcher, now shook uncontrollably as he gripped the small pistol. His eyes, tinged with red, betrayed his internal conflict.

"Xuehua, after all these years, is our bond as husband and wife worth less than this boy who suddenly appeared? Don't you understand that by doing this, all my efforts might be for nothing? Our Yang family will suffer greatly! Don't you know that everything I've done has been for our family?"

"The one who disregarded our bond is you, Yang Pojun. I've had enough of your grandstanding. All I want is to see my child settle down, to see our family reunited and happy. But it's always you who ruins everything. As for whom you claim to be doing all this for, you know better than anyone. Can you really say it's for me after turning me into this?" Guo Xuehua glanced apologetically at Yang Gongming. "Father-in-law, I've spent these years running orphanages and foundations, hardly having time to care for you. I'm deeply sorry. Thank you for letting me go with Yang Chen. Once I've fulfilled my duties as a mother, I will come back and serve you."

Turning around, she pushed Yang Chen forward, saying, "Yang Chen, walk ahead. Mom will shield you. He won't dare shoot. Don't worry."

Yang Chen felt a surge of warmth and determination. He nodded and started to move, trusting in his mother's resolve.

"Stop right there!" Yang Pojun shouted, the gun trembling in his hand. "If you dare take her, I'll shoot! Whether or not you have my blood in your veins, I'll kill you as an intruder if necessary!"

Yang Chen paused, looking back at his mother, then at Yang Pojun, and finally at Yang Gongming, who gave a slight nod. He turned his attention back to his mother, who nodded reassuringly.

Taking a deep breath, Yang Chen continued to walk forward, with Guo Xuehua resolutely shielding him from behind.

Listening to Guo Xuehua's light-hearted words, Yang Chen felt a heavy burden on his heart, filled with complex emotions.

"I don't need a woman to shield me from bullets, whether it's my lover or my mother."

After a long silence, Yang Chen spoke and pushed Guo Xuehua to stand in front of him, exposing his back to Yang Pojun's gun.

Guo Xuehua's face lit up with joy. "Yang Chen, you...you called me mother? You accept me, don't you?"

Yang Chen didn't respond verbally but gently held Guo Xuehua's shoulder from behind, guiding her as they walked away.

He knew Guo Xuehua was running on sheer excitement and would likely collapse if not supported. She had probably gone without food and drink for a day, enduring severe mental torment. Yang Chen was grateful he had listened to Lin Ruoxi's advice. If he hadn't come, this woman might have continued to wither away in despair. Someone like Yang Pojun would never admit his mistakes or lower his head because of such matters.

"When we get home, take a bath and then have a good lunch. You must be hungry. The house is big, as you've seen, and Wang Ma will arrange a room for you. Just rest and recover for a while," Yang Chen said calmly.

It was his first time being this close to his biological mother, and Yang Chen wasn't sure how to speak, so he tried to be as straightforward and sincere as possible.

Guo Xuehua wiped away her tears that wouldn't stop, smiling through her sobs. "Yes, I'll do as you say. I'll listen to you, whatever you say."

Guo Xuehua hoped Yang Chen would call her "mother," but she understood that his acceptance, even without saying the word, was already a significant step forward. She couldn't expect him to immediately embrace a mother he hadn't seen in over twenty years. It would take time to build and improve their relationship, but she believed that as long as Yang Chen was willing to see her, they would eventually grow close.

"Stop! Do you think you can just leave? Do you really think I won't shoot?!"

Seeing the mother and son completely ignoring him, Yang Pojun's face turned livid. His arm steadied, the safety of his pistol clicked off, and he roared in fury.

Yang Chen and Guo Xuehua paused. Guo Xuehua looked back in worry, wanting to say something, but Yang Chen spoke first.

"I'm standing right here. The gun is in your hand. Whether you dare to shoot or not is up to you."

With that, Yang Chen turned Guo Xuehua around and continued walking towards the exit.

Guo Xuehua's face was full of anxiety. Despite knowing that Yang Pojun might not be insane enough to shoot Yang Chen, even a graze would be unbearable for her.

But Yang Chen's calm demeanor left her speechless, silently praying that Yang Pojun wouldn't do anything rash. Otherwise, their marital bond would truly be over.

However, Guo Xuehua underestimated the depth of Yang Pojun's rage.

As he watched Guo Xuehua leave without looking back, Yang Pojun felt as though the whole world had betrayed him. The pain gnawing at his heart was unbearable, pushing his gaze to an icy extreme.

Memories of his care, tolerance, and sacrifices for Guo Xuehua flashed through his mind. Seeing her leave so decisively, Yang Pojun couldn't comprehend why this was happening.

He held a high position, and among men of his age, few could compare to him. He had devoted himself to Guo Xuehua alone, yet she would choose to part ways for a young man who jeopardized his career and the family's prosperity? Even if that boy shared his blood, he couldn't allow him to take away the woman he loved most.

Yang Pojun's grip on the gun tightened as he shouted, "You dare take her, I'll shoot you down!"

But before he could pull the trigger, Yang Chen turned around, a serene look on his face. "Go ahead and shoot, if you dare. But know this: the consequences will be yours to bear."

Yang Chen's calm defiance shook Yang Pojun. The weight of his threat hung in the air, challenging his father's authority and pushing him to the brink.

Yang Pojun's mind was overwhelmed with rage, unable to control his body rationally. In his fury, he pulled the trigger with all his might!


The gunshot shattered the silence in the corridor!

Guo Xuehua, walking ahead, felt her body shudder. Her face froze, and then she felt a sharp pain in her heart, filled with terror!

"Yang Chen!"

She quickly turned around, her first thought being that Yang Chen had been shot!

But Yang Chen, with a calm expression, merely turned his head and gave her a faint smile.

Behind them, Yang Pojun, who had cooled down after firing the shot, stood in shock, staring at Yang Chen's back as if he had seen a ghost, his mouth agape and unable to speak.

Not only Yang Pojun, but also the few adjutants standing silently by the road, were all holding their breath, staring at something behind Yang Chen with bizarre expressions.

Yang Gongming and the elderly woman shared a knowing smile, nodding in approval.

Guo Xuehua, sensing that Yang Chen seemed fine, wondered if Yang Pojun's shot had missed. How could that be? At such close range, he could probably hit a fly.

As Guo Xuehua looked back, she understood why everyone was silent. Suspended in mid-air, about three feet behind Yang Chen, was a golden bullet, hanging motionless as if frozen in time.

Is that a bullet?! The bullet that was fired at Yang Chen?!

Guo Xuehua's mind whirled with confusion. She looked from Yang Chen to Yang Pojun and then back to the bullet, and she had no words. It was as if she was in a sci-fi movie!

But the strangeness wasn't over yet!

Yang Chen sighed softly beside her ear, and the bullet hanging in mid-air transformed into a golden streak!



In a flash, the bullet shot back, striking Yang Pojun's gun with such force that it knocked the gun out of his hand!

The metallic clatter woke everyone from their stupor!

Everyone doubted their eyes, but the gun lying on the ground confirmed the reality of what had happened!

What was this?! Superpowers?!

Yang Chen turned back, a mocking smile playing on his lips, and looked at Yang Pojun with amusement. "I have a problem with people threatening me, especially with guns. But the old man told me I owe you a debt of life. I don't like owing people, so I didn't stop you when you aimed the gun at me. My heart was ready to take your bullet, to give my life back to you. That you didn't kill me is not my problem; it's your lack of ability. So, as of now, you and I have no ties. Commander Yang, I suggest you never point a gun at me again or say anything to upset me. Next time, the bullet might not just knock the gun out of your hand..."

Ignoring Yang Pojun's reaction, Yang Chen had said and done what he needed. He knew if Yang Pojun made another move, he could kill him without hesitation. No one could stop him.

Guo Xuehua, still in shock, was supported by Yang Chen as they slowly walked out of the military camp. Her mind was replaying Yang Chen's incredible display.

Yang Pojun stood there, lost and lifeless, watching Yang Chen take Guo Xuehua away. He made no further moves, whether out of fear or disbelief.

"Come on, Pojun," Yang Gongming said, stepping in front of his son with a weary sigh. "Stop standing there like that. Premier Ning and the others are waiting. Let's head back to the office, shall we?"