
Hades, the Urban Legend

Synopsis: Yang Chen, the inheritor of the divine throne of Hades, was separated from his family at a young age and sold to a foreign assassin organization. Enduring the darkest of worlds, he eventually returned to his homeland incognito. Intending to live a low-profile life as a street vendor selling lamb skewers, fate took an unexpected turn when he married a well-known local corporate CEO. Hoping for a quiet existence, he found himself drawn into the role of a guardian knight due to the presence of beautiful women from various walks of life. As he navigates through these connections, his past experiences and former comrades resurface. Inadvertently, he delves into the world of cultivation in China and uncovers the essence of this world.

yin_chenghao · Urban
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453 Chs

Chapter 359: It's Them

Outside the Cai family's courtyard, under a large locust tree, Yang Chen had a cigarette in his mouth, leaning against the tree. He glanced at Lin Zhiguo and said, "I'm not in the best mood right now. Get to the point."

Lin Zhiguo nodded knowingly and said, "Do you know why Yang Lie's master, Daoist Yu Jizi from Kunlun Sect, came down the mountain specifically to Zhonghai?"

"That's not my concern," Yang Chen replied.

"But it is mine, and it concerns Yancha Iron Brigade," Lin Zhiguo said seriously. "When they came down this time, their main purpose was to support us. Last month, we received a threatening challenge letter. The opponent's strength forced us to seek assistance beyond Yancha Iron Brigade. Although Yang Lie hasn't officially joined us, his strength is comparable to Tianlong's. Coupled with his master, Daoist Yu Jizi, he will be a significant reinforcement."

"And?" Yang Chen asked.

"So, since you injured Yang Lie, you ought to compensate us somehow. Otherwise, if we lose, it won't be good for anyone," Lin Zhiguo said with a hint of satisfaction.

Yang Chen scoffed, "I intervened for your granddaughter's sake. Shouldn't you be thanking me?"

"Even if Hui'er was taken away by Yang Lie, he wouldn't harm her. Yang Lie can still participate in the battle. But this time, you nearly killed Yang Lie, leaving him possibly unable to fully recover for nearly a month. Our battle could start at any moment. Don't you think this is unfair to us?" Lin Zhiguo reasoned.

"Why should I play fair with you, and why should I have to make up for anything?" Yang Chen flicked the cigarette ash and asked.

With hands behind his back, Lin Zhiguo looked towards the direction of Zhonghai city center. "We tolerated your bringing a team of Sea Eagles to Yancha, which was already a considerable privilege. Now, you've injured our main combat force. While I admit there's an element of respect for you, don't you think it's appropriate to show some consideration?"

Yang Chen pondered for a moment and asked, "First, tell me who they are and their purpose."

Lin Zhiguo narrowed his eyes, a hint of severity crossing his face. "This time's enemy, you definitely know better than me: Sandstorm, the mercenary legion. Their target is the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier being secretly constructed by Yancha in a hidden bay in Zhonghai."

Upon hearing this name, Yang Chen couldn't help but frown. The rumor of Yancha constructing a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier had circulated internationally, but he hadn't realized it was true. Such news was clearly detrimental to many powerful military nations, making it plausible for non-state mercenaries like Sandstorm to be hired for sabotage. After all, the world's top mercenary legions often surpassed national special forces in combat effectiveness.

"Sandstorm, the mercenary legion, never leaves the Middle East, right?" Yang Chen asked.

"Correct. Since its establishment, no one knows how they were formed. They've only been active for the past two years. If your Sea Eagles dominate as the premier mercenary force in the Mediterranean and Northern Europe, then Sandstorm is the hegemon of the Middle East. Frankly, our Dragon Special Forces are no match for them," Lin Zhiguo said with a grim expression.

Yang Chen took two deep drags from his cigarette. The harsh tobacco stimulated his mind slightly. After tossing the butt away, he began to ponder.

Regarding Sandstorm, although Yang Chen hadn't personally interacted with them, his subordinates had suffered significant losses under their command. According to Soren's reports, since Sandstorm's emergence, they had seized almost all major contracts in the Middle East. It wasn't that the Sea Eagles were inferior to them; rather, the majority of Sea Eagles' members were from the Mediterranean and Northern Europe, accustomed to maritime and icy conditions, not adept at the fierce desert warfare.

Thus, over the past two years, the Middle East and Europe had been divided between these two major mercenary groups. Sandstorm earned gold from the wealthy oil magnates, while the Sea Eagles made coins from the ancient nobles of Europe. They competed discreetly without interfering with each other.

Sandstorm's most famous battle occurred when they were hired by a revolutionary army in the Middle East, overthrowing the ruling regime of a country. During this process, the United States attempted to suppress Sandstorm with high-tech military force to control a puppet regime but failed as Sandstorm infiltrated the American military camp, seizing a general commanding during the war, thus causing a defeat.

After that battle, Sandstorm's reputation reached its peak, and no country dared to underestimate this mercenary. However, since it had always operated in the Middle East, it had not aroused much dissatisfaction from many countries.

Sandstorm also had a quirky "hobby"; whenever it was about to fight a faction, it would send a "challenge letter" beforehand, stating that they were coming to fight and advising the opposition to prepare!

This was a rebellious and confident mercenary legion whose impressive record was indeed admirable.

Yang Chen had gradually withdrawn from the circle of bloodshed two years ago and delegated most of the fighting strength under his name to Soren, Macedonia, and others. Therefore, he had no contact with Sandstorm's people.

The founder of Sandstorm was also a mysterious figure with no information on his past, only known as a relatively young man. Yang Chen finally understood why Lin Zhiguo shamelessly sought his help; if Sandstorm really came to Yancha, the Dragon Special Forces would indeed be no match.

The combat power of the Eight Department members was decent, but compared to the mercenaries of Sandstorm, they were at best on par. In terms of bravery, they were simply no match for Sandstorm's fierce combat style.

It was likely necessary to invite Yu Jizi and Yang Lie's master-disciple duo down the mountain out of necessity.

"Sandstorm coming from the Persian Gulf for long-range operations would certainly not bring a large force. I estimate they will consist of two elite teams. Can't you intercept them at sea with the military?" Yang Chen asked.

Lin Zhiguo sighed bitterly, "We considered that, but do you know who hired Sandstorm this time?"

Yang Chen shook his head. There were numerous parties worldwide who might want to prevent Yancha from having a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.

"Fantian," Lin Zhiguo sighed.

This time, Yang Chen was truly stunned. It was them!

"Can you believe it? The 'Brahma' from India, which could be considered the world's most inactive covert guardian organization, has actually hired the Middle Eastern Sandstorm to come all the way to the Mediterranean Sea to sabotage our aircraft carrier base under construction," Lin Zhiguo said.

Yang Chen couldn't help but laugh. If there was one organization in the world he felt had the least presence, it was India's "Brahma."

'Brahma' was secretly established in India after the end of the non-resistance movement and the assassination of the country's founding father, Gandhi, to protect important figures in India.

According to ancient Indian mythology, Brahma is the most powerful 'creator god.' In Indian mythology, gods like Indra, Agni, and Varuna are considered lesser deities.

Brahma, along with Asuras, Vishnu, and other major gods, are the true highest gods of India.

Each leader of Brahma becomes a 'Great Brahma King.' It is said that these people possess extremely high ancient Indian yoga skills, allowing them to perform various strange 'sorceries,' with each Great Brahma King being exceptional among them.

It is true that yoga can enhance physical fitness and mental acuity; however, authentic ancient yoga has long been kept secret in India, with only fragmented training methods known outside.

Although many people do not believe in the miraculous powers of advanced yoga practice, Yang Chen knows that reaching an extremely high level of mental power could potentially enable the use of 'sorceries.'

Like the deceased Dechuan Zang II, whose killing intent reached a certain level, allowing him to wield the terrifying light blade of the demonic sword Muramasa, some individuals are capable of such feats.

If members of Brahma truly possess powerful mental abilities, it is reasonable to assume they could wield some unconventional skills. After all, just as Yanxia has internal martial arts, India, as an ancient nation, would naturally have similar traditions.

However, Brahma has always operated only within India, protecting important figures. The idea of them engaging in combat abroad is virtually undocumented.

It is unexpected that Yanxia's construction of a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier would have such a significant impact on India. While it might not necessarily be a national Indian plan, it certainly reflects India's decision in a moment of desperation.

India's aircraft carriers are purchased old models; if Yanxia successfully builds a nuclear-powered one independently, its strategic significance would be entirely different.

Since this is part of India's operational plan, it naturally cannot be resisted at sea. The mercenaries of Sandstorm will cross the mountains directly from Zang District into Yanxia's territory.

On land, it would be delusional to think regular military action could capture this group; it would only result in cannon fodder!

Moreover, if the conflict escalates too much and innocent civilians are harmed, it would be unacceptable. The only option is to await their appearance at the aircraft carrier base in the Mediterranean and then engage them in battle!

Yang Chen was indeed interested in meeting these heavily mythological figures from the Indian sects. Being in a country affected by their mystical antics obviously left a bitter taste in his mouth. However, helping Yanxia Iron Brigade would inevitably complicate matters with other nations. After some thought, he said, "I can send Morin and his Sea Eagles team to assist you. With them there, stopping a team of Sandstorm mercenaries should not be a problem. But personally, I am only responsible for protecting my Sea Eagles team members. If your people die, it's not my concern."

Lin Zhiguo's lips curved into a knowing smile. Yang Chen's implication was clear—he couldn't help directly without justification.

"Understood. Your ability to send the Sea Eagles is already a great help," Lin Zhiguo said, visibly relieved. He continued with a lighter tone, "So, about contacting the Sea Eagles..."

"You've probably already found out yourself, no need to pretend otherwise in front of me. I'll talk to Morin tonight and let him know. You can contact him directly," Yang Chen cut through Lin Zhiguo's cautious approach.

Lin Zhiguo, being no stranger to such situations despite his age, didn't find it awkward. "Young man, you're my junior after all. Show me a little face."

"You'll have to earn that respect yourself, by doing something that impresses me first," Yang Chen shook his head, then turned and walked away from under the locust tree.

Cai Ning had been waiting by her sedan in the distance for quite some time, clearly intending to personally escort Yang Chen back.