
Hades, the Urban Legend

Synopsis: Yang Chen, the inheritor of the divine throne of Hades, was separated from his family at a young age and sold to a foreign assassin organization. Enduring the darkest of worlds, he eventually returned to his homeland incognito. Intending to live a low-profile life as a street vendor selling lamb skewers, fate took an unexpected turn when he married a well-known local corporate CEO. Hoping for a quiet existence, he found himself drawn into the role of a guardian knight due to the presence of beautiful women from various walks of life. As he navigates through these connections, his past experiences and former comrades resurface. Inadvertently, he delves into the world of cultivation in China and uncovers the essence of this world.

yin_chenghao · Urban
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453 Chs

Chapter 313 Not Interested Anymore

Having had too many dreams that night, Yang Chen woke up in the morning feeling unusually inclined to sleep a bit longer. However, being on a trip with a group of female colleagues meant he had to sluggishly get ready and head downstairs for breakfast.

Sitting listlessly beside Liu Mingyu and the others, Yang Chen watched as the women dug into their Japanese grilled eel early in the morning, though he had no appetite whatsoever. After downing two bowls of miso soup, Yang Chen didn't eat much else.

"What's wrong with you? Normally, you have the biggest appetite. Today, you're just drinking soup," Zhao Hongyan couldn't help but ask curiously.

Yang Chen naturally wouldn't tell the truth. He rubbed his not-at-all-hungry stomach and said, "Yesterday, shopping with you guys was too much for me. I've lost my appetite."

"What does shopping have to do with it? Don't try to make excuses. We're going again tonight," Zhang Cai stuffed sausage into her mouth while speaking with an oily grin.

Yang Chen rolled his eyes. He should have known better than to provoke them!

The morning's main itinerary was Sensoji Temple in Tokyo, the oldest temple in Sakura Motomu, with nearly seven centuries of history. It attracts numerous tourists and residents alike every year for blessings.

However, Yang Chen wasn't interested in any of this. What really occupied his mind was the matter he had asked Macedonia to investigate thoroughly the night before—the whereabouts of An Xin.

Through mobile network communication, Macedonia sent a report that detailed An Xin's situation. A quick glance made Yang Chen chuckle. No wonder An Xin had been brought to Sakura Motomu by An Zaihuan—it turned out to be a trick by the Liu family.

According to Macedonia's investigation, the Liu family seemed impatient to wait for An Xin to return on her own. Under Liu Kangbo's instigation, Liu Yun and An Xin had chosen to hold a grand wedding in Otaru, Hokkaido, within Sakura Motomu.

During the wedding, celebrities from all sides would arrive in Hokkaido on the Liu family's cruise ship to attend the wedding between the Liu and An families.

Regardless of whether An Xin consented or not, this time she was caught by An Zaihuan and forcibly made to marry Liu Yun.

Checking the time, with still a week left, Yang Chen realized he wouldn't be able to fully enjoy his time with these female colleagues. Though leaving midway wasn't fair, if An Xin really became someone else's bride, wouldn't it just boost Liu Yun's arrogance?

An Xin would probably feel disheartened about life too. With her impulsive nature, suicide wasn't out of the question.

Yang Chen immediately replied with an email instructing Macedonia to keep a close watch and ensure An Xin's safety. As for how to deal with the meticulously arranged wedding by the Liu family, Yang Chen wasn't in a rush.

Let them revel in their victory for a few days.

After breakfast, Kawana Nako, the guide whom the female PRs had disparaged behind her back, cheerfully led the group of women out. Entering through the "Kaminarimon" gate of Sensoji Temple, they passed various traditional Sakura Motomu folk art shops and snack stalls, attracting swaths of tourists. The women soon dispersed to explore on their own after Kawana Nako gave a brief explanation and set a meeting time by the vehicles.

Yang Chen, forced to accompany the women shopping early in the morning, couldn't bear it. After visiting several shops, he pretended to be hungry and bought a bunch of takoyaki. He then retreated to a quieter spot beside some steps to eat in peace.

Liu Mingyu and the other women rolled their eyes and grumbled at Yang Chen's shameless behavior. Other men would eagerly court them, but this guy was like being force-fed poison—they kept their distance.

Yang Chen leaned back comfortably against a stone platform, nibbling on the unimpressive traditional snack, while observing the colorful array of tourists passing by. Many locals from Sakura Motomu and Tokyo came to pray, dressed in kimonos and wooden clogs, earnestly seeking fortune at the temple by drawing omikuji. Depending on the outcome, they might leave their fortunes at the temple, praying for bad luck to depart.

The female PRs, preoccupied with shopping, neither knew nor cared about these traditions. Although Yang Chen had frequented Sakura Motomu in previous years and knew much about the customs, he couldn't be bothered to explain. It would seem odd, and he wouldn't know how to explain if asked.

After finishing his pile of purchased food, Yang Chen was about to toss the paper bag into a nearby trash bin when, amidst the crowd ahead, a figure caught his peripheral vision. It was a group of people leaving the temple after praying. Despite the crowded conditions making it difficult to notice such a figure, for Yang Chen, even catching a glimpse of that figure's backside could trigger an intense reaction!

It was the same sky-blue off-shoulder dress he had seen last night, with long dark hair cascading down. What differed today was a pink ribbon casually tied behind the hair, hinting at a touch of Japanese style. Yet in the cold winter, such a cool outfit seemed out of place—who else could it be?!

Yang Chen didn't hesitate to discard the garbage. He swiftly moved through the bustling crowd, stumbling and pushing his way towards where the figure had been. However, amidst the jostling and pushing, by the time Yang Chen reached the spot where the figure had been, it had vanished without a trace.

Looking around amidst the throng of people, Yang Chen couldn't spot that distinctive figure anywhere.

With a determined flick of his hand, Yang Chen tossed the trash on the ground, disregarding the disdainful glances from those around him. His face darkened as he strode away from the temple grounds.

"If seeing it once could be a hallucination, why would I see it a second time?!" Yang Chen felt like the heavens were playing a cruel joke on him, stirring a tumultuous mix of emotions inside him—sourness, bitterness—that made him want to scream into the sky. But he managed to restrain himself.

When Yang Chen returned to the tourist bus, Kawana Nako, intending to greet him, immediately held her tongue upon seeing his visibly distressed expression. Inside the bus, none of the women had returned yet.

Closing his eyes, Yang Chen replayed the image of the figure he had seen earlier, his heart tightening painfully, followed by a convulsive ache.

"Seventeen, could it really be you? Are you still here in this world?" Yang Chen wondered. "If it is you, why are you avoiding me? And if you are avoiding me, why appear before me twice?"

Nearly half an hour passed before the women returned to the bus. By then, Yang Chen had regained his composure, leaning back in his seat and dozing off. This sudden change baffled even Kawana Nako, the tour guide.

The afternoon's plans were hastily rearranged due to the women's lack of interest in modern skyscrapers and their singular focus on shopping and beauty. Thus, the evening visit to Tokyo Tower was canceled, and the group headed to the famous Yugawara Onsen in Kanagawa Prefecture, an hour and a half's drive from Tokyo.

The mention of hot springs and traditional tatami rooms had the women chattering excitedly throughout the journey. Liu Mingyu, noticing Yang Chen's unusual demeanor, asked with a hint of concern, "You seem off. Are you feeling unwell?"

Yang Chen smiled reassuringly. "No, it's nothing. It's just that I can't quite relate to your topics, and it's a bit frustrating."

"Of course," Liu Mingyu chuckled. "You're not a woman, so you wouldn't understand our thoughts."

"Yeah, I really don't understand," Yang Chen murmured.

After lunch at a famous barbecue restaurant in Tokyo and another two-hour drive, the group arrived at Yugawara Onsen in Kanagawa Prefecture. They entered a wooden, slightly worn-down ryokan (traditional inn) where elderly staff, meticulously made up like their younger counterparts, warmly welcomed Yang Chen and the group.

The spirited Zhang Cai pouted, complaining, "It's so heartless of Sakura Motomu to make these old folks work here. Are there no young people left? How can I bear having these elderly serve me?"

"It's not that all the young people are gone, it's just that Sakuramoto has a serious aging population, and young people aren't keen on working as service staff. You get used to it after a while. Almost all developed Western countries are like this," Yang Chen explained.

Zhang Cai nodded, seeming to understand vaguely. "Still feels awkward though."

Since evening was more suitable for soaking in the hot springs after a long day of travel, everyone followed the staff to their assigned rooms. As they arrived at the guest room area, their attention was drawn to a vending machine placed at the corridor entrance.

It was notable because the vending machine's exterior prominently displayed adult-themed content—a muscular man and a voluptuous woman.

"Hey, what's this?" Zhang Cai tugged at Yang Chen's sleeve, blushing furiously.

The other female colleagues were curious too but hesitant to ask, watching Yang Chen expectantly.

Although Yang Chen had a thick skin, he felt embarrassed explaining this kind of thing. "You put in a 1000 yen bill, and it gives you a card with a number. You can use that number to access certain TV channels in your room. Once you input it, you can watch those channels."

What kind of channels? It didn't need to be said, as the female colleagues quickly understood. Sakura Motomu was known for its thriving adult entertainment industry, so adult TV channels were quite common. Spending 1000 yen to watch for 24 hours wasn't considered expensive.

"Oh, I see. I thought it was something else. Let's go," Zhang Cai immediately hurried away, her face as red as a tomato.

The other women maintained their composure, pretending as if nothing had happened.

Yang Chen scratched his nose, noticing Liu Mingyu's shy glance beside him. Suddenly, a surge of excitement rushed through him.

"I'll come find you tonight," Yang Chen whispered softly in Liu Mingyu's ear.

Seeing no one paying attention, Liu Mingyu glared at Yang Chen. "I'm sharing a room with Hongyan. Don't mess around!"

"Xiaoyu, you're so strict. At least once…" Yang Chen chuckled wryly.

Liu Mingyu pursed her lips, her expression conflicted. She whispered softly, "Wait until later when Hongyan is asleep. I'll come find you."

Yang Chen grinned mischievously, feeling as triumphant as a fox who had successfully raided a chicken coop. "Remember to soak in the hot spring until you're all clean and tender. I'll be waiting for you."