
Hades, the Urban Legend

Synopsis: Yang Chen, the inheritor of the divine throne of Hades, was separated from his family at a young age and sold to a foreign assassin organization. Enduring the darkest of worlds, he eventually returned to his homeland incognito. Intending to live a low-profile life as a street vendor selling lamb skewers, fate took an unexpected turn when he married a well-known local corporate CEO. Hoping for a quiet existence, he found himself drawn into the role of a guardian knight due to the presence of beautiful women from various walks of life. As he navigates through these connections, his past experiences and former comrades resurface. Inadvertently, he delves into the world of cultivation in China and uncovers the essence of this world.

yin_chenghao · Urban
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453 Chs

Chapter 302: A Favor to Ask

It had been a while since Yang Chen last visited Zhenxiu at her stall. Every time he thought of that night when Zhenxiu took out her beloved crescent pendant and gave it to him, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pity for this girl.

He arrived at the familiar dimly lit street. There seemed to be more stalls than usual, probably because of the cold weather, which made people crave for night snacks like spicy hotpot that sold particularly well.

Yang Chen walked to the corner of the street and saw Zhenxiu, wearing an old brown coat and a white-and-purple knitted hat, busying herself around her food cart. There were four or five customers sitting at her stall, drinking white liquor and eating fried rice cakes and spicy hotpot.

Yang Chen didn't rush over. He waited until the customers left before he slowly walked up to the stall.

Zhenxiu was wiping the counter when she looked up and saw Yang Chen. A smile appeared on her lovely face. "Brother Yang, why do you have time to come so late?"

"Well, if it weren't nighttime, I wouldn't get to see our lovely Zhenxiu, would I?" Yang Chen said lazily as he sat on a chair in front of the stall with a smile.

Zhenxiu's fair cheeks turned red. "Are you taking advantage of Sister Ruoxi's absence to bully me, Brother Yang?"

"How could I? I'm hoping to mooch some food here, so I wouldn't dare offend the host," Yang Chen said as he picked up a skewer of meatballs, took a bite, and found it hot and chewy.

Zhenxiu put on a serious face and hummed, "Each skewer costs two yuan. Don't think about skipping the bill."

Yang Chen coughed and said with a bitter smile, "So even good friends have to pay up, huh?"

"Don't you know I'm a money-grubber?" Zhenxiu pouted. "I'm just trying to make more money while it's cold to cover rent and utilities. I can't afford to treat guests."

Yang Chen picked up a skewer of seaweed knots and, while eating, said, "What about when it gets hot? You can't keep selling spicy hotpot, can you?"

Zhenxiu shrugged and smiled nonchalantly. "When it gets hot, I'll think of selling cold drinks and popsicles instead."

"Zhenxiu," Yang Chen swallowed the food in his mouth and spoke earnestly, "You're still very young, only eighteen. Girls your age are either in high school or just starting university. You're smart. Why don't you try self-studying to take the college entrance exams? If you're willing, Big Brother Yang can lend you some money for proper preparation. Once you succeed in the future, you can repay me."

Zhenxiu listened quietly, stirring the Korean-style rice cakes on the iron plate with a spatula, but she didn't respond.

Yang Chen frowned. "If you're persevering because of difficulty in studying, I can tutor you myself. Science and foreign languages are no problem. Mandarin, you can manage on your own. Even if your foundation is only at an elementary school level, half a year of effort would be sufficient."

Zhenxiu finally stopped her movements, lifted her head, and on her face, slightly tired in the cold wind, a hint of bitterness appeared in her smile.

"Big Brother Yang, thank you, but that would trouble you too much. I'm not cut out for studying. I'd rather stick to my small business," Zhenxiu flicked the strand of hair from her forehead. "Many girls my age are living like this, supporting ourselves. It's tiring, but we're living relatively comfortably."

Yang Chen spoke seriously, "I don't care about others. Since we met on the bus that day, and now I'm sitting in front of you, I can't just ignore you. Your youth is precious. When you're older and can't walk or think clearly, do you still want to push a cart selling rice cakes alone?"

Zhenxiu's face paled, biting her lip without speaking.

Just then, a familiar female voice came from beside them.

"Zhenxiu, listen to him. What he said is right. You can't keep going like this forever."

Yang Chen and Zhenxiu turned together to see a young woman in a coffee-colored waist-tied leather coat, tall and graceful, standing by the stall. Her short hair was slightly tousled in the night breeze, and her delicate oval face showed a hint of aloofness—it was Cai Yan.

"Caijie, you're here," Zhenxiu smiled shyly, seemingly unsurprised by Cai Yan's arrival.

Cai Yan's watery eyes glanced at Yang Chen, mixed with complex emotions. Then she smiled gently at Zhenxiu, "Yes, I heard you talking with this person. Although he usually talks nonsense and makes a mess, his suggestion just now about studying for the college entrance exams is correct. If you're willing, I can help you get in touch with a preparatory class. I remember you attended junior high, so your foundation isn't bad. You're also intelligent. With some effort, you could at least aim for a second-tier university."

Yang Chen looked at Cai Yan with mild surprise. "Looks like you're quite close to Zhenxiu?"

"What's that supposed to mean? You're allowed to treat Zhenxiu like a sibling, but I can't see her as a little sister?" Cai Yan retorted, displeased.

Yang Chen chuckled and waved his hand. "No, it's just a bit unexpected. You're so busy with work, yet you still have time to come here and chat with Zhenxiu?"

Zhenxiu spoke up, "Big Brother Yang, Sister Cai has been very kind to me. Ever since you asked her to look after me, she's been coming here two or three times every week, asking if anyone's been bullying me. She also often tells me stories about catching bad guys, which are quite interesting."

Yang Chen sighed, "Thank goodness Miss Cai Yan is a woman. If she were a man, I bet all the good girls would be taken by you. It hasn't been long, and Zhenxiu already praises you like a real sister."

"Are you implying that besides work, I don't understand anything else? All I think about all day is solving cases and catching criminals?" Cai Yan gritted her teeth.

Actually, Yang Chen had thought that way in the past, given their confrontations and the pressure Cai Yan had brought upon him when she came knocking on his door.

However, now that he knew Cai Yan had taken his request seriously and often checked up on Zhenxiu, their close relationship wasn't surprising at all.

Yang Chen didn't think Cai Yan was just putting on a show, nor did he believe she had so much spare time for no reason. The only plausible reason was that she had agreed to take care of Zhenxiu because of his request.

Realizing this, Yang Chen sincerely said, "Thank you. I had some prejudices against you before, but now it seems you're actually a good person. Ruoxi considers you a good friend, and it makes sense."

"Why would you think like that, Big Brother Yang? Sister Cai is naturally a good person," Zhenxiu said unhappily.

Cai Yan blushed slightly at Yang Chen's unexpected compliment but quickly composed herself. "It's good that you understand now. I'm generous and won't hold a grudge."

Yang Chen smiled warmly and turned to Zhenxiu. "Since Sister Cai has suggested you retake the exams, listen to me, my dear little sister."

Zhenxiu hesitated for a moment before saying, "Big Brother Yang, could you give me some time to think it over? Can I give you an answer in a couple of days?"

"Of course," Yang Chen said with a smile. "And there's one more thing. Do you remember what you promised in front of Lin Ruoxi last time?"

Zhenxiu obediently nodded. "I remember. It's about going back to the orphanage. You said you'd take me there."

"How about the day after tomorrow? It's Christmas. You can go back then and buy a bunch of small gifts for the director and the children there. If you don't have the money, I can front it for now, and you can pay me back later. Otherwise, I know you wouldn't accept," Yang Chen said.

Zhenxiu pursed her lips. "I insist on choosing the gifts."

"Of course, you'll choose. I'll pick you up here at nine in the morning the day after tomorrow, and then we'll go buy the gifts and head to the orphanage," Yang Chen said. Zhenxiu nodded excitedly. "Thank you, Big Brother Yang."

Cai Yan, after listening, suddenly asked, "Are you two going alone? Isn't Ruoxi coming?" Cai Yan had heard from Zhenxiu about Yang Chen and Lin Ruoxi visiting her, so she wasn't surprised.

"Oh, she goes there often enough. It'll just be me taking Zhenxiu," Yang Chen replied, reaching out to pat Zhenxiu's head, causing her to blush and then stand up. "Remember not to sleep in on the day after tomorrow, or I'll tickle you awake."

"I won't sleep in!" Zhenxiu retorted indignantly.

Seeing Yang Chen about to leave, Cai Yan's eyes flickered with a hint of hesitation. She spoke up, "Wait, I have something to ask of you."

Yang Chen turned back. "What is it?"

"I left a white leather bag at your place last time I visited. It's on your sofa. Could you bring it out and return it to me tomorrow?" Cai Yan asked.

Yang Chen then recalled that Cai Yan had indeed left a bag at home when she had come to discuss Gao Guoxiong, the case involving Mr. Gao, with Lin Ruoxi. Lin Ruoxi had checked it and found nothing important, leaving it on the counter untouched.

Yang Chen saw no reason to refuse Cai Yan's request. After all, Lin Ruoxi was busier than he was. He nodded. "No problem. If you're free tomorrow, give me a call, and I'll bring it out."

"Thank you," Cai Yan said with a hint of joy in her eyes. She smiled and bid Yang Chen farewell, her gaze following his figure until he disappeared around the corner.

Watching this scene, Zhenxiu looked at Yang Chen and then at Cai Yan, who seemed lost in thought. She sighed softly.