
Hades, the Urban Legend

Synopsis: Yang Chen, the inheritor of the divine throne of Hades, was separated from his family at a young age and sold to a foreign assassin organization. Enduring the darkest of worlds, he eventually returned to his homeland incognito. Intending to live a low-profile life as a street vendor selling lamb skewers, fate took an unexpected turn when he married a well-known local corporate CEO. Hoping for a quiet existence, he found himself drawn into the role of a guardian knight due to the presence of beautiful women from various walks of life. As he navigates through these connections, his past experiences and former comrades resurface. Inadvertently, he delves into the world of cultivation in China and uncovers the essence of this world.

yin_chenghao · Urban
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453 Chs

Chapter 298

As someone sought to meet me outside Liu Mingyu's office, Yang Chen felt quite refreshed. Although he didn't know what these two women would discuss together, at least they managed to defuse the awkward crisis this time, preventing any deterioration in their relationship.

Despite appearing calm earlier, Yang Chen's mind was actually racing. Both being astute individuals, he knew bluffing wouldn't work. He decided to speak honestly, managing to avoid any major missteps.

Walking towards the elevator lobby of the building, Yang Chen pressed the down button and soon the elevator arrived.

Opening its doors, Yang Chen saw two women already inside: Lin Ruoxi, dressed in slightly mature navy attire, and her assistant Wu Yue.

Whether Lin Ruoxi was going out for work or inspecting another floor, it happened to coincide in this elevator.

Seeing Yang Chen suddenly appear on the public relations floor, Lin Ruoxi furrowed her brows slightly, her demeanor frosty. Despite promising Yang Chen a position in the public relations department, she had effectively shifted all her work to a new entertainment company. Yang Chen appearing on this floor at this time, besides doing something unrelated to work, had no other reason.

"If you're coming in, come in quickly," urged Wu Yue upon seeing Yang Chen hesitating at the elevator entrance.

Yang Chen didn't bother with her and silently entered the elevator, standing side by side with Lin Ruoxi.

The elevator was quiet. Feeling that standing silently might be construed as intentional provocation, Yang Chen casually asked, "Is President Lin going to inspect the work?"

Wu Yue frowned. "What business is it of yours what the president does?"

Yang Chen smirked coldly. "You're just an assistant. I'm a divisional director. Do you have the authority to question me?"

Even the mute would feel bitter after eating bitter melon. Wu Yue's face turned red, unable to reply.

"No, I'm going to meet the new vice president," Lin Ruoxi replied calmly.

New vice president? Yang Chen was puzzled. Since Lin Kun's death, all shares had been transferred to Lin Ruoxi, making Yulei practically a multinational corporation under her sole control. Therefore, the positions set within the company were essentially dictated by Lin Ruoxi alone, with shareholder meetings being merely formalities. Whether there was a vice president depended solely on Lin Ruoxi's preference.

Due to her persistent workaholic spirit and the exceptional performance of Yulei's public relations department, a vice president seemed redundant.

It wasn't until Lin Ruoxi fell ill for half a month recently that Mo Qianni took on some responsibilities as her proxy, prompting Lin Ruoxi to officially designate Mo Qianni as vice president. However, this was mostly a titular role, with Lin Ruoxi herself handling most of the work on a daily basis.

This sudden mention of a vice president naturally struck Yang Chen as odd. Could it be that Lin Ruoxi had changed her mind and was looking to free herself?

"It's for the operation of new materials, in cooperation with Muyun. We've each assigned someone to the other's company for direct communication and management," Lin Ruoxi explained simply.

With the successful development of new materials, the market sales phase was imminent, promising a sharp increase in Yulei's market share and workload. In the spirit of mutual trust and cooperation, Yulei and Muyun exchanged a managerial talent to oversee the new material market in each other's company.

Yang Chen didn't ask any more questions upon hearing this. However, he suddenly thought, should he divorce from his current job in six months and resign? But by then, the collaborations he facilitated might be affected. That was a problem. Yang Chen felt he should find time to talk to Lin Ruoxi privately about it.

Upon reaching the first floor and exiting the elevator, Lin Ruoxi left silently with Wu Yue towards the parking lot, while Yang Chen headed back alone to the entertainment company across the street.

Back at Yulei Entertainment's floor, Yang Chen went straight to Wang Jie's office. Wang Jie was busy tapping away at some documents. Upon seeing Yang Chen enter, she immediately stood up and smiled, "Director, how did the discussion go? Can we trust Director Huang?"

Yang Chen took out the SD card from his pocket and placed it in front of Wang Jie without expression. "Here are the negotiation results. You can take a look, especially at the video files."

Confused, Wang Jie inserted the SD card into her laptop and opened the video files. Within moments, she hastily closed the video, her face flushing red. She dared not look at Yang Chen and stammered, "Director, what is this about?"

"Oh, didn't you ask if that Huang director was trustworthy? In the video just now, the woman in front was Director Huang's wife, and the person behind her was the producer. They insisted on performing this scene for me to see, wanting me to be their action director and photographer. Luckily, they didn't ask me to do the dubbing; I wouldn't know how to voice that woman," Yang Chen said, looking troubled.

Wang Jie was drenched in cold sweat, full of embarrassment. "Director, next time I'll definitely scrutinize everything before negotiations. I-I didn't expect Director Huang Hai to be like this."

Yang Chen chuckled lightly. "Wang Jie, before you came here, you didn't have much contact with people in the entertainment industry, right?"

"Yes, I mainly did some PR work, not much contact with the entertainment circle," Wang Jie replied.

"That's why. From now on, be more careful. It's not just for my sake; as a man, I'll manage. But you need to pay attention to your safety. Remember to bring trusted people with you to avoid trouble," Yang Chen advised. Wang Jie had expected a scolding but instead felt grateful and agreed deeply.

"Director, thank you," she said sincerely.

Yang Chen smiled as he took out the SD card from Wang Jie's laptop. "You wouldn't want to keep this, would you?"

"Of course not!" Wang Jie waved her hands frantically. "The contents in there are just too ugly."

Yang Chen casually crushed the SD card in his hand and threw it into the trash bin. He then said to Wang Jie, "Don't feel burdened by what happened today, especially not in front of me. I don't think you were negligent in any way. The most difficult thing to understand in this world is human nature. When it comes to work and such, just relax. Otherwise, it'll be more stressful than going to the grave."

Wang Jie chuckled. "Director, you're exaggerating."

Yang Chen knew his deputy was now fine and didn't tease her further. He let Wang Jie continue working and left her office, taking the stairs down to Yulei Entertainment's music production studio on the next floor.

With substantial startup capital, Yulei Entertainment boasted its own recording studio and various music production rooms, fully equipped for artists and musicians under contract to create and rehearse music.

Yang Chen was somewhat concerned about Huilin, who was experiencing her first day in the company. Having spent most of her life in the mountains without much exposure to the world, she might be nervous facing so many strangers all at once, especially with everyone focused on her.

Upon entering the recording studio, Yang Chen saw Zhao Teng standing with a group of staff and musicians, several audio engineers and musicians wearing headphones, intensely listening to something.

Inside the recording booth, Huilin, also wearing large headphones, had taken off her coat and was in a light pink thin sweater. Sweat beads glistened on her pure and lovely face as she closed her eyes, deeply immersed in some emotion, singing something.

Seeing Yang Chen arrive at the recording studio, Zhao Teng tapped the shoulder of a colleague who was deeply engrossed in the music and introduced, "This is Director Yang, some of you might not be familiar with him. Get to know him quickly."

Yang Chen gave a faint smile and shook hands with the people present. Zhao Teng proceeded to introduce their backgrounds; most were producers and musicians hired under contract. Learning that the young man before them was the highest-ranking executive of the company, they were somewhat surprised but did not dare to underestimate him. Age didn't necessarily equate to background or capability, whether they relied on connections or merit.

"It seems like all of you are quite engrossed. Does my cousin sing well?" Yang Chen asked.

One of the musicians nodded eagerly. "Is she really your cousin, Director? Like brother, like sister indeed. Miss Huilin's vocal talent is among the top three I've ever encountered. What's more remarkable is the ethereal quality in her voice, which is rare among young girls these days and undoubtedly tied to her temperament."

"Indeed, her vocal abilities are excellent. With some refinement in falsettos and high notes, she could adapt to a variety of song styles," another musician chimed in.

Yang Chen was mildly surprised. He looked towards Huilin, who was still earnestly singing inside the recording booth, and picked up a pair of headphones to listen for himself.

Through the headphones, a nostalgic ballad played. Yang Chen wasn't familiar with the music and entertainment industry in Yanxia, so he couldn't recognize the singer. However, Huilin's refreshing and pleasant voice brought out the song's emotional depth, creating a soothing atmosphere.

Taking off the headphones, Yang Chen addressed the group, "She seems quite tired, sweating like that. Why don't you let her take a break? Singing continuously like this isn't good for her voice."

"Haha, Director, it's not that we don't want Huilin to stop. It's just that she's so engrossed in her singing that we hesitate to interrupt her," joked a few of the producers.

Just then, a young receptionist from the front desk entered and called out, "Director Yang, are you here?"

Yang Chen turned around. "What is it?"

The receptionist spoke respectfully, "Director, there's someone waiting for you in the company's reception area. They claim to know you and asked for both you and Miss Huilin to come meet them."

Yang Chen's expression shifted slightly. He instructed the receptionist to return first and then walked into the recording studio towards Huilin.

Seeing Yang Chen suddenly enter, Huilin stopped singing, her cheeks flushed. Feeling embarrassed to have sung in front of Yang Chen, she asked, "Big brother Yang, how come you're here?"

"Someone wants to meet me, and they want to meet you too," Yang Chen said with a smile.

Huilin blinked a few times. She didn't know many people who would want to meet her. "Who is it? Is it Sister?"

Yang Chen shrugged. "If I'm not mistaken, it's either your grandmother or your grandfather."