
Hades, the Urban Legend

Synopsis: Yang Chen, the inheritor of the divine throne of Hades, was separated from his family at a young age and sold to a foreign assassin organization. Enduring the darkest of worlds, he eventually returned to his homeland incognito. Intending to live a low-profile life as a street vendor selling lamb skewers, fate took an unexpected turn when he married a well-known local corporate CEO. Hoping for a quiet existence, he found himself drawn into the role of a guardian knight due to the presence of beautiful women from various walks of life. As he navigates through these connections, his past experiences and former comrades resurface. Inadvertently, he delves into the world of cultivation in China and uncovers the essence of this world.

yin_chenghao · Urban
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453 Chs

Chapter 295: Lost and Confused

Huang Hai either appeared sincere or was well-prepared as he calmly explained, "It's like this, Director Yang. We only finalized the accounts yesterday and realized we had underestimated the costs for some computer special effects, leading to this issue. But please, Director Yang, don't be too concerned. The theme and design of this film are excellent. Take your time to review it again; I believe you'll be satisfied."

With that, he took the wine glass that his wife, Ellie, had brought over and handed it to Yang Chen. "Here, let me toast you first to thank you for coming personally, Director Yang."

Yang Chen accepted the glass and clinked it with Huang Hai's and Luo Chang'an's before downing both glasses in one go.

Yang Chen sneered inwardly. Computer special effects? Were these two treating him like an ignorant outsider or were they just naive? Setting aside whether such a low-budget film even needed computer effects, even if it did, how could the cost suddenly jump by 30 million? Did they think the investors were fools?

"Huang Director, I think your budgeting is seriously flawed. This is a matter of trust. If it were 80 million, I probably wouldn't be sitting here today," Yang Chen said, putting the documents he held aside. Huang Hai awkwardly smiled and quickly pulled Ellie, who was beside him, into the conversation. "Ellie, quickly pour a drink for Director Yang and appease him."

Blushing, Ellie, though shy, expertly maneuvered herself next to Yang Chen, her body subtly emitting the classic Chanel No. 5 fragrance.

Pouring half a glass for Yang Chen and a bit for herself, Ellie whispered softly beside Yang Chen, "Director, please don't be angry. Let's talk it out slowly. Here, I'll drink to you."

Director? Yang Chen almost burst out laughing. This woman was at least thirty years old, dressed up like a little girl, and addressing him as "Director." If it were another man, he might have actually felt weak-kneed and couldn't bear it.

No wonder they chose a place like this; it was to maximize the role of his starlet wife.

Sensing the feminine pheromones emanating from Ellie's body, Yang Chen suddenly felt his blood temperature rise, especially in his lower abdomen, where he felt a surge of warmth.

Finally, Yang Chen completely understood. No wonder he had felt uneasy about letting the waiter open the wine earlier; it turned out they had spiked his glass!

Unfortunately, such drugs, while causing some physiological response due to his unique constitution, were mostly just a slight stimulant and couldn't achieve the intended effect.

Nevertheless, Yang Chen found the whole situation intriguing.

Previously, he had seen entertainment news on TV discussing unwritten rules and the like. He never expected that one day, he would be "invited" to participate in such a thing himself.

"It's just that this seems like a 'forced unspoken rule.'"

Eileen gazed silkily at Yang Chen. "Director Yang, are you feeling hot? I feel the heating in the room is a bit too much. Shouldn't you take off your coat?"

Yang Chen chuckled inwardly, maintaining a seemingly cooperative and dazed expression on his face. After finishing the wine that Eileen poured for him in one gulp, he nodded. "It is a bit hot. I'm feeling a bit dizzy. Could you help me take it off?" With that, he turned around, his back to Eileen.

Eileen exchanged a cold smile with Huang Hai.

Behind them, Luo Chang'an secretly dialed a number on his phone. Moments later, Huang Hai's phone rang. He answered it, exchanged a few words, then stood up apologetically, addressing Yang Chen, "Director Yang, something urgent has come up that I need to discuss with Chang'an. We'll be back soon. Please bear with us for a moment."

Yang Chen waved his hand dismissively. "No problem, you go ahead. I'll have something to eat."

"Eileen, please take good care of Director Yang," Huang Hai said sternly, before leaving the room with Luo Chang'an.

Once the door closed behind them, only Yang Chen and Eileen remained in the room. Eileen helped Yang Chen take off his coat, leaving him in a wool sweater underneath for warmth.

A cool, white palm suddenly slid across Yang Chen's face. Eileen's voice carried a hint of infatuation as she murmured, "Brother Yang, you're really handsome, and your physique is great."

As Eileen's hand moved up to Yang Chen's chest, under his barely lifted eyelids, she revealed a woman's unique hunger.

Unfortunately, due to the close proximity, Yang Chen only noticed the thick layer of makeup on Eileen's face, which could not hide the signs of aging—pockmarks and uneven skin texture. It seemed that time had already taken a toll on her youth, despite her deliberate attempts to appear young and innocent. At her age in her thirties, if not for being "free labor," Huang Hai would probably have replaced her with a younger girl long ago.

Thinking of how this woman had perhaps sold herself countless times for Huang Hai's advancement, Yang Chen felt both pity and disinterest towards her.

At that moment, Eileen's hand unconsciously moved to Yang Chen's abdomen. Though Yang Chen was not physically affected, he felt a slight revulsion at being provoked by a woman.

Yet Eileen suddenly felt dizzy and fainted before she could escalate things with Yang Chen.

Yang Chen withdrew his hand from the back of Eileen's neck, knowing she wouldn't wake for a while. He pushed her aside, stood up, put on his coat, and then turned off all the lights in the room, plunging it into total darkness. Even in broad daylight, one wouldn't be able to see their own hand in front of their face.

As they approached the door, quietly awaiting Huang Hai and Luo Changan's return to "inspect the results," about fifteen minutes passed. The door was gently pushed open, and Huang Hai and Luo Changan entered to find the room engulfed in darkness, vaguely discerning someone on the sofa, assuming their deed was done.

"Damn it, this kid didn't even bother to notify us after finishing the job. Looks like he's hooked on this young lady!" Huang Hai cursed.

Luo Changan smirked evilly, "You know it too. This seductive woman, we couldn't satisfy her together from front to back. At thirty, she's like a wolf; older women just get more exciting."

"Damn it all, the lights are off. Could it be they made such a racket that they did it all over the room? Strange, there should at least be a smell," Huang Hai pondered aloud.

"It's only been a short while, probably just a quickie. What smell? This woman, why isn't she moving?" Luo Changan wondered.

"Why move? Just stay in that position, it's easier for us to take pictures," Huang Hai muttered, moving towards the nearest freestanding lamp to turn it on from memory.

Suddenly! The light came on!

Huang Hai jumped in fright, stumbling back three steps in panic.

Standing beside the light with a mischievous smile was Yang Chen, looking playfully at them. Though they didn't understand why Yang Chen had drunk the wine laced with aphrodisiacs and yet seemed unaffected, Huang Hai and Luo Changan suddenly realized their scheme had been exposed! Ellie on the sofa had never been touched!

"Director Yang, you... you..." Huang Hai didn't know what to say, his face alternating between pale and flushed.

Yang Chen approached them slowly, "What about me? I was just waiting here for you to come and take pictures for me."

Huang Hai and Luo Changan's faces turned ashen. It was clear Yang Chen knew everything. They exchanged a glance.

At this moment, they had only two options: first, Yang Chen could let them off the hook, pretend nothing had happened, but their partnership would be ruined. Second, overpower Yang Chen—since their plan was exposed, they had nothing to lose and needed to make sure Yang Chen kept quiet!

In an instant, Huang Hai and Luo Changan made their decision. Luo Changan closed the door, bolted it, and together with Huang Hai, lunged at Yang Chen!

In their minds, handling one man between the two of them was supposed to be easy. They planned to strip Yang Chen naked, have Ellie cooperate again, and still take the photos to use as leverage.

But when people are backed into a corner, they rarely think clearly. Huang Hai and Luo Changan hadn't considered why the potent drug didn't affect Yang Chen. Their attack was futile as Yang Chen effortlessly blocked their attempts, grabbing each by the collar and hurling them against the wall beside the sofa with a loud thud.

"Huang" and "Luo" collided awkwardly with the wall, landing heavily on Ellie's unconscious body. Ellie stirred from the commotion, waking up groggily, unaware of what had transpired.

Huang Hai and Luo Changan were utterly stunned. How could this man possess such immense strength? Stunned and unable to fight or flee, they endured intense pain as they collapsed onto the carpet, begging Yang Chen for mercy.

"Director Yang, we were wrong! Please spare us this time! We didn't mean to—we're just trying to survive in this tough business environment..."

"Ah, so you've got your reasons," Yang Chen sighed regretfully. "But locking the door and bringing all your gear... You've disappointed me today."

Huang Hai's forced smile looked more like a grimace. "Director Yang, I know we've made mistakes. Please give us another chance. We've been in this industry for years, and it's not easy. We were just trying to make a living. Everyone in this line of work has a bit of a shady background, and it's dirtier than you think. Director, please spare us this time. We won't dare to..."

Yang Chen understood Huang Hai's plea, but having been drugged and wasting his valuable game time, he felt entitled to some compensation. He reached out towards Huang Hai, who hesitated for a moment before pulling out his wallet and handing over cash and bank cards.

"Director, here's all the cash and cards I have. Please don't call the police, okay?"

"Why would I need your money? I want the camera," Yang Chen replied with a strange grin.

Huang Hai looked puzzled. "Director, why do you need the camera?"

"You failed to capture me, so I'll capture you," Yang Chen teased. "You said you all played together, right? I'd love to see it. Perform for me, and I won't call the police."

Luo Changan's face twisted in agony. "Director Yang, isn't this like signing our death warrant?"

Yang Chen's expression turned cold. "Are you going to leave your fate in my hands, or in the hands of the police?"

At this, all three fell silent. Huang Hai, looking lost and disoriented, took out a digital camera from his briefcase and handed it over to Yang Chen.

Half an hour later, Yang Chen emerged from the club holding a small SD card. He got into his car and suddenly remembered the time he rescued Liu Mingyu from the hotel. He had captured similar footage then, but Minister Ma was too old to be passionate. This time, the footage promised to be of higher quality and much more stimulating.

It had been a long time since he had been intimate with Liu Mingyu. She was the kind of woman who wouldn't contact you unless absolutely necessary, her inherent pride keeping even her lovers at arm's length.

Yang Chen thought back to that night by the sea, feeling a surge of heat within him, especially with the remnants of the substance still coursing through his body. He needed a release.

Taking a deep breath, Yang Chen started the car, slammed his foot on the accelerator, and sped towards Yulei's headquarters.