
Hades, the Urban Legend

Synopsis: Yang Chen, the inheritor of the divine throne of Hades, was separated from his family at a young age and sold to a foreign assassin organization. Enduring the darkest of worlds, he eventually returned to his homeland incognito. Intending to live a low-profile life as a street vendor selling lamb skewers, fate took an unexpected turn when he married a well-known local corporate CEO. Hoping for a quiet existence, he found himself drawn into the role of a guardian knight due to the presence of beautiful women from various walks of life. As he navigates through these connections, his past experiences and former comrades resurface. Inadvertently, he delves into the world of cultivation in China and uncovers the essence of this world.

yin_chenghao · Urban
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453 Chs

Chapter 291: Getting Along Well

The next morning, just as the sky was beginning to brighten, Yang Chen's phone buzzed.

Yang Chen, nestled warmly under the covers with Qiangwei, groggily picked up his phone. The number seemed vaguely familiar.

Answering the call, he immediately heard a voice he never wanted to hear.

"What time is it already?! Still lazing around?!"

It was Reverend Yun Miao, that old nun!

Yang Chen sighed deeply and yawned, "Reverend, can't you check the time? It's just past six in the morning. I still have an hour before I need to go to work."

"Hmph! When I was your age, I would wake up before five every day for training. At this hour, I would have already carried two buckets of water from the foot of the mountain to the top!" Reverend Yun Miao retorted.

"Reverend, that's Shaolin Temple, right? Are you nuns at Emei Mountain playing the same game?" Yang Chen asked in a playful tone.

"Shut up! I'm talking business!" Yang Chen was wide awake now; this nun's voice was too loud, even waking up Qiangwei with a startled and adorable expression.

"Alright, then get to the point," Yang Chen said helplessly.

Reverend Yun Miao snorted and suddenly asked, "How is Huilin doing now? Has she settled in with you?"

"Huilin?" Yang Chen asked puzzledly, "What do you mean settled in with me? Has she come here?"

Reverend Yun Miao immediately raised her voice, "What?! You don't know she's at Zhonghai? She didn't contact you yesterday?! Her train arrived yesterday afternoon!"

Yang Chen was bewildered. Wasn't she supposed to call him once she arrived? She didn't contact him at all. How was he supposed to know if that little nun had arrived or not?

"Reverend, I really didn't know. She didn't call me. Are you sure you're not mistaken?" Yang Chen asked.

"I personally saw her off at the train station. How could I be mistaken? This is the first time she's been so far away from me alone. Could she have gotten lost? No, I gave her a phone. If there was a problem, she could have called you," Reverend Yun Miao said anxiously. "You need to go to the train station immediately and look for her. You must find my granddaughter. If anything happens, I'll hold you responsible even if it costs my life!"

Damn it, why is this my problem?! How would I know when your granddaughter arrived? She's a capable person with martial arts skills. What could possibly happen to her?

Yang Chen was conflicted but didn't dare argue with this unloving and hot-tempered old nun. He could only hang up the phone and hurriedly get out of bed.

Rose asked in confusion, "Honey, how do you still know that nun?"

"Just an old woman who still dreams of becoming a nun even with a husband. Ignore her," Yang Chen muttered.

"What about her granddaughter?" Rose looked at Yang Chen strangely.

"Don't overthink it. Why are you suddenly so curious? Do I look like someone who would pursue a young nun?"

"Yes," Rose said without hesitation, stifling a laugh.

Yang Chen's face darkened, unable to respond.

Half an hour later, Yang Chen arrived at Zhonghai Railway Station. He dashed into the sparsely populated arrival hall in the early morning. Scanning rows of seats and corners, he started to wonder if Hui Lin had already left. Unexpectedly, a solitary figure sitting near the entrance caught his eye.

Her long hair cascaded neatly down her shoulders, her oval face fair and smooth, devoid of any dryness even in winter. Delicate features adorned her fatigued expression, pouting with rosy lips.

No longer in her traditional attire, she wore a light brown coat and black tight pants, accentuating her perfect figure, completed with knee-high boots.

From the classical-dressed young nun to the modern city girl Hui Lin, Yang Chen almost didn't recognize her.

Approaching her, Yang Chen glanced at the pink suitcase beside her and the sleepy-eyed Hui Lin. He furrowed his brow and asked, "When did you arrive? Why didn't you call me?"

Hui Lin seemed instantly awake, startled by his voice. She stood up from her seat, rubbed her eyes to clear her drowsiness, and nervously looked at Yang Chen, her innocent appearance suggesting she had encountered some trouble.

"Why did you come?"

"I came here because your grandmother called me frantically saying she needed my help. How could I not come to find you?" Yang Chen chuckled wryly. "Didn't I ask you to call me? Why did you sit here all this time? Did you spend the whole night here?"

Hui Lin shrunk back fearfully and nodded, looking aggrieved.

Yang Chen didn't know what to say. Despite the station being heated, for a girl to sit here alone all night, not as a homeless wanderer but someone with a place to go, was concerning.

"Why didn't you call me?" Yang Chen asked again.

Hui Lin glanced away, softly saying, "I... I felt embarrassed."

Yang Chen sighed. "What's there to be embarrassed about? Do you really think just because your master suggested you marry me, I would see you as my wife? In my eyes, you're like a little sister. You came to Zhonghai, and I treat you like a distant relative. Why be embarrassed?"

"But... but we're not relatives," Hui Lin murmured in reply.

Communicating with this straightforward girl was proving difficult for Yang Chen. He sighed and lifted Hui Lin's suitcase. "Let's go. I'll take you to where you're staying."

"No need, I can manage myself," Hui Lin immediately blushed and tried to take her suitcase.

Yang Chen glared at her. "What's with the struggle? Your master sent you here, so listen to me. Just follow me obediently."


Hui Lin withdrew her hand and walked with Yang Chen to the parking lot. After they got into the car and were on the highway back to the villa, Yang Chen finally called Master Yun Miao to inform her that he had found Hui Lin. When Yun Miao asked why it took so long, Yang Chen handed the phone to Hui Lin to explain herself.

Hui Lin shyly admitted she felt embarrassed to call Yang Chen for a pick-up. This confession earned her a scolding from Master Yun Miao, nearly bringing her to tears.

After that, Master Yun Miao instructed Hui Lin to stay at Yang Chen's house and left the details to Yang Chen, emphasizing that Hui Lin shouldn't spend all her time indoors.

Yang Chen had figured it out: Master Yun Miao wasn't trying to find him a wife but had sent him a "daughter" instead. Not only did he have to handle her food, lodging, and living arrangements, but now he also had to help her find a job!

As for where she would stay, Yang Chen had initially considered finding somewhere else for Hui Lin, especially since things were awkward with Lin Ruoxi. But Hui Lin was so innocent; leaving her alone somewhere outside wasn't reliable. Since he had promised Yun Miao to take care of her, he couldn't be too heartless. He reluctantly decided she could stay with him.

When they arrived at Longjing Garden Villa, Lin Ruoxi had already left for work, leaving only Wang Mama busy setting the dining table.

Seeing Yang Chen bringing in a beautiful unfamiliar girl, Wang Mama curiously asked, "Sir, who is this young lady?"

"Oh, she's my distant cousin who came to Zhonghai for an internship. She'll be staying with us for a while. I mentioned it to Ruoxi before," Yang Chen replied.

Upon hearing she was Yang Chen's relative, Wang Mama warmly welcomed Hui Lin, helped her carry her luggage upstairs, and quickly arranged a guest room. With plenty of spare rooms in the house, it wasn't a hassle at all, and the rooms were always clean and ready for use.

While Hui Lin unpacked in her room, Wang Mama learned she hadn't eaten breakfast yet. She hurried downstairs and quickly prepared some simple dishes, along with leftover rice porridge, asking Yang Chen to call Hui Lin down to eat so she wouldn't go hungry.

Clearly, Hui Lin's gentle and lovely appearance easily won over Wang Mama's favor.

Yang Chen, feeling no rush to go to work now, went upstairs. Hui Lin's room was next to his. He knocked on the door but got no response. Without much thought, he pushed the door open and was amused to find Hui Lin fully clothed, shoes still on, sprawled across the bed, half asleep!

After a day on the train and a sleepless night, cold and hungry, it was understandable.

Having never traveled alone like this before, especially to a big city where she was unfamiliar, Hui Lin had spent the entire night alone in a train station surrounded by strangers. Yang Chen, now calmer, felt a surge of pity for her.

Approaching the bed, Yang Chen pulled up the blanket to cover Hui Lin.

However, as soon as he covered her, Hui Lin suddenly opened her eyes wide, sat up alertly, and looked at Yang Chen with a wary expression. Her big eyes were filled with emotions of excitement as she retreated to the other end of the bed. "W-what are you doing?! D-don't... don't do anything."

Yang Chen was baffled. "What are you doing? I was just afraid you'd catch a cold, so I covered you with the blanket."

Hui Lin suddenly noticed the blanket in Yang Chen's hands. Thinking she had misunderstood his intentions, she blushed deeply. Her understanding of romantic matters was vague at best; before leaving, Master Yun Miao had forcefully instilled some ideas in her, but she only half-understood. Nevertheless, being a young woman in her twenties, she naturally felt shy yet intrigued by thoughts of romance. Seeing Yang Chen, the only man who had left a positive impression on her, stirred unusual emotions in her.

"S-sorry, I was just nervous," Hui Lin stammered, embarrassed.

Yang Chen sighed in resignation. "Since you're not going to sleep, let's go downstairs and have breakfast. Wang Mama has prepared it for you."

"Oh," Hui Lin obediently replied.

Meanwhile, in a nondescript old building in a secluded part of Yandu City, in a quiet office that seemed ordinary, Lin Zhiguo set aside his newspaper and took off his reading glasses. He turned to the gray-clad figure respectfully standing beside him.

"Has Hui'er arrived at Ruoxi's house?"

"I just received a report. Yang Chen has already brought Miss Hui into the house. Sir, you can rest assured."

"Ah, what's there to be assured about, Gray? You know, I really hope Ruoxi and Hui'er can get along well. But I worry if they find out they're biological sisters, how they'll react. Hui'er is naturally gentle and innocent; perhaps she won't be too averse. But considering Ruoxi's rejection of me, once she learns the truth, it might not be easy to handle," Lin Zhiguo said, furrowing his brows deeply.

Gray remained silent. As Lin Zhiguo's constant companion, he naturally understood the core issue.

"Oh, speaking of which," Lin Zhiguo suddenly remembered something. "After I handed over the DNA test results to Yang Gongming last time, any movement from the Yang family?"

Gray smiled knowingly. "Sir, your move was quite clever. Yang Gongming not only appreciated you informing him about his grandson's whereabouts but also personally met with the head of the Zeng family."

"Oh? Yang Gongming is making a comeback?"

"With hopes of his long-lost grandson returning home, the elderly gentleman naturally doesn't want anyone to harm him. Moreover, the rationale is on Yang Chen's side. According to reports from below, the Zeng family's covert plan to act against Yang Chen has been terminated," Gray reported.

"Although the Zeng family is influential, compared to the Yang family established by the founding father, they pale in comparison. Not to mention Yang Gongming's wide influence and support from his son Yang Pujun and son-in-law Yuan Hewei. If not for the sparse numbers of the Yang family, they would have already been regarded as leaders in Yandu," Lin Zhiguo chuckled. "I didn't expect that Yang Chen, that kid, could bring about such a connection. However, despite the Zeng family withdrawing for now, it doesn't mean they won't strike in the future. We must remain vigilant."

"Yes, sir," Gray affirmed respectfully.