
HADES is coming run

This is not actually the full bock just a trial for me to get up all my Ideas in to one place and I thought hey why don’t I post it so here we are probably gonna change a lot of later down the line by you get to see the changes soon yeah. Hear you go here’s the trial run Hades is coming

I_am_billons · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 1 act 4 (final act)

(Well that was weird I wonder how did he do that well this is boring having nothing around me so I guess I'll start writing my story) you decide as an empty book appears before you.

" perfect this is just what I needed" you say as you start writing the first chapter.

(I'll call the world Ge and the moon fengari O and the sun Ilios.) you think as you write it down and they appear in front of you

(Right then any good story has to have human,plants o and water is good resource and I'll make it the planet Ge about 160,000,000,000 Miles long wait what's a mile eh. Who really cares it is a great term measurement all right I'll write that down would I don't know maybe 1 mile will be 16 feet and feet would be 12 inches no no no 13 inches and 1 inch would be 100 meters and 1 centimeters is 100 millimeters) you decide as you continue to writing this universe into being

(Now I should make an afterlife shouldn't I somewhere where all the death sold can come oh and let's make the population of humans 100 yeah let's make this rock stronger other rocks and call a metal and make it iron diamonds platinum a whole bunch of others yeah this will be amazing once is done of course) you bragged to yourself as you continue to write the story

(right then let's make some animals I don't know make it one big animal make it fat have it produce something drinkable for the humans I call it a cow something smaller and pink call it a pig Hmm we need an animal that the humans can use its hair for clothes and other necessities I'll call it sheep) you decide as you continue making animals for the humans to eat or killed by

(Right then now it's just time do a few finishing touches I'll make all the other galaxies where I can write other books in the books we have to see each other but not interact I'll call you the policy of the galaxy stars never be able to reach there anyway why should it matter if they're completely different) You convince yourself

(I've had a writers block I have no idea what to write next I guess i will write that the humans continue living they mate together they die they hunt they create the first ever civilization they are now a small kingdom and then we need to grow for thousands of years then now put Time skip 10,000 years later MC's point of view)

{Names of earth moon and sun are Greek tho hades is actually being used as the biblical meaning and not the god so if you have a better translation please post a comment of it o also I switch meters and inches in case you didn’t catch on} not part of main story

I_am_billonscreators' thoughts