
Senjumaru's progress

(Hades POV)

Together we walked to the lobby of my mansion. I was interested to see the woman who managed to tame the fire that was my surrogate son. That fire burned hot, I could feel it. His Zanpakuto was a testament to that fact. He had gotten stronger again. Fascinating. 

We arrived at the lobby and I saw a woman sitting there in correct and proper fashion. She was not from Rukongai ... or that's what she wanted others to believe at least. I could see the trained way she tried to act and hold herself. It was not meant to deceive but to please.

"Aiko! Aiko this is my sensei, Gojo Eimin.", Shigekuni said and the woman stood up to look at me. I could see the smile she had when Yamamoto called her name and then the seriousness she portrayed when looking at me.

Aiko was an elegant and graceful woman, she didn't have a presence that commanded attention but she was still special. She has a slender yet athletic build, reflecting a combination of traditional grace and inner strength. 

Her complexion is fair, and her facial features are refined, portraying beauty. Aiko's eyes are expressive, reflecting intelligence, kindness, and a hint of mischief. Her hair was styled in a traditional manner. She seemed to care a great deal about how she looked, which spoke volumes about her heritage. She wasn't raised that way but she tried to look good in front of me, the teacher of her lover.

I instantly liked her. Any woman capable of taming the beast that was Yamamoto deserved my respect. 

"It is an honour to meet you Gojo-san. Thank you for inviting me to stay here.", she said.

"The honour and pleasure is mine, Aiko. Please call me Eimin. We are going to be family after all.", I said. I could see that she didn't get red or some bullshit like that. It seemed she was good for Shigekuni.

"Now come. I want to know everything about how you two met and the like."


"I met Shigekuni perchance when some Adjucas class Hollow attacked in the Rukongai. The Hollow was about to devour some children when Shigekuni came to our aid and defended me and the children with his fire. He looked very impressive and powerful with his Zanpakuto. At first, I didn't want to get to know anything about him at first. Somehow he did manage to convince me though and ... I guess it somehow happened."

"So he bothered you until you said yes?", I asked her.

"... pretty much."

"Is that so? I guess I never did tell you how to talk to a woman. And what was that about you having to use your Shikai for an Adjucas class Hollow?", I said and turned to Shigekuni.

"Hehe ... well it was a strong Adjucas you know ... I had to use my Shikai to save the children as fast as possible.", Shigekuni was lying. That idiot just wanted to show off I guess. Or he really did have to use his Shikai for such a Hollow ... no probably the first one. 


We continued to talk for a while. I got to know Aik better. She was a good woman and I found out that she was not helpless. It seemed like Shigekuni's try to impress her didn't work out because she was also capable of using Shikai. 

I saw her Zanpakuto. It was an impressive weapon. Her Shikai took the form of two 'Tessen'. Tessen is a traditional Japanese iron fan that could be used both as a tool for keeping cool and as a concealed weapon by samurai and other martial artists.

When closed, it resembles a normal fan, but when opened, it reveals the metal spokes, which could be used for striking, blocking, or even as a throwing weapon.

Aiko could use the power of the wind with her Shikai. It was a very powerful Zanpakuto and it looked wonderful as well. I found that she had a special grace while wielding her Tessen's. 

I was invited to their marriage that was planned to be held in two months' time. An event that I gladly attended. I felt like she would make a good wife and was happy for both of them. 




(Senjumaru POV)

I did not think this through. I should have waited before making such a decision and just left Hades like that. Now I am up here as a member of a useless squad that can't even help with anything because it 'supposedly' protects something that is already dead.

I saw the Soul King and ... it was sad, to say the least. This ... thing was responsible for upholding the three worlds and making sure that it didn't fall into chaos again. But I knew what this was ... a puppet and nothing else. I had my suspicion about the truth of the matter and guessed that Manako Osho was not innocent in the matter. 

|Intelligence +1|

There it is again. This system grants me a point in intelligence whenever I become more 'intelligent'. But it was more the fact that I found something out or I acted smart. It was basically a way for me to test out my theories. So I was correct ... Manako Osho had something to do with the fact that the Soul King was now this pupped.

I did not think this through. I should have simply asked Hades to help me grow stronger on my own but instead ... I had to act proud and leave him. Now I am up here and miss him. All I do all day is sew and drink tea ... that is not even as closely as good as the one Hades makes ...

At first, I was excited. The thought of protecting the Soul King and becoming a member of the Zero Division excited me and I didn't even listen to Hades tell me the history of the world or how the Seireitei and Soul Society worked exactly. All I saw was the prestige I hoped for and the acknowledgement I got from Hades ...

But I already had that. And now I must spend my life up here and bore myself to death. I loved the little things Hades added to the Ornament. it was my most prized possession. Oetsu already wanted to try and find out how it was made, but it exploded in his face when he touched it. He was depressed after that. 

I used the 'chat' function with the Ornament offered but it wasn't the same as seeing Hades. I missed him greatly. I would probably fall into depression soon. I managed to stay out of it due to my goal of growing powerful. My will to stand by his side soon was what pushed me further and made me more creative with my powers. 

These special 'dungeon keys' were magnificent. I usually fought with all kinds of Hollows and even some other 'creatures'. The system called them monsters simply. I thought it was funny because I knew that it was the way for Hades to show me monsters and creatures of different worlds. I looked at my status. I was quite powerful right now. 






HP: 93,300 RP: 155,720














- LV. 87



- FATE WEAVING (minor)

- LV. 34


I finally unlocked my Bankai and managed to use it. I found out that the system could strengthen any of my powers as long as I trained in it. I wasn't sure whether level 100 was the maximum for my Shikai and Bankai but I felt that even if it was, it was already so powerful. I constantly found new uses and just last week I was awarded an additional skill called: 'Property infusion' that allowed me to infuse my creation with different properties. 

It was very powerful. I saw the possibilities and knew that this was not something that my Zanpakuto should have. This was something that came from this system ... so it came from Hades. He was a very powerful man. To just be able to create skills and gift it to me, is marvellous. 

I used the dungeon keys to practice my powers on the Hollows and other monsters. I understood very early that the stats were more important than levels. Although one level up granted me one point in each attribute. Thankfully I still got the daily training quest and reward. 

There was also a special daily quest, called the daily weave quest. I had one day time to sew something with the special properties which were required. This could range from fire resistance 1% to blunt damage resistance 5% and the like. The challenges got harder and harder but it kept me on my toes. 


I have been working on improving my six long, golden skeletal artificial arms attached to my back. I made them so as to uphold my promise to Hades and not use my real hands until we see each other again. But so far, it is proving harder than intended. Not the arms part, the other part where I can't see him.

I have become very skilled at using artificial limbs. I even got a skill for it. 

[Puppetry LV.27]

I used this new skill to get very skilled in the use of these limbs but I also got another idea. I felt like the system sometimes wanted to tell me things. Like the direction in which to train or think. For example, when I thought about Ichibe and got the feeling that there was more to him than that happy attitude, I got |Intelligence +1|, telling me that I was correct in my assumption and leading me to think about this more.

When I created the artificial limbs and trained to use them, I got the skill of Puppetry. It could have also been the skill of limb control or appendage control, but it was Puppetry. This led me to the idea of creating puppets with my clothes and sewing. After thinking about it I liked the idea. And Oetsu also liked the idea. 

I got into trying to make such things with the special thread that my Ornament offered me. I saw a lot of potential in the skill and was training it as often as possible. 


Things like this told me that Hades was looking out for me and that he was keeping tabs through the system. But he didn't want to make it seem like he was just giving them to me for free.

I hoped that there would be another member in the Royal Guard so that I could go down again... Maybe a woman. Yeah, a woman would be nice. 

On another topic, I could feel something had happened recently. I felt like a subtle shift in the world. I wasn't sure what it was and the system also wasn't helpful in that regard. It felt like the moment before a storm came.

But it wasn't any of my concern it seemed. The Royal Guards never cared about anything that happened in the Soul Society. They were far too good for that. 

I better make sure to be prepared for the change that might come. Apart from training and sewing, there was nothing else to do anyway.


Senjumaru will get updates and we see the different quests that Hades has prepared for her. It is all made so that she grows more powerful. I have all the quests already planned out.

Next chapter