

(Hades POV)

One week has passed since they voted on the ruler of Olympus. I wasn't there and I am not sad about it. I was sure that Zeus would be voted to be ruler, as I had no interest in it. Why would I give up something that is far better for that?

The Underworld was coming along nicely. I had begun my work on the 'Highway' and have been placing some of the Stations necessary to hold the Ender Portals. This will be something bigger than I imagined. At first, I thought I was just going to build some Ender Portals connect them with nice roads and then be done with it.

But it had undergone changes inside my head. The 'Highway' was now a subdimension, or it will be in the future. Yes, that's how massive the proportions are to create the 'Highway'. But there is more to it than just transportation. We shall talk about that when I have finished the Underworld.

Nyx and Erebus are spending a lot of time watching me build. I don't know why they do that, but I can imagine they are a bit bored after living inside the Night Palace for millennials. They invited me to dinner once and I must say, it is a grand palace. Fitting for two primordials. But not for me.

I preferred my buildings to have rooms with normal heights. The rooms in the Night Palace were so tall that you probably could turn into your true form and still have space to play volleyball.

The food was good though. I enjoyed our time and even met their children Hypnos and Thanatos. Thanatos was instantly interested in me and wanted to get to know me and all the plans I had for the Underworld. He wished to be a part of it and I said that I had nothing against that.

Charon's position in the Underworld has already been established. Hades planned to change his usual path across the river Styx. He will have to row the boat across a special river, that Hades will produce in the future.

A meeting with Styx herself will also be happening soon.

Shortly after Zeus had been voted as ruler of Olympus and decided on the Titan's punishment, Hades got another visit from Gaia. She was not happy.



Hades was working on the Underworld when he felt a heavy 'knock' on the Underworld. He was startled and focused to see who that was. When he saw his grandmother Gaia standing there, he thought about simply not letting her in.

He knew why she was here. She was probably unhappy about the fate of her children. Well, what did he care? He was not there to watch over his siblings. He didn't even care about them. He planned to not hear about them for the next few years as he enjoys building his home.

In the end, he opened the Underworld to let Gaia in. She came storming in and appeared in front of him. For a moment she looked him over and then at the two other primordials who were enjoying tea and cookies on the side.

"Grandmother. Nice to see you again. Is something the matter?", Hades broke the ice. Gaia was a weird character. It felt like she never had any true relationship. Her social skills were abysmal and he was the one who had to face the music and take care of the awkwardness.

"I heard that Zeus had been voted ruler of Olympus."

"Yes, I heard that as well."

"I hope you are making fun because you can not be serious."

"No, I am not joking in the slightest. Why would I be joking in the matter?"

Gaia looked at Hades with narrowed eyes. She must truly think he was joking about that. But why?

"You are not joking?"


"Then how did it come to that? Why would you allow Zeus to become the ruler of Olympus? You are far stronger than he is. You should have been able to become king."

"Aha, so that's what you mean. I never showed up to that meeting. I have no interest in ruling Olympus. Putting up with the rest of Cronos' offspring was hard enough as it is, and I don't wish to prolong it any further. Besides, I am the God of the Underworld. Why would I settle for something lesser than I will build myself?"

Gaia's expression didn't lighten up in the slightest. She still looked at Hades with narrowed eyes.

"Haah. I don't believe that is the true reason for your visit is it grandmother?", Hades didn't want to talk about it. However, he understood that she would probably not leave before they did.

"No. I came here because I wanted to know why my children were imprisoned! In Tartarus no less! I demand to know how you could have let this happen. Why would you do something like that to them!?"


Once again they found themselves in the position where Mother Earth was shouting and blaming Hades for something that he hadn't committed. And he had warned her what would happen if she did that again.

Hades' expression hardened. It seemed like Gaia would not learn.

"You did that once already. Coming into my realm and starting to blame me for something I had not done...

... I told you what would happen should this happen again."

"Oh? A little godling thinks he can-"

"YOU ARE NOT IN YOUR REALM! This is the UNDERWORLD! And as such you have no say in here. So shut your bloody mouth before I bash it in!"

All those present were surprised and didn't speak. Gaia was the most surprised. She had judged Hades as someone who did not get angry and shout. And yet here he was. The audacity.

"I warned you. I warned you that you won't like what happens should you do that again. And now you have.

I declare this: I, Hades Gojo, the Honoured One, ruler of the Underworld, God of Death, Wealth, the Underworld and Boundaries declare you Gaia as unwelcome in this realm. You are hereby banished and not allowed to enter for the next millennia.

Now leave!"

The world around them bent to Hades' will. His declaration was heard all around the Underworld and the world trembled. Gaia was forcefully expelled from the Underworld as its ruler had declared it.

Before she left though, Hades left her with some parting words.

"Next time ... go and ask Zeus about his decisions. He is the black sheep in my opinion."

And with that, she was gone. For the next 1000 years, she would not be allowed to enter the Underworld. He hoped that gave him some time to relax and not bother with the rest of Cronos' offspring.


Hades turned around and looked at the two primordials. Erebus had his mouth hanging open and even Nyx had a surprised expression.

"...That was ... awesome!!!", Erebus said.

And this time, Nyx did not bash his head or reprimand him. She was still surprised and was looking at Hades.

"It was necessary. I warned her. I decided not to punch her in the face. This seemed like the best option."

"You don't understand. You have just forcefully banished a primordial from your dimension. That is most impressive. However Gaia will not forget that.", Nyx explained.

"Good then. That is what I wanted. I am not interested in having her here and then screaming her lungs out at me because of something Zeus did. And I predict this will happen often in the future. My youngest brother is not the smartest tool in the shed. But we shall see."

(Flashback end)


Right now, Hades was on his way to see Styx. She was an important river that flowed through the Underworld and he wanted to speak with her. While he allowed her to exist and stay in the Underworld and wished to have a good relationship, he would not take any crap from her.

She would do what he wanted and that is that. He could always create another river. True, Styx acted as a boundary between the world of the living and the dead. But Hades could create another boundary as easily as snapping his fingers.

Hades arrived at the place where he felt Styx's consciousness to be right now. He waited for her to materialise and show herself. If she would do that, this would be a good sign.

As he hoped, the water stirred and from it, a woman materialised. She was an elegant woman with long dark hair that seemed to be in a flowing state. She wore a dark blue, almost blackish dress.

"You must be Hades. The one who claimed the Underworld as his own.", she said.

"Indeed. It is a pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is all mine. What can I help you with today?"

"I wished to talk with you about the future of the Underworld. You see I have certain plans that I wish to see come to fruition. And you might play a role in those plans."

"I see. And how do I play a role in those plans?"

"I wish to modify the way souls have to travel to arrive in the Underworld. I also wish to combine the river with a river of my own creation that serves as a defensive measure."

Styx looked at Hades with surprise.

"Did you just say, you want to create a river of your own?"

"Indeed. The river will have special properties and will act as a line of defence and primary sorting. The details are not yet finished. But if what I have in mind comes to pass, then I would like to have this river flow together with the river Styx for a time and then leave to continue its journey."

"I understand. You want to ask me if I would be alright with allowing another river to flow inside or beside me. And you think that wouldn't be a problem?"

"You misunderstand. This river has no deity like you are. It will have special properties that function on their own."

"Then what would change for me?"

"The only thing that would change would be that you gain certain properties. This is of course not final, but the details will be discussed in the future when I get to designing the river."

"Hmm, I agree. I can't sense any lie from you. But I would still like it if you swear on me that you are not trying to trick me."

"Certainly. I swear on the river Styx that I am not trying to trick her in any way."

Thunder was heard but nothing else happened.

"I see. Good then. Can you at least tell me what you plan on doing with this river?", Styx asked.

"I plan on having the river act as the entrance to the Underworld. No matter who it is, they will have to get a ride on the river to enter. This of course costs something. The only ones who can come in for free, are the souls of the deceased.

After they arrive I will have the river flow through a special dimension of mine, the Shadow dimension, where my soldiers reside. They will act as a major defence.

The river will be saturated with special souls that devour those who come unannounced or uninvited or don't have the necessary funds."

"Fascinating. I am looking forward to this river of yours."

Next chapter