
Hades Helper

Hades instincts tells him to save the life of a strangely dressed mortal. He does, but with a cost now this man will change Hades’s life in a way the fates would never foresee and it will change the mythical world forever.

Mangaelf1997 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Hades Meets His Helper

Hades Helper Chapter One: Hades meets his helper.

Hades watched the love of his life Persephone, daughter of his sister Demeter. He truly felt hopeless as he had no chance with Persephone thanks you her beauty and popularity. Now look who he was? He was Hades eldest brother of the original 7 Olympic Gods, but also the most insignificant. Zeus the youngest was strong, powerful, and popular as well as king of the gods, heaven and earth. His brother Poseidon loved by the ladies but feared by men for his temper and causing natural disasters and God of the seas. They overshadowed him completely Hades, God of the underworld and death. In comparison to them he felt insignificant, so like every time he had the chance to see Persephone, he watched her from afar with enough distance not to be caught by her, her guards or her mother. Yes Hades was aware it was creepy, but he couldn't help himself. Still he caused no harm and then after some time he walked away like a coward not even being noticed by her or anyone else.

While on his long walk home, deciding to do a relaxing slow walk not wanting to go back to his territory of the dark and dreary underworld so soon, where he would be buried in a large amount of work once he had arrived, he looked around to take in the view of nature and immediately saw a mortal man bleeding to death on the forest floor. The man had brown hair, a young appearance about in his twenties, tanned skin, and seemed tall for mortal men standards. He wore clothing with different shades of green mixed together making him hard to see if he didn't suddenly look at that direction. Usually he wouldn't care, because he dealt with the dead every day and being immortal makes it a common sight for mortals to die, but his instincts that helped him survive the war against the his father Cronos, and his fellow Titans in the Titanomachy was screaming loudly at him to save the man. Hades knowing from experience never to ignore his instincts rushed to the man and being a giant in comparison to mortals, Hades picked him up like a delicate doll and ran to his trusted friend who could save this man, Hecate. Little did Hades know the person his instincts told him to save would change his and everyone else's lives and death in a way the Fates could never foresee.

Soon Hades arrives in the part of Underworld where the Primordial god Hecate lived. He once seeing she had no home offered her a place there like he did with Hypnos, Thanatos, and others in the past. He rushed to her house's door and banged hard and loudly at it, until a short old woman, which Hades didn't understand why she choose such a form, answered the door screaming, "What is it, do you not know this is the home of the Goddess Hecate!?" She then looked up and saw it was Hades and her mood immediately calmed at seeing him and she politely said," Oh Lord Hades, my apologies for my rudeness earlier, why have you blessed this minor Goddess with your presence this evening?" Hades not caring about her screaming earlier presented and opened his hands to her and showing her the mortal man he had resting in his grasps, and told her," Hecate I know it might be a bit of an unusual request but I want you to help me save this mortals life. My instincts which you know has never failed are telling me to save his life no matter what, and you from experience know that my instincts are never wrong." She sighed in exhaustion from a hard day's work looking at her old friend saying, "it seems he is important to whatever is going to happen in our domain's future, come on in I'll do what I can do to help the handsome looking human, but it might come to steep price." Hades not hearing her whisper the word handsome agreed to come in and began listening to her speak and after putting down the human on a bed Hecate began checking out the human not seeing her look at him with more interest than she should.

She then told him as calmly as she could," Hades the damage on him is insanely brutal, it's nothing short of a miracle he's still clinging on to the realm of the living, but it's impossible to save him, no amount of healing magic is enough to save his life. The only way I know how to is a ritual to connect your souls together which will revert his body to your current state of health, which in benefit both of you get each other's abilities, experiences, knowledge, skills, and memories. He will also be immune to aging and disease like you. Still the catch is you will both become semi-immortal when if one of you is killed in any way you both die. It makes you now vulnerable if he is ever poisoned or killed. Do you think it's worth it, because at the end of the day it's your decision?" Hades then told her," If my instincts that I used to save my family, friends, and innocents that has never in my existence done me any wrong or led me astray are screaming at me to save him, then let's do this ritual and save this man already." While he was saying that he took off his shirt and Hecate who was a little to excited magically connected them and she told Hades," Now I warn you, even if he becomes unable to age or die from sickness and is also now able to regenerate, he is still killable and if he is ever killed you will die and be erased from existence along with him." Hades accepted and the ritual began. The mortal began to heal and regenerate, but Hades screaming in pain began to absorb multiple pieces of knowledge and experiences he didn't have before, and gain skills he could have never had the chance learn, experience, or gain. Both their bodies and minds changed with what both beings gained from one another.

Hades soon learned this mortal was not of this dimension. After the ritual ended in success he turned towards Hecate and told her," Hecate this man is not of this dimension." Hecate, who was glad both, were okay suddenly became shocked once she heard Hades words, she stopped what she was doing immediately realizing the attractive man Hades brought in was full of surprises, she then snapped out of it and calmly replied," oh this is very interesting, so what's this man's name?" Hades told her," David, David Smithson.


David awoke from his sleep and soon memories he had never seen or experienced before came as well. He then learned of what happened and knew how it led to where he is now. He was a fifty-year-old soldier who died in the frontlines of battle. The machine the enemy had activated must have mixed its energy along with the nuclear explosion and sent him here. Thank goodness both those energies cancelled each other's harmful effects, but couldn't heal his bullet and explosive wounds, but still restore his body was back to that of a twenty-year-old. Still to end up in a world where myths are real and very common is still kind of a shock but being complete fan of Greek mythology and an otaku, this was somewhat exciting.

Still for Hades to help him had given Hades David's respect. Then after seeing the god's experiences and memories, David learned that Hades was very misunderstood and mistreated by everyone and for Hades to sacrifice so much for him, and tie him to his life, David would do anything to help this god. David was a former scholar with many degrees and has traveled to multiple places, a master otaku, a multiple martial arts and weapons fanatic and master, and finally an elite soldier and strategist. He could help Hades in ways he never thought possible. He stood up as the servants of the castle called for Hades and saw a mirror. He walked over to it and saw he was back in his twenties, his eyes are now blue, and he looked more jacked than he ever was before. He was also currently naked and after looking around and seeing his new memories he saw that he was in Hades castle. While looking in his mind he realized he got Hades's magic knowledge and skills and so he snapped himself a comfy shirt and shorts with sneakers and white socks.

That moment was when Hades entered the room in a smaller form, but still taller than David. That was when the man and the god looked at one another, knowing everything about one another, from their joys to their sufferings yet meeting for the first time. Hades spoke saying," I believe both of us know what's going on, what has happened, and one another, so let's sit down and decide what to do next and reveal why my instincts told me to save someone like you and why it had me sacrifice my complete immortality." They both summoned chairs, sat down, and David told Hades his appreciation, how he felt for what he has done, what David wanted to do for Hades and after a conversation between the two David finished with a statement saying," you seem to dislike this place, even though from your memories I received from you, when you and your brothers drew straws on domain your helmet you wore let you see through Zeus's hand and see the straws and yet you chose this place, feeling it was a way to help your brothers and even setting up the argument of domain to protect your family from other beings trying to use birthright to justify against Zeus's reign." Hades sighed and agreed saying," yes I did somewhat choose this as my home, but it is still dark and full of unhappy souls knowing this is their fate." David then told Hades," home is whatever you want it to be, you could keep it like this, or change it to something you could be proud of to call home, and a place where people can be happy with if they choose the right path in life."

Hades looked at David and smiled saying," I never thought of it like that before, I always thought of this place as a job I assigned myself to for eternity, and that I was a God with no true home in this world." David smiled and told him, "It can be like that, or we can transform the underworld into new workplace and a good home that is at least a bit more comfortable and less miserable." Both of them laughed and started joking around before beginning their new lives together as Hades and his loyal helper.

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