

Too bright, were the first thoughts that ran through his head, this was justified by the fact that it was in fact too bright to be considered normal. The buildings were all tall and all plain white. The streets were empty and barren, the place was lifeless. Hackerman nicknamed it silent city. As he walked through the city, he noticed the abnormalities around him. The sky was an odd grey colour, but there were no clouds. The streets seemed to elongate indefinitely. The buildings were evidently all the same size. The most astounding part of all, was the silence. Pin drop silence all around, no wind, nothing. It was all quite unsettling. Then he saw an abandoned ramen shop, the flickering lights surrounding it brightened as he approached. The smell of delicious ramen hung in the air. When he walked through the entrance, the sight that greeted him, he would never forget... it would haunt him for years to come. In the middle of the shop... was an upturned bowl of ramen. The soup stained the carpet, there was noodle everywhere, pork here, ginger there, truly the stuff of nightmares. He let out a guttural scream, and fell to the floor. Then he woke up, he realised that he must have fainted at the gruesome sight of the ramen. And also that he must've been kidnapped (surprisingly enough), seeing as he wasn't in the ramen shop, but was in a dark room, tied to a chair. But this meant that there were in fact other people in the city, they might tell him about what was going on. Then he could hear the sound of a door opening, a mysterious hooded figure came into sight.

"who are you" said the mystery man/woman.

"who are you" Hackerman replied

"no, who are you" said mystery person

"you first"

"no you first"

"okay I'll go"

"no I wanna go"

"goddamit Jeffery just get over with the damn interrogation" exclaimed a different voice, from somewhere in the room.

"okay okay, let me start, my name is Jeffery, me and a few other men here, are one of the 13 elite squads, know as the Leone troupe. Me and the guy you heard, Ben, were on our rounds when we heard your scream, you were unconscious when we arrived, so we brought you here, now tell us about yourself"

"my name is Hackerman, that's all I know"


"you're not going to question my complete lack of cooperation and enthusiasm or information?"

"no I don't feel like it"

"fair enough, so you're team eleven?"

"yes... wait how did you know that?"

"oh I heard a random dude in a speaker talk about being in team twelve looking for team eleven or something, I dunno"


"yeah the line just disconnected or something"

"but that's impossible..."

"ok buddy whatever you say"

"I have to go talk to my higher officials... I'll be back"

so there Jeffery left Hackerman, while he went to go talk to other people, the Insensitive guy, but Hackerman was fine, as he soon dozed off.