
H20 Prophecy

Everything started from a single structure of a drop of water. Building up to the creation of life anew from the beginning of time and to the end of time. As life start to take it courses, destiny and fate ties together weaving it's unforseen prophecy of legacy that weaves with emotions and desires. As passing of time is inevitable so does the growth of the inhabitants of the world. Unfolding the pages of the prophecy set in stone for atonement and unity.

K_SilentProject · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 1.2 : World of Chaos Reborn - The Surging Waters and a Flicker of Hope in the Dawn of a New Realm

In the tumultuous maelstrom of Mother Earth's fury, pandemonium spread across the lands as her wrath materialized in quakes that remolded the very bedrock of existence. A sigh of weariness escaped her, for her offspring persisted in ceaseless clashes, their harmony shattered in the pursuit of supremacy.

Amidst the emergence of the Black Enchantress Seraphine, the realm found itself ensnared in a state of temporal suspension, ensnared between reality and reverie. The grip of her curse extended even to the lands themselves, causing them to shift and fragment into solitary islets. The surface, scarred by upheaval, bore witness to the forces of nature running amok. Rain descended unceasingly, akin to the heavens shedding tears, submerging the remnants of once-proud civilizations.

Within this solemn symphony of anarchy, survivors endured in a state of suspended animation, caught betwixt life and demise. The relentless rain and ascending waters stood as evidence of the world's agony, corroding and engulfing all that endured. It was a realm in stasis, a twisted realm of limbo, as the cycle of existence faltered.

Yet from within this desolation, a glint of optimism blossomed. Among the survivors who dared to persevere, Seraphine's words echoed, a pledge of redemption or requital. The world held its breath as the curse's clasp gradually weakened, releasing its hold upon the pulse of life.

After the downfall of humankind and the ravages of war, the remnants of society clung to survival against insurmountable odds. They navigated treacherous waters on fragile vessels, their hearts burdened by the collective ache of loss.

Several years elapsed, and the curse waned, ushering in the flow of time once more. Yet turmoil persisted, chipping away at the world bit by bit.

Now christened the 'New Realm,' it earned this moniker in the wake of the catastrophe, acknowledged by all. Still, discord lingered.

Only a select few remembered the enigmatic figure of darkness, Seraphine, and among them, a mere handful survived the calamitous battle. Others, absent from the broader tapestry of conflict, retained but hazy recollections. Engrossed in their own squabbles, they remained oblivious to the evolving world around them. All they grasped was that Seraphine was the architect of this madness, and while vengeance beckoned, survival and restoration took precedence.

In the pursuit of survival, they regressed, once again embroiled in strife without a glimmer of hope for unity among those of diverse origins and beliefs.

The ignorant became the embodiment of sin as the age-old war resumed. Conflict now raged among isolated islands, each striving to assert dominion, driven by beliefs of their own, those who had not participated in the skirmish against Seraphine.

As time resumed its inexorable march, other denizens of the Earth resurfaced to claim their stake in the world anew—creatures living, thriving, and coexisting once more. Though eager to reintegrate into the physical realm, they were a new generation, bearing a vendetta against humanity that had once driven their forebears to dark depths.

In this era, myriad beings that had once roamed the surface—including orcs, elves, monsters, demons, and more—now constituted a new generation. Not to be overlooked were the elder liches and the undead, such as skeletons, zombies, and vampires, as well as humanoid creatures like werewolves, kobolds, dwarves, and pixies. Even mermaids claimed their place. All sought retribution and a niche in the new world.

Thus, the 'New Realm' burgeoned with life once more, a desolation brimming with fresh prospects. Transformed into a realm of fantasy, it housed a pantheon of creatures side by side. The world would only chronicle the tales of blood, iron, and magic that unfurled amidst them.

Following the liberation from stasis, humanity once more fragmented into factions, particularly those who bore memories of the clash with the Dark Enchantress Seraphine. Amid the havoc, they abandoned their former ways, navigating perilous waters upon fragile vessels, their hearts heavy with collective sorrow.

With unwavering determination, they sought sanctuary, guided by an elusive glimmer of hope that beckoned them toward an untouched island amid the tempest. Aquora, an oasis of calm amidst the storm's fury, embraced the weary souls with open arms. The village, once modest, burgeoned into a sanctuary for the shattered, where hope found fertile soil to flourish.

On this island, refugees merged with the Aquorans, forging an indomitable bond amid the ruins of a fractured world. Distinct lineages and histories dissolved in the face of mutual suffering, and unity became their rallying cry.