
Resolution ( revised )

(A/N: okay now here's the revised version for this chapter)

As Helios was sleeping soundly in his room, his phone suddenly rang. It rang for several times until he woke up from the noise and checked to see what it was.

Upon checking his phone, he saw that it was Helios' grandma calling so he immediately presses the answer button.

Upon answering the call, he hesitated for a second, thinking what the original Helios would have called his grandma. He didn't have enough time, so he went for the safest and said,

"Hello, grandma?"

"Helios dear," his Grandma said in very distressed tone.

"I have something very important to tell you, but please stay calm and don't panic, okay?"

Upon hearing his grandmother's worried and sad voice in the phone. He now had a bad feeling about what his grandmother was going to say.

"Your parents were involved in an unfortunate accident; your father is in a critical condition in the operating room while your mother has several bone fractures and is still unconscious.

"We are currently in the Valour hospital in Z-city along with your grandfather right now,"

she explained as she tried to stay calm, but it was clear from her tone that she was in a panic.

"O-okay, I'll go there as soon as I can, grandma," Helios responded.

"Okay, b-but be careful on your way here, Helios,"

"Yes grandma, bye."

After ending the call, Helios immediately got up from his bed and knocked on his sister's bedroom.

A few moments later his sister opens the door,

"Do, you need something big brother?" said Rose Mary, while rubbing her eyes as he was still sleepy.

"M-mom, and D-Dad were in an accident!" Helios said in a panic,

"C-change your clothes,

"W-were g-going to the Valour hospital immediately,"

Rose Mary was shocked upon hearing what happened to their parents.

Helios immediately left her to go and change his clothes and prepare everything they needed for travel.

After about an hour, the siblings were now on their way to the hospital at City Z riding on a Taxi. City Z was about 20 kilometres away from where Helios and Rose Mary lived. It was a more urbanized city and the buildings were taller was well as the number of houses on the outskirts of town.

As Helios was looking on the view of Z City from afar, he thought to himself,

'This is the first time I'm seeing Helios' and Rose Mary's parents,'

'And on an accident, of all times,'

Helios was worried, not only for the original Helios' parents, but also, regarding on how he should act, and how he should feel, since even though he's occupying this Helios' body— they're not his real parents, nor his real family, so he doesn't want to make things awkward cause he doesn't know how to deal with this stuff.

After all, even back in his own world, he didn't know how to deal with his own family, as he wasn't on good terms with them when he decided to be a shut-in otaku and quit his job.

No one knew why he did this, neither his co-workers, not even his own family, as he decided to close everyone off from his life slowly rotting from depression.

As Helios was lost in his thought of his past life, he immediately snaps back when Rose Mary tugs his left sleeve as they were now inside the city's capital.

Arriving at the Valour hospital Helios asks receptionist about their parents.

Arriving at the door of the operating room they saw their grandparents sitting in the waiting area waiting for the doctor to come out.

"How is mom and dad, grandma?" his sister worriedly asks about the situation of their parents.

"They're going to be fine dear," their grandma replied hugging Rose Mary reassuring her that their parents will be safe.

"Helios, it has been a long time,

"It's unfortunate that we had to see you in a situation like this," Helios' grandpa said to him.

"Yes indeed, grandpa,

"I hope they're going to be fine," Helios said as he sat down along with Rose Mary and their grandparents.

They waited outside the operating room for about three hours when the doctor finally came out after the procedure.

"How's the situation doc?" their grandfather asked.

"Mrs. Black is in safe condition although she had suffered some physical injuries and several fractures, but after some therapy, she'll be able to walk again.


"Mr. Black is in a coma due to the head trauma he sustained from the accident. He is safe for now, but we have no way of knowing when he will wake up."

"thank you, Doc," their grandparents said in teary eyes.

After that, their parents were transferred to a private room of the hospital.

Helios sister and their grandma stayed in the room while their grandfather went out to get food for them, Helios followed him grandfather to ask about the details of the incident.

"Grandpa, what happened to them?"

"There was a villain being chased by the H.E.R.O. association and as the villain got cornered, he took hostage of some civilians.

"After negotiations failed, The police and the H.E.R.O. association decided to kill him on the spot, of course the villain wouldn't go out without a fight, so using his abilities, he went on a rampage destroying an entire city block.

"As the villain was on his least wits, he ran furiously bumping to every car in the traffic to slow down the H.E.R.O.s and the police,

"Your mom and dad were on their way to our house that time after shopping in the east district, when they got directly hit by the villain's charge, tossing the car as it flipped several times,

"It was on the news Helios, they covered the entire incident from beginning to end,

"That's why I was able to identify it was your parents,"

After hearing what happened, there were different emotions swirling within Helios' heart, as even though they are not his parents, he couldn't just stand by knowing what happened to the parents of the original Helios of this body he now occupies.

He wanted to do something about it, but his parents' recovery comes first. The problem was, unlike back in his original world, where he and his family were of moderate wealth—Helios Black in this other world comes from a middle-class family, and although they can recoup for the medical bills for his mother's injury, his father's was of a different story, as Mr. Black needed more medical care as his condition cannot be ascertained yet, due to him being in a coma.

"It's okay, we will be able to find money, your Gradnma and I,

"We can use some of our savings, as well as lump sum from our pension to pay for the medical expenses" his grandpa said reassuring him.

Although Helios was 27 years old back on Earth, he tends to forget that the body he is currently occupying was that of a 15-year old, a helpless, jobless kid, who should be focused on studying first, and not be burdened by medical bills and stuff.

Helios just nod at what his grandpa said but deep inside he couldn't take off his mind of a way to earn much money for his father's medical bill while he is in a coma.


Helios went out in order get some supplies for their stay in the hospital, as he was roaming about the bustling streets of City Z, he glanced at a familiar poster from the fragments of the old Helios' memories.

It was a recruitment poster from the H.E.R.O. association. Short for Hunting, Espionage, & Rescue Operations, it is a worldwide non-profit, non-government organisation that primarily focuses on very dangerous tasks concerning the identification, hunting, and custody of very dangerous individuals called as "Villains".

Unlike normal criminals which a country's police could easily handle— Villains are ability users with rank C or above type of abilities, that can range from devastating powers that can level entire city blocks, esoteric abilities like shapeshifting and invisibility, and the most dangerous kinds such as mindreading and body control. These users with very powerful abilities have either committed heinous crimes, are kept doing smaller crimes while continuously evading authorities successfully.

As such, the H.E.R.O. association was formed as this world's equivalent of the United Nations. Checking the balance of every nations' power, as well as taking out dangerous individuals that can pose threat to the world's peace.

Each member of the H.E.R.O. association as investigated, background checked, as well as categorized and is indexed in the organisation's database of ability users. Their powers, abilities, as well as their weaknesses are all documented to ensure no H.E.R.O. member goes rogue, and if in the event someone does, they can be easily tracked and eliminated. It is a very dangerous job where an ability user always puts his life on the line, but needless to say, it is also a very high paying one.

Having achieved his pseudo-ability of Cosmic Energy Manipulation, Helios decides to apply for the H.E.R.O. association membership exam, but keep it a secret from his family as his physical age was that of a fifteen-year-old boy.

Abilities in this world are achieved by special organs in the body that harness a mysterious particular in the air and convert them into physically enhancing force, or some sort of ability beneficial to the user. It requires this mysterious particle which the user breath's in throughout the air, as well as a lot of energy from the body in order to convert said particle into useful ability.

Unlike the Ability known in this world, Helios' Cosmic Energy Armour is not an ability, but rather a cultivation— similar to martial arts, it is a systemized set of techniques and disciplines that can be studied and practised by any user, with or without special organs.

And unlike normal Abilities which require special organs, and the processing of the particles in the air, Helios' Cosmic Energy directly taps from a particular energy present in the cosmos, by harnessing it and using it in its rawest form, without any conversion, which consumes energy and loses some of the input material.

After successfully harnessing said force, the cultivator can either process it further by compressing it, changing its form, mixing it with other energy, redistributing it with their body, or use it raw towards an opponent. Cultivation is more efficient, but more punishing to the body, as there are no special organs developed for harnessing a particular energy, therefore, some effects are unknown and can damage the body overtime without the cultivator knowing it.

After getting the supplies back to the hospital, Helios sets off once again and rides a Shin-Shinkansen to the nearest branch of the H.E.R.O. organisation, located in the outskirts of City Z.

Upon arrival at the nearest station there, he then travels another seven kilometres on a bus and towards a seemingly deserted part of the city with very few buildings and houses in between, and all he can see was wilderness and a very tall building far off in the distance. But it was clear that it was still part of the city, as the highway was very well intact, and the presence of road signs and bus stops.

As the bus went nearer, Helios marvelled at the structure that was the H.E.R.O. organisation's City Z branch, it was a tall monolith spanning 50 storeys, with Glass Panels all around.

Helios saw different types of people entering and exiting the building, so he continued and also entered.

Inside the building he saw an area where many people were sitting or standing while talking to each other, seeing the receptionist area he then approaches and talks to the receptionist.

"Excuse me sir, what can I do for you," the receptionist asked,

"I want to apply as a Hero,"

"May I see your ID sir?"

Helios gave his I.D. to the receptionist.

After confirming his identity, the receptionist said,

"Mr. Black you are applying for the job of being a hero right?"

Helios nod at the question.

"Here's your ID and your examination number, please put your examination number plate in the left side of your chest" the receptionist said while returning Helios's ID back and giving him a plate that has a number 764 written on it.

"Please follow Mr. Miles to the examination area" the receptionist said while leading her hand to man sitting beside her.

The man called Mr. Miles stood up

"Follow me Mr. Helios Black," Mr. Miles said politely as he walks ahead of Helios.

So Helios followed him as they walked toward the elevator then Mr. Miles presses the peculiarly marked button with an X. Mr. Miles quickly grabs the handle to his right, as the elevator suddenly rushes up to the top causing Helios to panickily grab the handle to the side also.

After arriving at an unknown floor of the building Mr. Miles walks out of the elevator then turns left while Helios follows along behind him.

After a few minutes of walking, they arrive at a large metallic double-door.

Mr. Miles then opens the door leading Helios inside.

There he saw a huge amount of people with examination numbers on their left side of their chest, as they meet and greet with each other while waiting for the proctor to arrive.

The examinees kept coming until the last one with an examinee number of 1000 arrived.

Then the doors were once again closed and a puff of smoked appeared as the Examiner arrives from a hidden passage somewhere in the room causing the examinees to quiet as the Proctor appeared wearing a maroon long sleeve, black slacks and black leather shoes.

"Good day to you all, I'm your Examiner for today, my name is Mr. Jones," said the proctor as he walked gallantly amidst the crowd of examinees on the floor.

"The rules for your exam are simple, you must follow me in climbing those stairs," the proctor said as he pointed out his hands to corer of the room where suddenly the walls vanish and a huge white stair appeared before everyone.

"Only those that are within three meters around me when I reach the top will be qualified to take the Hero examination," Mr. Jones said.

After this announcement, the examinees were in an uproar, as some of them complained, while others smirked as they were confident and willing to do anything just to get within the three meter radius.

Then Mr. Jones turned around and started walking while the examinees scrambled to get as close behind him.

Mr. Jones' legs were walking indeed, but the speed in which he was climbing seemed as if he was running on flat ground at full sprint, while the motion of his legs still appeared like he was walking.

The examinees follow Mr. Jones in climbing the stairs but many of them were unable to keep up with his pace until he reaches the end of the stairs where Helios was the only who was able to keep up with him.

"Everyone, thank you for participating this month's examination! Everyone except this boy, you may now leave, and take the exam once again, next month," Mr. Jones announced, as the frustrated crowed of examinees left the room one by one, complaining and moaning along the way.

Mr. Jones leads Helios to the next examination room.

The moment Helios entered the room he saw someone inside, and he was shocked by who he saw.

thank you for reading

satoukoncreators' thoughts
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