
H Mission Commencing!!

Mark, a small time businessman was dumped by his long time girlfriend that he was planning to marry. He was so brokenhearted after that night and went to a bar to drink and vent his heartache. Who would knew that the bar is actually running by a God that took an interest with him and gave Mark a life that he can be happy... By being a hentai protagonist as Sano Takuya. Warning: For those who likes to read grammatically perfect works, I'm sorry because this one isn't for you guys. My English is so bad that makes a grammar savvy puke.

Kahel · Anime & Comics
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135 Chs

The Narumiya Family and Yui's problem. (R18+)

[Upgrade successful, you can now receive the following after making the target(Ito Aika) cum: 2 stat points and 200 Exp.]

[The maximum capping of the target(Ito Aika) is now 40.]

[Congratulations on your first target upgrade, happy grinding.]

"Taku/Takuya-kun?" Shiori and Aika said at the same time when they noticed that Takuya was dazed.

"Nothing, I just had a sudden thought." Takuya waved his hand. "Let's continue?"

"Un." The mother and daughter nodded.

Takuya stood up and stroked his dick, he went in front of Shiori and aimed his wanting to be calmed down dick on the entrance of Shiori's precious cave.

Takuya gently rubbed the head of his dick on the surface of the beautiful looking matured pussy for a second then he thrusted his hips, Takuya's mighty dick was slid all the way to the deepest part of Shiori's insides.


Takuya bent his upper body then he sucked the alluring boob's nipple in front of him.


While sucking the pearls on the top of the two mountains, Takuya's hip movement was slowly accelerating.

"Ahn... ah!" Shiori arms are clinging around Takuya's head while caressing his hair.

"Takuya-kun! Ahhn!"

Aika was playing her pussy while looking at her mother and her step-brother doing indecent thing, for some reason she became more aroused than usual.

*Piak piak*

The movements of Takuya's hips were reached the point of "rough" in terms of sex, it was so fast and forceful that Shiori's whole body was shaking everytime Takuya was thrusting her.

"Ahn Takuya! Takuya-kun!" Shiori's mouth was just opened while some of her saliva was running on the corners of her lips, her mind blanked out because of the intense fucking.

*Piak piak.*

"Kaa-san." Takuya whispered then he humps his waist faster and faster.

"Ahhnnn!! It's coming, I'm going to release it." Shiori tightened her embrace.

"Hnn me too." Takuya replied as his dick's rage needed to release some of its "problems".

Few more pounds, Takuya and Shiori can't hold themselves anymore and released their very own love fluids.

[Sano Shiori, 9/20 stat points acquired.]

[Ding! Congratulations! You made Sano Shiori cum, You received 1 stat point and 100 Exp.]

Takuya released his thick semen inside Shiori's amazing pussy and her womb suddenly filled with it.

"Haa! haaa!" Shiori was breathing heavily while feeling the hot cum that filled her womb and flowing out on the entrance of her womanhood.

Takuya removed his dick from being connected with Shiori's pussy then he gave Shiori a kiss. The thick cum flowed like a newly opened champagne after removing the cork.

Takuya changed his target to the woman whose waiting for her turn, Aika's pussy was already dripping wet of her own natural lubricant, her face was slightly red because of arousal.

"Are you ready Nee-chan?" Takuya gently asked.

"I'm always ready for this little meat rod." Aika said then she stroked Takuya's dick.

"Little? hehe you're contradicting yourself every time this "little" meat rod enters you, you frequently say "It's so big" though." Takuya said with a grin.

"Such a killjoy, this is the reason I missed the shy and easy to tease Taku... but this kind of Taku in front of me is better." Aika placed both of her arms around the neck of Takuya then she kissed his lips.

Takuya welcomed the lips that sealed his.

A few seconds passed, Takuya grabbed her legs and carried her.

Takuya's erected dick was just few millimeters away from the hot and juicy pussy, As an expert to this kind of position, Takuya just thrusted his dick upwards and it successfully entered the heavenly dick massager without adjusting.

"Hnnn!" Aika moaned while kissing her man.

Takuya slowly moved Aika's body up and down.

"Ahn! Faster Taku." Aika said with coquettish tone then Takuya nodded and hasted the movement.

"Hn!! yes."

*Piak piak.*


More than 5 minutes passed after Takuya's pounding reached the highest speed that a normal person can offer, Aika's eye's starting to roll upwards and an erotic expression is forming on her face.

"Ahnn! I can't hold it anymore!"

"I'm going to cum."

Aika gave Takuya a warning, Takuya increased his pounding speed a little to help Aika reach her orgasm.


'I'm going crazy! Taku's dick is the best.' Aika thought.

[Ito Aika, 2/40 stat points acquired.]

[Ding! Congratulations! You made Ito Aika cum, You received 2 stat point and 200 Exp.]

Aika peed as her brain was going blank because of intense orgasm.





"Daiki-kun come have a snack." A beautiful black haired woman with golden eyes and an eye-catching big breasts was offering Daiki a plate of japanese sweets.

"Thank you ma'am." Daiki politely said.

"Hey Sera-chan you should play more with Daiki-kun." The beautiful woman said to the slightly tanned girl.

"Okaa-san! you're the only one insisting to befriend this kid, I'm already an adult! Who wants to play with that kid?" Sera said in low tone that Daiki can't hear, Like her mother Sera have a black hair and golden yellow eyes and can be considered as a cute kid, Sera was having a irritated look while taking a glance with Daiki then she snorted and left the living room.

"Where are you going Sera-chan?" Her mother said with slightly mad tone.

"To my room, I'm not feeling well." Sera rushed to her room.

"Ara ara, my daughter is rebelling *Sigh* it's so hard to be a single parent." Sera's mother sighed. "I'm sorry for that display Daiki-kun, Sera-chan is not feeling well today."

Daiki just innocently ate the snacks like he doesn't care on what's happening around him then he nodded even though he don't understand.

"Aren't you cute Daiki-kun?" Sera's mother pinched the shota's cheek.

"No! I am cool like Taku-nii!" The kid retorted.

"Ara, if you say so then eat a lot of this snacks to become bigger and cooler." The Milf patted Daiki's head then she smiled.

(AN: What should I name Sera's mother? Her name isn't mentioned in anime and the colored manga of Gaki ni Modotte Yarinaoshi!!!, any suggestions?)




"Stop calling, I already said that we're done, you are happy and I'm happy with our current life so please don't bother me anymore." Inside the bathroom Yui is irritated by her persistent ex-husband.

[Yui, just be with me and Miyuki I'm sure that we wil-.] The voice of Yui's ex-husband said on the phone but before he could finish his words, Yui ended the call.

On a certain company in Chiba.

"Hmmp! Why are you so stubborn Yui tsk, I will just go there and seduce her a bit, I'm sure you won't resist because you are a dick loving woman." The man muttered then he grinned after muttering.

(AN: Guys don't bother with this guy, he's just a filler and will die soon.)

The next lady that will be our MC woman in the near future is a dark skinned girl, you read it right! it's dark skinned girl.

Kahelcreators' thoughts