
H Mission Commencing!!

Mark, a small time businessman was dumped by his long time girlfriend that he was planning to marry. He was so brokenhearted after that night and went to a bar to drink and vent his heartache. Who would knew that the bar is actually running by a God that took an interest with him and gave Mark a life that he can be happy... By being a hentai protagonist as Sano Takuya. Warning: For those who likes to read grammatically perfect works, I'm sorry because this one isn't for you guys. My English is so bad that makes a grammar savvy puke.

Kahel · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
135 Chs

He's Immortal Taku!

When Takuya and saki went back to Takuya's room the saw a cat lying on the floor like a boss. Saki was amused while looking at Nyanta's position and can't help to giggle while looking at the aloof cat.

"Nyanta?" Takuya said then Nyanta went beside him and signaled to follow him like a normal cat.

"Saki I guess this cat is hungry I'm going to check his feeder if there are still cat food in it." Takuya said to saki then Saki just nodded like an obedient wife. Takuya followed the cat towards the living room.

"What is it Nyanta-kun?" Takuya asked the cat.

"Do you know where is this?" Nyanta said then he pointed on the photo at the back of the bag of cat food, Takuya picked it up and read the text below the photo.

"Aoshima Island, the heaven for cat lovers." Takuya read the text then he look at Nyanta with questioning expression.

"Ano, Takuya-samya I think I'm in love." Nyanta said.

"Oh? Nyanta-kun's desired cat must be beautiful, so who is that cat?" Takuya teased the cat then he sat on the couch.

"I don't know her name." Nyanta said then he pointed the Ragdoll on the cat food bag.

"Hmm... So the cat you love is in the Aoshima Island." Takuya said then he looks at Nyanta.

"I want to go there." Nyanta said with his eyes filled with determination.

Takuya was slightly surprised, but he won't stop this cat to give his freedom. Since this guy is a palico, a super cat that trained to hunt big monsters he's not worried about his safety.

'System do you have a storage ring that has a square meter storage space for Nyanta's weapons and armors?'

[D rank Spatial Ring for 100C.]

'Okay I'll buy it.'


A plain looking silver ring appeared on Takuya's hand then he took out Nyanta's rapiers and armors.

"Here Nyanta-kun, this is a Spatial ring where you can store you weapons and armors this only have a m³ space." Takuya handed the ring to the cat and removed the bell on Nyanta's collar and replaced it with the ring.

"You just need to use you consciousness to activate the ring." Takuya said then Nyanta tried to store his items on the ring, after a few tries Nyanta successfully stored his Items.

Takuya also retrieved his old phone from his inventory.

"Here, Do you know how to use this?" Takuya said.

"Yes, I'm always watching some people how to use this item called phone like the uncle in the 3rd block who loves watching mating humans while stroking his penis that looks like a match stick, can I also watch mating cats here?" Nyanta answered.

Takuya's mouth twitched when he heard the latter part of his sentence.

"Well I guess you can."

'Cats are good spies.' Takuya thought then he inwardly sighed.

"I'm going to cook delicious food on your apartment tommorow before leaving Takuya-samya." Nyanta said then he went back to his little bed.

"I'm looking forward on it." Takuya smiled at the cat.

"Oh by the way Nyanta-kun what is the strongest monster you hunted down in your world?" Takuya curiously asked.

"A White Fatalis." Nyanta said then he yawned and slept.

"Isn't that the one of the oldest and strongest elder dragon that can destroy a kingdom easily? This cat... is definitely not a normal palico, a G-rank? maybe." Takuya said then he went upstairs to also sleep.


Early morning Takuya opened his eyes and saw Saki's face that's still sleeping peacefully on his arm, Takuya gently removed his arm and replaced with pillow.

Takuya stretched his arms then he slightly yawned then he kissed Saki's forehead then he went out.

He checked the time on the wall and it's 6 am.

Takuya went to the kitchen and saw Shiori whose preparing for the breakfast as usual.

Takuya went behind her then he hugged her waist and kissed the back of her head.

"Good morning Kaa-san." Takuya said after the kiss.

Shiori turned around then she looks at Takuya's face.

"Good morning Takuya-kun." Shiori said then she smiled.

After the greeting Takuya did his morning routine and went back to the dining table.

"Where's Saki-chan?" Shiori asked.

"She's still sleeping." Takuya said then he took a mug then he filled it with freshly brewed coffee in the morning.

"Well, I think she's tired last night her voice reached my room you know. *Sigh* You need to make up with the torturous night I experienced last night." Shiori teased.

Takuya almost spat all of the coffee in his mouth when he heard Shiori.

"I promise I'll make it up with you and nee-chan after my classes." Takuya said then he smiled at Shiori.

"Heh? you really had the guts to have threesome with your mother and sister." Aika behind Takuya.

"Good morning nee-chan." Takuya said then he awkwardly smiled.

"Good morning my ass." Aika said then she took Takuya's coffee and drank it.

"Ara, Did my daughter also got tortured last night?" Shiori teasingly said.

"Kaa-san this playboy didn't cared about our feelings." Aika went beside her mother while fake crying.

Soon they heard footsteps from the stairs and the saw Saki whose blooming and like a flower that sprayed with high quality "fertilizer".

"Good morning Shiori-san, Aika-nee." Saki said then she looks at the man who casually sips his coffee with loving expression.


Takuya smiled at her, Saki also smiled back at him.

The mother and daughter just looks at the two filled with sugar.

"I will suck him dry later." Aika said in low tone.

"Agreed." Shiori silently said then she nodded.


The morning breakfast ended.

Takuya was escorting Saki to her school the two arrived in the front of Saki's school then a bunch of students with neatly ironed school uniforms that looks so presentable lined up when they saw Takua and Saki.

"Good morning Saki-san and Takuya-sama." The guys gave them a 90 degree bow.

"Eh?" Takuya was quite surprised that there are more 100 students who were bowing in front of him and Saki.

"Oh you removed your hair dye Tetsuya-kun." Takuya said to the leader of this schools delinquents, Kimura Tetsuya.

"Takuya-sama were doing our best to become a productive citizen of this country like what you ordered us." Tetsuya respectfully said to Takuya.

"So, this guy is Immortal Taku.

"He looks so cool.

"I know right, I'm quite envious of Yoshida-san." said the students whose watching on the sides.

'Immortal Taku? how did that nickname circulated in this school?' Takuya thought then he looks at Tetsuya then he inwardly sighed.

"Keep your good work." Takuya said then he patted Tetsuya's shoulder.

'Boss got praised!!' All of the "delinquents" that looks like from schools diciplinary committee thought and felt happy and envious at the same time.

On the side there's a fat guy whose watching the show and squinted his eyes then he smiled coldly.