
H Mission Commencing!!

Mark, a small time businessman was dumped by his long time girlfriend that he was planning to marry. He was so brokenhearted after that night and went to a bar to drink and vent his heartache. Who would knew that the bar is actually running by a God that took an interest with him and gave Mark a life that he can be happy... By being a hentai protagonist as Sano Takuya. Warning: For those who likes to read grammatically perfect works, I'm sorry because this one isn't for you guys. My English is so bad that makes a grammar savvy puke.

Kahel · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
135 Chs

Dinner invitation.

Takuya manually dressed the unconscious beautiful dark skinned busty woman, Takuya was surprised how soft her skin is. Looking at her insanely sexy body and huge melons Takuya's manly instincts is trying to overwhelm him.

"Tsk! Can you please controll you self!" Takuya slapped his little brother to calm it down.

Takuya finished dressing up Liliana after a few minutes then he carried her in his arms.

"Hanako I will bring you to a special place where the time and space were frozen don't worry you won't stay there for too long." Takuya said to the naginata that's floating in the air, Hanako agreed then Takuya stored her to the inventory.

Takuya activated his geass and used the power that makes him invisible in the people's eyes.

Using his incredible strength and agility after receiving +500 to all of his stats as one of title effect of Minor God of Debauchery title, Takuya jumped to the top of the 3 storey building like a hero carrying his princess. Jumping from a building to another building like a ninja soon they finally reached their destination.

Takuya brought the unconscious Liliana on his first apartment, he placed her down on his bed inside his room then he left and sat on the couch at the living room.

Takuya summoned Umeki from his inventory then Umeki reverted back on her human form.

"Were here." Takuya said then he sat to the couch. "What's the feeling inside that space?"

"It feels like I just blinked then I'm already in another place Takuya-sama." Hanako said while standing motionlessly beside Takuya while looking at him without blinking.

"Hmn." Takuya nodded then the silence took over for a few seconds.

"Hanako-chan." Takuya broke the awkward atmosphere.

"Yes, Takuya-sama?" Hanako respectfully replied to Takuya like a subordinate to her boss.

"Please don't be so formal with me, I'm not really used on this kind of formality with the woman I claimed to be mine, just treat me like your lover." Takuya looked at her face while saying those words, Hanako's face became rosy and hot.

"Ye-yes." Hanako cutely nodded with imaginary steam coming out from her head. This is also one of the reason she wants to stick with Takuya, she cant forget the amazing feeling while being fucked by Takuya.

Takuya already checked his status after doing the deed with Hanako, he confirmed that Hanako is already on the list of women victimized by his overpowered skill.

Once you taste the mother fucking MC's meat rod, you wont forget the taste of it and crave for that thing forever not even males can escape from its slavery.

'I feel someone is thinking of doing something horrible to me.' Takuya's body felt cold then he shivered. 'I didn't anger any supreme beings right?'


Takuya let Hanako familiarize herself to the whole house where she was going to stay from now on, then he continued his intelligence gathering, he researched more about Liliana but the girl is so mysterious that there is so little information about her like she just popped out of nowhere.

"So she used her remaining magic to get the attention of the main character of that hentai." Takuya was reviewing the classified video on his phone with serious look on his face.

"Too little informations, but I guess its fine since It said here that her character alignment is lawful good." Takuya muttered then he stood up and took a cigarette and a lighter from his inventory.

"*Sigh* I wish I learned how to use fire magic since it has many uses in daily life." Takuya lit up the cigarette then he inhaled some smoke, Takuya opened the window to make the smoke go out through it.

"Wait a second, Ice magic is just like summoning of water type mana then lowering the temperature untill it become frozen so if I don't do the second part of summoning ice of ice magic it will be just water magic. Temperature controll... Fire needs fuel and oxygen... what if the mana is the fuel? Hmmm... wood? Wood attributed mana plus increased temperature." Takuya was thinking of developing his own magic without relying too much on the Gacha, the time passed by untill the cigarette's embers died in the ashtray.

In the Mamiya household.

Mamiya Natsuki noticed that their neighbor's window is open, she set aside the curtain of the window of her room to get a better view.

Like the last time Natsuki saw Takuya smoking but the difference is Takuya was now wearing his upper clothes, she cant see his well proportioned naked upper body anymore.

Takuya noticed Natsuki's gaze then he looked at the blonde haired cute girl and smiled. Natsuki blushed and also tried to smile at Takuya.

Natsuki's heart was beating fast, the image of Takuya's warm smile to her was deeply imprinted to her brain. Various scenarios are running on her head like Takuya was kissing her, he proposed marriage to her, they got married and soon a bunch of kids that they made were playing around their house, this is her thoughts a second after that smile.

"Natsuki-chan what are you looking at?" A voice beside Natsuki suddenly said. Natsuki snapped out of her dreaming state then she looked at the person that asked her.

"Oba-chan(Aunt)! What are you doing here?!" Natsuki was surprised that her maternal aunt, Hinohara Haruka suddenly barged her room then Natsuki looks at Takuya again.

Haruka followed the gaze of her niece and she saw Takuya, Haruka flinched and felt embarrassed then she also blushed when she saw Takuya that also looking at her.

Takuya gave Haruka a normal smile and he keeps on telling himself to forget what happened that day in the manga cafe.

"Sa-Sano Takuya-kun hello!" Haruka tried to muster her courage then she greeted the man on the other house's window.

"Hello Hinohara Haruka-san and Mamiya Natsuki-san." Takuya waved his hand.

"Takuya-kun I would like to apologize on what happened last time we saw each other." Haruka said then she lightly bowed at Takuya's direction.

"It's fine Haruka-san." Takuya politely accepted her apology.

"You know each other aunt Haruka?" Natsuki looked at her aunt with questioning gaze and asked with lowered voice.

"Un, I met him just a couple times." Haruka replied to her niece then she looked back at Takuya. "Sano-kun if you don't mind, can you join us on our dinner I'll be the one whose cooking, just treat it as my extra apology token... the promise that I made that day isn't this, I will treat you in a better place or restaurant and... you can't decline my offer." Haruka said to Takuya with serious tone.

"Okay, I guess I'm having dinner with you guys." Takuya said to the two ladies.

"Natsuki-chan come and help for tonight's dinner!" Haruka said then she dragged Natsuki out of her room.

"Ow-okay!" Natsuki helplessly replied but deep inside, she was so happy about it.