
H Mission Commencing!!

Mark, a small time businessman was dumped by his long time girlfriend that he was planning to marry. He was so brokenhearted after that night and went to a bar to drink and vent his heartache. Who would knew that the bar is actually running by a God that took an interest with him and gave Mark a life that he can be happy... By being a hentai protagonist as Sano Takuya. Warning: For those who likes to read grammatically perfect works, I'm sorry because this one isn't for you guys. My English is so bad that makes a grammar savvy puke.

Kahel · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
135 Chs


Takuya and the two girls went to the nearby restaurant and happily ate their lunch while chatting, While wiping his mouth with a napkin Takuya noticed that the two was quite tensed.

"Is there something happened with the two of you lately?" Takuya asked curiously.

"We just agreed on something that's a big choice for our future." Nina said while looking at the pedestrians walking on the street.

"Oh, I hope the two of you made a right choice." Takuya nodded.

"Un, I hope so." Yuna said then she looks at Takuya's serious face from the side then she slightly blushed and Nina just continued to watch the walking pedestrians while trying to hide the blush on her face.

"My afternoon class was about to start, let's get going shall we?" Takuya said then he stood up from sitting on the chair, the twins nodded and followed him.

"Let me handle the bill, since this is the first time we ate together like this." Takuya said.

"No no no you don't have to, Senpai." Yuna said while gesturing her hand and shaking her head at the same time.

"We can pay for it." Nina also tried to decline his offer.

"If you two are worried about my expenses, I'm actually having a part time job as a tutor and saved up quite a lot of funds." Takuya said then he paid the bill like a simp.

"Thank you." The twins said.

"Un, just treat me next time." Takuya nodded at the two then they went out the restaurant and go to their respective classes.

"Ano senpai don't forget this afternoon!" Yuna said then she waved her hand while Nina was just standing beside her sister then she smiled, the two hurriedly left.


"Yo Takuya! why you did not attend the morning classes?" Yuu asked curiously after Takuya just arrived and sat on his table.

"I just don't feel well earlier." Takuya said then Yuu nodded.

"Well I hope you feel better now." Yuu said then he rested his chin on his hand. "What's your plan this upcoming valentines day?"

"Hmm... I'll just stay at home with my family then celebrate my birthday." Takuya said.

"Oh that's right it's your birthday soon. I'm telling you dude you should get a girlfriend already since were not getting young anymore or else the ugly ones the one will be left in this school." Yuu said like an experienced old man.

"Tch, I almost believed your words but you're a single dog why don't you get a girlfriend? There's a rumour that Aoki-san will confess to you this valentines day, Aoki-san is a decent girl you should grab the opportunity bro." Takuya said jokingly.

"Hehe." Yuu just smiled at him.

'Hmm I can confirm from his expression that he's not really interested in that girl, I guess the thing that the witch told me was real.' Takuya thought.

"How about you Takashi?" Takuya said.

"Ano... I actually had a crush but I don't know what to do, should I confront her?" Takashi said with a little embarrassment.

"Heh? Tell us about the girl." Yuu said.

"Well, she's still in highschool a little bit gyaru-ish but it looks good on her." Takashi said then he looks at the two guys.

"Ho?" Takuya and Yuu said at the same time.

"You should be direct like a man!" Yuu said then he pounded his chest.

"Please be quiet Kishimoto!" The teacher said.


The class ended and Takuya went to the rooftop, it's already almost 5pm and the sun is going down, the dusk is starting.

Takuya sat on the chair that's placed on the side of the door and he waited for the two. Soon the twins arrived.

"Senpai." Yuna and Nina said at the same time, Takuya stopped fiddling his phone then he looks at the twin beauties in front of him.

"Were sorry for being late." Nina said in apologetic tone.

"Not at all I also arrived her just now, so what do you need from me?" Takuya asked.


"Say it Nina."

"No, lets say it together."

Takuya watched Yuna and Nina's antics while smiling soon the two stopped their little quarrel and looks at him.

"Please go out with us." The twins said at the same time, Takuya was silent for a while then the twins felt a little nervousness.

Takuya looks at the two then he lightly laughed.

"Senpai?" The two girls said.

"I'm just teasing you two, I will gladly to date two beautiful girls." Takuya said then he hugged both of them.

"Senpai." Yuna said then she snuggled her face on his sturdy chest while blushing madly, Nina also did the same as her sister.

"Hey are you two really serious about this?" Takuya asked.

"Un, we saw your girlfriend yesterday and felt that if we don't make a move we will fall behind." Nina said.

"Don't worry senpai even if you have lots of wives in the future, as long as you love us we will not leave you." Yuna said then she tightened her hug.

Takuya smiled at the two then he gave them their first kiss in the romantic dusk sky.

"Hehe we will visit you often senpai." Nina said then she kissed his cheek.

"That's for sure." Yuna nodded then she also kissed Takuya's cheek.

"Hehe I'm looking forward on that day, maybe tonight? Can I sleepover in your place?" Takuya teased and the two blushed.

"Well I don't mind."

"Hm, me too."

The twins answered him in meek tone.

"The both of you are cute." Takuya said then he kissed their lips again, The dusk ended and the sky became dark Takuya and the rest went home together while chatting and flirting.

Some of the students that are standing by while chatting with their friends started to spread the rumour that the Twin beauties of the first year was both claimed by the lazy prince! Some even took a picture of them and circulated on the school's forum.

Takuya didn't bother about the rumours.

'Let them die in jealousy.' Takuya thought while holding Yuna's hand on the left and Nina's hand on the right.


Yuu whose now with a mature woman on the bed beside him almost choked when he saw the post about his best friend, Takashi's reaction is also the same.

They sent Takuya a message that contains fu*k you sign and "Please teach us master.".