

Waking up only to find himself having no recollection of who he was before only who he is now, H'El, adopted son of Jor El. H'El remembers all about the things he watched and read and so, armed with the knowledge and the power, he strives to have a good adventure.

Smilie_Smithie · Movies
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11 Chs

Meeting Hughie And Butcher

"Hey, mister, why did you throw that ball?" an ethereal child asked H'El who suddenly woke up with a start. He looked around then sighed in relief when he realised it was a dream. He looked at his home and felt even more depressed. He missed the couch Kara gave to him because it was comfortable enough to make him sleep well. Now, he had to deal with nightmares and smelly car seats. He got out of the car and looked at all the mangled cars in front of him with a slight distress. He could get a nicer place to sleep in but until he could reign in his strength, this place had to do, he didn't want more ghosts going after him.

It has been one week since the park incident and he had finally known his strength; he wasn't a dog that doesn't know how strong it was anymore. He put in his memory that absorbing more Kryptonians DNA amplified his strength and with the Codex in him, his power would grow even faster. In the outside news, Starlight had already joined the Seven and he knew Hughie already lost his girlfriend.

He had a bath in the Pacific, teleportation, then he was back in the city for he had to buy something's like a burner phone. The only place he could think about is Hughie's workplace so he went over. In the store, he found an awkward young man standing behind the desk, looking all sad and pitiful. As a gesture of goodwill, be decided to at least console him.

"Heard about your girl," H'El said with a small smile. Hughie looked at him with deadpanned eyes. "You might have heard this multiple of times but I'm just gonna say it, sorry."

"It's all in the past now," Hughie said.

"No, it's not. That man is a murderer and he needs to be punished, hero or not. But, you now know how society works; if you want to get things done, do it with your own hands. Do not wait that someone might feel pity on you..." He was interrupted when something hit him at the back of his head. With a frown, H'El turned to look at who just hit him but he saw no one. He then remembered Translucent and then looked at Hughie who was looking at him in surprise.

"Did you already do something?" he asked him. His left hand suddenly shot out and made a clutching motion. They both heard a gagging sound and Hughie stepped back in fright.

"What going on?" he asked.

"It appears you are now a target," H'El said and squeezed harder. A naked figure appeared, his neck clutched by H'El's fingers so hard he could barely breath. Hughie was terrified to see who it was that he stumbled backwards.

"Translucent!" he coughed out but the hero couldn't be bothered with him as he glared at H'El.

"How did you find me?" he asked him.

"Thermal vision, you can't hide from everything," H'El said and tightened his grip, making Translucent gag even more. Just then, the door opened and a wild looking man got in, crowbar in hand and without hesitation, he swung it onto H'El's hand, only to have it bounce back and hit his nose. H'El looked at him with a frown. Billie Butcher, the mad man who wants to kill Homelander! H'El turned to Hughie.

"Friends of yours?" he asked. Hughie shrugged before his hand shot out and then a bang was heard as the bat in his hand broke when it came into contact with H'El's head. Hughie threw the stump away as he wriggled his fingers in pain!

"Who the hell are you, cunt?" Butcher asked him in his hoarse yet enviable British accented voice.

"A paying customer till I got attacked," H'El answered him. Butcher glared at him then turned to Translucent who was getting drowsier and drowsier.

"You are not with these ones?" he asked him.

"If I were, this guy wouldn't have attacked me. But, as I can see in your eyes, any one with powers is your enemy, right?" H'El asked him. Butcher just scoffed and came closer to him, his eyes radiating so much hate that H'El thought that if he was exposed to gamma he might turn into the Hulk of hate.

"Everyone one of you super cunts are the same," he growled. H'El blew lightly from his mouth and Butcher was sent out of the store flying and across the street before he stopped when he hit a car's door. He was unconscious! H'El turned to Hughie who was scared stiff by this and threw the unconscious Translucent at him.

"Go away before I change my mind and kill all of you," he warned him. Hughie lingered no more as he took Translucent and ran off. H'El sighed as he massaged his head. Just then, be heard a Sonic boom and he grew interested so he sped off and that's when he saw A-Train running towards out of the city. Of course, H'El was faster than him so in a second, be was behind him and a well stabalised chop on the back of his neck rendered the man unconscious. H'El got hold of him before he spiralled away and the two appeared on top of a building. H'El saw a bag slung on A-Train's shoulder so he opened it and he saw vials and vials of a Blu liquid.

"Compound V! With these many vials, I can make powered soldiers! I can conquer a whole universe...no, Earth. If I can go back in time with a hundred Homelanders then I can definitely take over the Earth! Then, I can resurrect the Kryptonians and take over Galaxy after Galaxy! Even Darkseid will be at my mercy! But, I need more vials because of failure," H'El said. He turned to A-Train and smiled sinisterly before he put his hand glowing on his head. Immediately, he got the information he wanted but something else creeped in too, memories and all the feelings A-Train had when he was with Pop Claw! H'El quickly withdrew his hand and looked at A-Train.

"I do not have much practice with this. I grew excited because of all the information and his brain showed me all that...I need to stay away from Pop Claw, I might not be able to control myself, stupid telepathy!" H'El cursed then sped off.

That night, Homelander received news about the hospitals that had Compound V in them being ransacked clean. To make things even more terrifying, they were all robbed at the same time! There was not a second lag or anything, it all happened at the same time! This brought on the notion that there might be a super powered being out there who is not like the heroes! Even Vought was scared at the prospect of all that Compound V going into the wrong hands. The amount of evil supes that could be created was not negligent!

Then, lab materials started going missing. Vought was now more than sure that the Compound V was for creating of supes! Edgar tried to increase security and arm them but the thief grew even more ruthless and they found pieces after pieces of their guards in their cleaned out labs! It was terrifying to think about the person who did this but one place hadn't been hit so they sent their best over, Homelander.