

In a world that had never known anything but peace, the emergence of a sudden terror prompts the arrival of new warriors to undertake the task of keeping the world safe.

Starbrand29 · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Chapter 19

The rest of the breakfast is had through stories, Yuner is asked to move to the central region with them after the regional competitions.

Hong had revealed that after Zise qualifies for the academy he will finally move back to the central region with Yunji so they can be close to Zise for further education.

However for some unknown reason Yuner turns the offer down, when asked why she said that all she needs is here in Ming city, she isn't a cultivator so she doesn't actually need to go out there.

she says that she will reside within their small village until it so requires her to move but before that she won't leave the southern region.

no one understood why she made that choice but no one was going to force her into changing it so they chose to let the matter be.

that day Zise had training with Yunji, although he was already good, he found that having a teacher made things way different than training by one self.

to that extent he officially took Yunji as his second teacher and she accepted his request without any prejudice, apparently he would be her first student.

like Hong, Yunji hadn't taken any disciples not because she couldn't but rather because she chose not to do it.

Zise would be the first time she has taken a disciple in her entire life, of news of this got out shock wouldn't come close to explain the possible reaction.

the next day she took him to the secret region for training and after that she trained him for two days before taking him back there once more.

this cycle repeated for the next three weeks in which time Zise finally mastered the second move of the Heaven Earth absolute manual,

he had fully mastered heaven earth tremor and heaven earth shatters, at that moment he felt the seal preventing him from studying the third move lift.

it confirmed his theory that to master another move he would have to first master the previous one fully. there were five moves in the manual meaning he had three more to go.

when he explained the situation to Yunji though, she told him that no one knows where the manual came from, it just appeared close to fifteen years ago,

she says that Zise's father was probably one of the first people to ever obtain it however the manual has strict rules about obtaining its techniques,

first once you start studying it, there cannot be any more combat techniques studied, second to start the manual one needs to be a level 2 cultivator, any lower and you are too weak, any higher and you are disqualified,

she says that from her studies, its better to study one move per level, that means the first move at level 2, the second at level 3, the third at level 4, the fourth at level 5 and the fifth at level at level 6.

she says that although Zise's power is comparable to a level 5 peak cultivator she still doesn't advise him to study the third move before he obtains his elemental core.

that's right, Zise was already at level 39, the peak of level 3 and he was just a hair's breadth away from stepping into level 4.

in fact he could feel the barrier to the level had already weakened significantly meaning of he wanted to break through it was just a matter of willing it to.

however Yunji had stopped him, she told him that his situation is very special, she tells him that he managed to reach that far without training shows that his talent is very high, however she tells him that the breakthrough to the 4th level is different,

if he wanted to she could just break through now but then his elemental core would be ordinary like the rest and he would lose his two level amplification effect he had cultivated painstakingly for seven years. she tells him that once the core is formed things change.

the core becomes the cultivator's center granting them the ability to slightly alter their own magnetic field to enhance their physical attributes.

now to regular cultivators this is a giant leap in their abilities as it grants them not only the ability to sense and ma populate elemental energies but it also taps into their previously awakened 20 meridians to elevate them to the physical capabilities of a level 4.

however to some talented students that had already surpassed regular physical measurements they observe a decline in their attributes, this is because the more Grant's them the exact similar quality like the rest, however there is a catch.

if a breakthrough is made through extenuating circumstances it's possible for the person's core to have some changes, some talented kids find themselves gaining attributes one level ahead of their current level.

however Zose was different, without a core he is already two levels above his current level, she tells him that if he wants to retain his advantage then the breakthrough needed to be made in extreme life and death circumstances.

she tells him that at current there aren't people or situations capable of raising him to that level yet, however if he was to enter the competitions while still at level 3 the he would definitely have his chance.

she tells him that in the competitions he should do his best until he encounters an opponent that he cannot defeat regardless of how much he buffs himself, that opponent will be able to push him into the situation that will be beneficial to him.

when the time is right, Zise won't even need to breakthrough as the plane's power will make the breakthrough for him.

the best thing about that kind of breakthrough is that it doesn't need an origin crystal to seal the breakthrough as the plane does that for you on its own.

the seal this time is equivalent to using an origin crystal condensed from heaven and earth energy so its purer and much more powerful than chaos origin crystals.

she says that however this method can only be used once in a person's lifetime, she tells him that he should use it now because this is the only time a breakthrough tampers with cultivation.

she tells him that during his seventh level breakthrough things will be different and she believes that his choice at that time won't make him weaker in any way but rather it may only elevate him even higher than ever.

she tells him that any other time wouldn't be appropriate to use this method on one self ad it would simply be wasted.

the other great time to use this technique would be at the breakthrough to level 10 however that is so far away from him at present and when he reaches there he will understand why it's not preferable to use this technique there.

at present Zose had to exert almost all his effort in holding back his cultivation, if he relaxed even for a moment he would find himself breaking through already.

his sector was already at 39 meters and the edges were blurry, it was as if it wanted to expand even further but was constrained by some unknown force,

when Zise is in trouble the sector would even vibrate as it wanted to achieve a breakthrough but it was still restrained by Zise's will power.

the dragon was fifty meters long and had five golden stripes on it's back however even so its body was quivering, it was obvious the dragon wanted to achieve a level six breakthrough.

however it appeared that Zise's will power not only blocked his own growth but also the growth of his dragon as well. after obtaining another breakthrough it would grow to sixty meters and at such time it would need a larger space for that,

Zise's current 39 meter diameter was way too insufficient for it to have a breakthrough, because of that it spent majority of it's time in hibernation.

this was because should the dragon wake up there was a high possibility that it would act to save Zise in critical circumstances which would prompt its breakthrough instantly.

so it remained dormant at such a time that Zise is in urgent need, it believed that at such a time the plane would react as well so it opted to act in that situation.

the plane wouldn't react unless the spirit beast has failed to help, so the dragon sought to act in that situation so that if it failed as well the plane would have no choice but to react.

currently the plane was already surging Zise to have his breakthrough, its pressure was evident in his cultivation attempting to breakthrough on it's own, by suppressing himself for so long Zise is signaling that he needs the plane's help.

however the plane doesn't interfere easily in these matters hence why they would have to push its hand by placing Zise in a near death situation, due to his talent the plane would have to react.

actually the dragon knew something Zise didn't, and it's because of that thing that it was certain the plane would act when the time came.

otherwards a cultivator could push themselves and when the time arrives the plane doesn't react and leaves them for dead. it was a risky thing to tempt the plane but it was a risk some cultivators undertook.

at present the entire group was heading to the auction house, the auction was prepared a day before departure to Xiang Nan city.

this was because each of the three qualifying students would be in the city on that day and the auction was a send off event for them.

Zise, his mother and two teachers moved towards the auction house, on arrival they were ushered in instantly,

they were directed to the VIP boxes and on arrival Zise quickly noticed Gong Lan had already arrived with his family and sect leaders.

Xiao Yun hadn't arrived yet but it was simply a matter of time before she did. they sat in their box and waited patiently for the auction to begin