

In a world that had never known anything but peace, the emergence of a sudden terror prompts the arrival of new warriors to undertake the task of keeping the world safe.

Starbrand29 · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Chapter 01;

on a peaceful planet existed a large expanse of land called Xila continent, Xial was the largest and only life sustaining continent on Heiping world.

in the past there were three continents namely Xila, Luoma, Yadian continents. they were peaceful with each other and everyone lived in bliss for they had no reason not to.

they lived their days in peace worshiping their gods who lived in the space above their world named Shencheng divine realm.

however everything changed five hundred years ago, the world was invaded by chaos creatures, they wrecked havoc on the world decimating the majority of both Luoma and Yadian continents.

to ensure the survival of humanity the gods merged the three continents into one forming a single massive continent three times its former size and it all became Xila continent.

to ensure the safety the continent the empire established five regions namely, central, southern, northern, eastern and western regions.

These regions were each led by a governor and this governor was granted the responsibility of protecting their region.

each region further developed sects of powerful warriors meant to teach several cultivators about their path of training.

with this the world will raise more cultivators with the power to protect these ordinary people from the threat of the Chaos creatures.

Chaos creatures came in all forms, humanoid, beast form, energy form, metal form, elemental form, plant form and so on.

however the lower ranked chaos creatures didn't develop aan intelligence, despite heir power they were mainly pawns to be used by the powerful chaos creatires.

these creatures were divided into ten power levels, with level 1 being the weakest and level 10 being the strongest.

similarly human cultivators were also divided into levels of decades each. a level 10 cultivator was equivalent to a level 1 chaos beast and so on until level 10 which was the highest level reachable.

these classes were introduced to humans by the gods and they were divided into three groups as well, from level 01 to level 39, a human is in the phase known as Qi condensation state,

from 40 to 69 is the elemental condensation state and from 70 to 99 is the spirit condensation state and from there a person lays the foundation for the divine foundation.

to reach level 100 a person needed to merge the previous three states and forge their body into a demigod form. that is when they reach the peak of humanity.

humans practised by absorbing Qi from the world to fortify their bodies however this wasn't easy as many humans could only forge their levels to a certain level before they failed to continue any further.

to help humanity in their fight the gods taught humans several forms of weapon forging, these weapons forged by powerful black Smith's helped amplify a cultivator's strength as well as allowing one to unleash powerful battle skills.

this was because these weapons were forged with a spirit of their own, for a weapon to become successfully manufactured it needs to pull down the divine blessing.

this blessing always comes from the blacksmith god who bestows upon these weapons the capability to possess battle skills that a cultivator could learn.

however every now and then a divine weapon which is a weapon hand forged by the gods would appear, this weapon would signify that the user has been chosen by the god that forged that weapon.

this would mean that cultivator would become a direct disciple of that god which would then mean that said cultivator would have no bottlenecks in their cultivation until the demigod level, however to say this situation was rare would be an understatement.

in a small village of Fengbao a couple rushes into the village with severe wounds that make it obvious they wouldn't survive this time.

from their clothing and the weapons they wielded it was obvious these people were cultivators so the villager who encounters them takes them to her home.

she attempts to call a physician for them but she is stopped by the father man, he tells her that nothing can be done for the two of them,

however their son can still be saved, it was then that the woman revealed that she was hiding her son under her cloak.

it was a newborn infant who was probably less than a month old, the man was dressed in gold and purple clothes while the woman was dressed in gray and silver robes.

the woman had a quiver on her hip but her bow was nowhere to be seen which easily meant the bow could have been destroyed.

the man on the other hand simply held held a metal rod, the rod had a silver body with gold finishings on the end of the rod.

it was obvious that this was an exquisite weapon and its mere presence made the skin tingle, it signified this weapon was made for a lightning cultivator.

before they could die, the father took a purple gold ring which he had on his finger and pulled all their belongings into the ring.

he then placed the ring on the infant boy and the ring slimmed itself down to fit the boy's finger, at that moment the man and wife all stayed there looking at the infant till their last breath.

the innocent villager raise the child with the monetary aid that was left behind by the baby's parents during their death,

as an innocent farmer she could never imagine ever having that much money, the parents had left behind 500 gold coins, in the entire town the richest person was the village chief and he also owned about 10 gold coins.

she couldn't just use that money openly without arousing suspicion, the highest amount of money she had ever seen was a silver coin and even then she had only seen it once,

normally transactions are done using copper coins one silver coin was equivalent to 1000 copper coins and one gold coin was equivalent to 1000 silver coins which also meant 1000000 copper coins.

such a massive amount of gold coins could only be afforded by big families in the big cities or extremely powerful cultivators.

so every now and then she would travel to the nearest city for trade and during that time she would exchange for one gold coin into copper coins, for their provisions.

this woman was named Cai Yue, as the child grew up she named him Hui Zise, since she didn't know his or his parent's names.

she chose to name him from appearance, she combined the colors of his parents a d gave him a name, the young boy had been born with jet black hair which was strange since his father had purple hair and his mother had silver hair.

however he did obtain a mix of his mother and father's silver-grey eyes, Zise grew up a very obedient boy full of strength, vigor and bravery.

at the age of five, just like all the other kids in the village Zise was taken to be tested for cultivation potential, on average an adult male had mana equivalent to level 10.

children normally display potential of 0.1 toy 0.5, inorder to become a cultivator one needed to possess atleast mana at level 5 at five years old, those with stronger potential could even reach level 10,

however a child couldn't exceed that level as each level is known as a breakthrough point, to transcend that level one needed to absorb something called an origin crystal.

there are two ways of obtaining an origin crystal, either from the condensation of heaven and earth energy for several decades or from slaying a powerful creature and taking its origin crystal.

chaos creatures were special as even the weakest level 1 chaos creatures had an origin crystal. similarly origin crystals were separated into ten classes.

to break through level 10 one needed to absorb a single level 1 origin crystal, at level 20 one could either absorb a level 2 crystal or two level 1 crystals to make up he difference.

at level 30 one could absorb a single level 3 crystal or a level two crystal and a level 1 crystal or even three level 1 crystals.

however the effect was different, absorbing a crystal equivalent to your level provided the richest origin energy needed to help one solidify their foundations.

from level 40 things take a drastic turn as one couldn't simply absorb any origin crystal they found along the way.

level 4 origin crystals had elemental attributes just like how cultivators develop an elemental attribute at level 40,

this time one would need to absorb a crystal not only corresponding to the level but also to their inherited elements.

at 50 one could either absorb one level 5 elemental crystal or two level 4 elemental crystals, from this level on the crystals compounded on eacother,

like how advancing a level from this point on becomes twice as hard for each level obtained, the crystals also increased twice in need,

at level 60 one would either take a level 6 crystal or one level 5 and one level 4 or three level 4 crystals, level 1 to 3 crystals lose effectiveness in these levels.

from level 70 things change once more, this is because the level 7 crystals not only posess origin energy, and elemental attributes, they also contain spirit stregth.

fheir need doesn't differ that much from the previous levels and finally there comes the peak of humanity aka level 10.

a level 10 crystal was the hardest thing to obtain as it could only come from condensation of heaven and earth energy for 100 years or from a level 10 chaos creature.

attempting to absorb a crystal above one's level could lead to a cultivator exploding due to the crystal having way too much energy for their body to handle.