
Guy Gremory: The Forgotten Twin

ThatWriterGuy · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 3: The Fruits of Determination

Two years had passed since the argument with Rias and the resolute vow Guy had made to himself. During that time, he had immersed himself in intense training. He had honed his sword skills, mastering the art of the katana with unwavering determination. But that wasn't enough for him; he was also determined to harness his latent power of destruction, a unique and formidable ability.

In the spacious training grounds of Gremory Manor, Guy spent countless hours perfecting his techniques. His katana became an extension of his very soul, and his movements became a graceful dance of deadly precision. He practiced every day, pouring his heart and soul into each swing, each strike, each parry.

But his focus was not solely on the sword. Guy knew that his demonic heritage granted him a power unique to his kind – the power of destruction. It was a destructive force, capable of annihilating anything in its path. Guy, however, had a different idea. He aimed to control this power, to harness it, and to wield it in a way that would set him apart from the rest of his clan.

His training was arduous and grueling. Countless times, he pushed himself to the brink of exhaustion, attempting to cover his katana with a layer of destruction. He wanted to imbue his sword with this destructive energy, making it even deadlier in combat. And, with relentless determination, he strove to master the art of sending out flying slashes of destruction.

At first, progress was slow, and he often met with frustration and disappointment. The power of destruction was a volatile force, and controlling it required an iron will and a level of precision that only a true master could achieve. Yet, Guy refused to give up. He knew that this was the path he had chosen, a path that would set him apart and allow him to stand on equal footing with his sister, Rias.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. The sound of his sword slicing through the air and the power of destruction crackling around him became second nature. His body had grown stronger, his senses keener, and his control over his abilities more refined. He could now form the layer of destruction around his katana with precision and unleash flying slashes that could cut through even the thickest barriers.

As he stood in the moonlit training grounds one fateful night, a triumphant smile graced his lips. He had achieved what he had set out to do. Guy had finally forged his own path and honed his abilities to a level that surpassed anything he had ever dreamed of. His resolve, his determination, and his unwavering dedication had borne fruit.

But he knew that this was just the beginning of his journey. The road to greatness was long and fraught with challenges, and he was ready to face them head-on. With his katana and his newfound mastery over the power of destruction, Guy was now armed with the tools he needed to craft his own extraordinary destiny, to become a force to be reckoned with in the world of demons, and to emerge from the shadow of his sister as a true powerhouse in his own right.

Guy entered the grand manor, his body bathed in sweat after another demanding training session. His katana, sheathed and still pulsating with the remnants of destruction energy, hung at his side. The soft click of his shoes on the polished marble floor resonated throughout the entrance hall. As he ascended the grand staircase, he passed a familiar figure – his mother, Venelana Gremory.

Venelana's expression was inscrutable, her eyes carrying a hint of concern, but Guy paid it no mind. He was too focused on what awaited him – the potential recognition for his hard-earned accomplishments from his father.

Guy arrived at his room, entering a serene atmosphere that contrasted sharply with the looming uncertainty in his heart. A hot shower washed away the sweat and fatigue, and he emerged in fresh clothing. The familiar weight of his katana at his side was a comforting presence, a reminder of the power he had harnessed through sheer determination.

But his anticipation for recognition was short-lived. He was instructed to report to his father's study, and a foreboding feeling settled in his chest as he headed down the grand corridor.

When he reached his father's study, he hesitated outside the door, and a sense of déjà vu overcame him. It was the same door where he had met Rias during the argument two years ago. But this time, it was a different matter entirely.

Upon entering, he was met with an unexpected sight. Rias was already in the room, her presence a stark contrast to the tranquil surroundings. She glanced at Guy with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.

Zeoticus Gremory, the head of the Gremory clan, sat behind his imposing desk, his expression solemn. It was clear that this meeting was of great importance. Guy steeled himself for what was to come, the tension in the room palpable.

In a measured tone, Zeoticus spoke, "Guy, Rias, there is a matter of great significance that we must discuss. You have both been chosen for arranged marriages."

The words hung heavily in the air, and the reactions of those present remained concealed. This unexpected revelation would undoubtedly reshape the destinies of the Gremory siblings, but for now, the room remained shrouded in silence.

The future was uncertain, and the burden of these arranged marriages weighed heavily on Guy's shoulders. It was a reminder that, despite his accomplishments and newfound power, the shadows of the past still clung to him. And as he stood in his father's study, the weight of his destiny loomed ever larger, and the road ahead remained shrouded in mystery.