

It was a fine summer day, and Lesley was waiting for Harley to return home after a battle. Minutes passed, and "Sister!" called Harley. The siblings hugged and they chat about the latter's finished battle. Later on, they decided to eat lunch in a famous restaurant with Eudora, Diggie and Gord.

Here is a sample of their conversation:

Diggie: Okay guys, as much as I want to continue this bet-related topic, how about if we change the topic, maybe about Lesley's break up with Gusion?

Harley: WHAT?! Lesley is that true?

Lesley: Unfortunately, yes. But why would we need to talk about this? I avoid this as much as possible.

Diggie: I understand, but this is for you and Harley's own good. Don't worry, I'll tell you later.

Eudora: Ehem, I need to go. I was called by my professor in Magic Academy and they need my help to fix the electricity shortage there asap. Sorry guys.

Gord: Okay.

Eudora left the restaurant.

Harley: Sis, can you tell me about it?

Gord: But first of all, let's go to Lesley's home. We can't stay here for so long!

Diggie: Yeah. I almost forgot, this is Bane's restaurant. And he doesn't want his customers to stay in 1 hour!

Lesley: Okay. Plus Bane is so strict.

Harley: Let's go!

In Lesley's home...

Lesley: Alright, here's the story...