
Chapter One


The city of Voryens, prosperous and bustling, the city where dreams come true. Every year, thousands of young countrymen and women enter the city, looking to fulfill their dreams, to become famous actors, start businesses, becoming renowned chefs, singers, artists and doctors. Sadly, very few of them succeed, the rest either went back home, became thugs or criminals, some became victims of various crimes, and some were barely living by. The last category would be the one Carlo ended up being, one that was barely living by.

Being slapped harshly by reality and giving up on his dreams of becoming an actor, he went into accounting. His college funds earned after a vicious struggle of doing many odd jobs and maintaining part-time ones. And while in college, he maintained two part-time jobs, and was, thankfully, supported by a scholarship, granted after he kneeled on the Dean's door for 3 days.

5 years passed by and he finally graduated, the satisfaction of finishing his education made him think that every single thing he persevered through was all worth it.

That was a week ago, right now, he was in front of a cafe carrying his resume, biodata, his qualifications, and a very heavy heart. Even after graduating, things didn't go any better for him. He couldn't find a company hiring accountants, not a single one. Apparently you not only need qualifications, you also need connections to get employed, sadly, he only had one of them, and the other one was barely passable. Then, to make things worse, he suddenly got fired from the two part-time jobs that were already barely supporting him.

He was expecting his pay this month to pay for his rent, but since he was fired, and even though he got renumeration from his jobs, he was still in a very tight spot. The end of college was very taxing, and he used most of his savings in order to pay some unpaid or unsettled fees for his education in order to get his diploma. Now he had little money to use, and no source to get some more, he had to be very thrifty.

And to add to his problems, he was also in a very tight situation, cause if he used the very small amount of money he had to pay his overdue rent, he was gonna starve, if he didn't, he would be homeless. Sadly, he couldn't pay half or even negotiate or plead, because his new landlord was just waiting for him to get out of his room, so that his landlord could rent it at a higher price. His old landlord was a kind old lady, and after hearing about the situation of Carlo, she discounted his rent fee. After she passed away, the new landlord, the previous landlord's grandson knew that he was making loses with this arrangement, his first mission was to kick him out. He was planning on staying at his neighbor's apartment, and knowing that he probably would get kicked out today, he and his neighbor helped him move his stuff.

Moving out the building wasn't an option either, why? Because, though prosperous and bustling, the city of Voryens' wasn't exactly safe. And being used to the fairly good environment of his building, he couldn't risked moving to the slums. And what human trafickers were always targeting were the ones without any homes to go home to, jobs where they would be needed and family who would notice their disappearance. And right now, Carlo fit the criteria perfectly.

What he really needed right now was a job. If he became to reliant on his neighbor, sooner or later, he will get kicked out.

Snapping out of his thoughts, Carlo once again read the sign at the door, clearly stating "Barista Needed". He sighed, this was his 8th application for this day, alone. He had been looking for jobs for an entire week, starting from accounting jobs, and when he realized he wasn't going anywhere with it, he desperately applied for any job he could find, construction worker, waiter, janitor, security guard, counter. ANYTHING, as long as he had one, he had hope of getting out of this predicament.

But as they say, luck was also a talent, and he didn't have any of it.

As he was walking into the small cafe, Carlo prayed with all his heart that they might employ him, if not a Barista then they might need waiters, he was willing to beg, thats just how desperate he is. Entering the cafe, there was only a man dressed in black drinking coffee at one corner. A man that looked like he was in his mid-30's was in the counter and another waiter was serving the table that the man dressed in black was occupying.

When the man dressed in black noticed that another person came in, he stood up and left hurriedly, leaving the waiter, who did not looked surprised but rather just started with cleaning the table. The man at the counter smiled at him and asked, "How may I help you, sir?"

"Good afternoon, sir. I am Carlo Ghretes, here to apply for the vacancy of Barista in your cafe. May I ask where to inquire?" Carlo immediately went into full-politeness mode.

"My my, such politeness boy. Don't be too stiff, I am the one in charge of the applicants. Come and sit with me then." After saying so, the man went off the counter and sat at the nearest table. Carlo immediately sat in front of the man, and then placed his qualifications at the table. The man grabbed it and read it.

"Hmm, you said your name was Carlo?"

"Yes sir."

"It seems your not from the city, if you don't mind, may I ask, where you are from?"

"Not at all, sir. I am from Olvis Province, Gayek Woods, street 8749, Madame Ghretes Orphanage." Without any hesitation, Carlo recited his previous address in its entirety.

The man silently nodded. "And where do you live right now?"

"Sir, I live at an apartment at Cordenes Street." Again, without hesitation.

"Hmm, and what's your room number?" the man asked.

Any ordinary man, no matter how desperated, would be suspicious with the questions being asked, but Carlo, as if caught in some spell, once again answered without any hesitation, "Sir, Room Number 7."

If anyone looked closely, the moment the number 7 was said, the middle-aged man had a strange twinkle in his eyes.

"Okay then, your hired."

"Yes si.. huh what?" Carlo suddenly snapped out of it. That was weird, in his memories, he wasn't asked any questions, why was he hired so casually. Was it because they had no other choice, even though the location of the cafe wasn't in the middle of the business district, it was still pretty decent. It wouldn't be in a situation wherein they hire a new barista without even knowing if he has the necessary skills to do so, and Carlo knows that in his resume, there was no 'Experienced Barista' written in it.

"Sir, why the sudden decision?" Although, it was bad to question his employer, but suspicion and caution did keep him alive in his 25 years of living.

As if surprised that Carlo was able to ask a question, the middle-aged man's eyes widened, but only for a bit. Then he smiled, and immediately replied, "Just a hunch. I am just that confident in my decision making skills."

As if caught in a daze once again, Carlo just nodded and expressed his gratitude to his new boss. Then his boss immediately explained his duties and responsibilities, once done, he was sent home. He was supposed to start tommorow.

When Carlo finally went out of the cafe, he suddenly snapped out of his daze once again. Confusion filled him for a moment, but then, happiness rushed into him when he realized that he finally had a job, his mind not suspicious of anything that happened inside the cafe.

After a week of constant dissappoint, things were finally looking up, at least that's what he tought.

Next chapter