
Guilty Pleasures: Love in Bloom

"Why are you doing this?..." her usual domineering tone turned extraordinarily soft in a heartbeat as her rosy red lips quivered softly. Her breathing hitched as she felt a cold hand on her nape pulling her head closer. She looked up and a pair of sterling silver eyes caught her gaze. His silver locks fell on his forehead covering it entirely as he looked down at her to acknowledge her question. "You are the reason I do everything Kiaraa..." _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A war between fire and ice, the outcome could never be estimated. Their lives were so close yet it felt so far at the same time. He wanted her despite the dispute surrounding them but what could Lee Kiaraa possibly possess to make Adrian Kim go to the end of the world just for her? She was short tempered, strong, witty and independent. Her words alone held fire in them and every action of hers had indecisive reasons. She was a trouble magnet but she couldn't care less about her problems as she had a powerful family to back her up. But even with the power she held, her troubles still caught up to her and she had no other choice but to depend on him for help. Not knowing him too well, she trusted him blindly and he helped her with silent reasons, guiding her with utmost care like she was a fragile egg. His actions held many questions but she couldn't say a word but rather masked her curiosity with her mischievous acts. Blinded by her problems, she wondered if he was really her ally or her enemy. His reasons finally came to light when she realized that he was the root of all her problems. A glimpse of her vague memory from childhood gradually unfolds. The situation seemed deeper than she comprehended but it seemed to late for her, she had fallen... Would she accept him when she eventually knows the truth?

Swanzy_Kim · Urban
Not enough ratings
98 Chs


Still fuming with wild rage, she possessively grabbed his hand and scowled at Claire harshly, "Out of my way."

And as if driven by a spell Claire slowly stepped back and watched dazedly as Kiaraa Dragged Adrian into the stunned crowd and then out of her sight.

It was only after they were out of her sight that's when her mind which seemed to have flown out of the window came back.

Her jaws clenched as enraged words seared through her heart. A blaze of indignation burned furiously in her eyes. As proud as she was, she couldn't take Kiaraa's actions and insults lightly and her gaze burned with heated fury.

Not everyone had the wits to come to her party uninvited and then steal her spotlight with an additional flow of insults in front of everyone. She felt irritated to the core.

Just like every other rich heiress, the tendency to show off their wealth and status to their friends was high and Claire was no exception.

She had invited all her friends from the same social circle as her, probably the daughters of her father's business associates in order to show off her father's wealth and then create an illusion that she and Adrian were a couple. From his looks and aura, one could already guess that his social circle was high.

But this girl... not only had she insulted her but she had managed to get Adrian to follow her like her little puppet.

Just then, a group of girls walked towards her, all cladded with designer brands from head to toe. They were the daughters of her father's business associates. In their circle, there was an unspoken rule of proper display of wealth.

The purpose of their so-called friendship was to show off who was wealthier and once your status got lower, you'll be kicked off with no mercy. Their intentions were solely based on those who they think were of the same status as them.

As they got closer to her, one of the girls with much more revealing clothes than Claire and smokey makeup stared in the direction of Adrian and Kiaraa and sneered with scorn, "Who's the new bitch? She seemed more sneaky and cunning," her Spanish accent was evident from her arrogant tone.

"Yes... Claire, how could she do that to you? Such sneaky acts and I thought that hot guy was supposed to be your boyfriend."

"With such looks and status, he's only meant for you not that obvious fake bitch."

"She came to your party and created such a huge scene... who does she think she is? What family is she from?"

"Probably just some street pauper trying to leech off in the lavish life of we socialites. I wonder how many men she has seduced with her innocent face. I hate such wannabes Claire, let's teach her a lesson."

"Yeah Claire, you can't just let her get away that easily, not after insulting you at your own party. She may seem harmless now but with time your quietness may make her develop into something out of control. It's best we eliminate her now Claire."

Claire listened quietly to all their remarks and she seemed to make sense out of all their statements which made her hatred only grow stronger.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Adrian forced himself to hold back a smile as he played Kiaraa's little action from a while ago. His earlier calmness was just a facade to see what his little fox was capable of. A sudden feeling of satisfaction was wrapped around him as he led the little raging fox in his arms.

He was reveling in happiness when he felt a sudden gush of wind and before he knew it, the girl in his arm was suddenly snatched away from him.

His brows tugged together as he turned around to see Li Shen wrapping his arms around Kiaraa in a tight hug. The feeling of satisfaction he felt a while ago completely evaporated into thin air.

Everything felt like a thunderflash to Kiaraa. One minute, she was pulling someone and the next she was being pulled instead. She raised her head in question and before she knew it, she felt herself being enveloped in a tight hug.

She was taken aback by the sudden action and her body stiffened all of a sudden. She immediately squinted in the tight embrace and was about to use her strength to push the person away when a voice stopped her.

"Sister-in... cough... sister Ara, I'm so glad you could make it. For a moment I thought my evil brother must have done something terrible to you."

Kiaraa paused... Li Shen?

She raised her head up to look at him and on meeting his eyes, he winked at her.

Kiaraa smirked in realization, still not knowing his intentions but his wink indicated that she should play along which she gladly did.

She hugged him back, "Brother Shen, did you miss me?" She asked, expecting an answer when all of a sudden she was pulled away from his tight embrace and her head collided with a warm, turgid chest.

It took her a while before her brain could understand what was going on between the two of them.

'Ah!!! Sibling rivalry, but why was I pulled in the middle of it? Brother Shen, you really are something else.'

Li Shen remained calm amid the deadly glares that were being thrown at him by Adrian. Too busy staring at his nails to care about anything else. If looks could kill then the funeral of Li Shen would be going on right now.

Kiaraa tried to read the meaning behind Li Shen's actions but she couldn't quite understand. Truly, a fox could never read the mind of another fox.

In just a short while of knowing him, she has already taken a liking to Li Shen. She truly felt that he was her long-lost brother.

It wasn't until Mia's sharp remark that's when the three returned to the present.

"What in the heavens is going on here?"