
Guided by blood

In a place filled with great empires, dominated by majestic creatures and incomprehensible beings, in an age where the strongest rule with tyranny and advance in battle under their own arrogance and ignorance of the weakest lives, four young people, trapped by their own blood and lineage, fight for the freedom of their people and their own, the arduous path leads them to difficult choices and adventures, seeing in each other hope and a chance for happiness they choose to seek together to fulfill their desires and fulfill their own achievements, and for this, no matter what needs to be done, they must become the greatest rulers of their nations.

LeeJay_09 · Fantasy
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31 Chs

You can't or never tried?

Ikalles thought he would feel satisfied with her silence, but that only made him angrier. Taking a deep breath, he continued – Well, I didn't come to hear you talk about it again. I came here to get my son – Turning around, he walked to the door. As he approached, the moment he touched the handle, he heard soft laughter behind him.

– Pick him up? Now that he's my apprentice, you can't take him. They were direct orders from the queen – Ikalles turned to look at her, smiling. Alba continued – What kinds of rumors would arise if someone found out that the Guardian disobeyed a direct order from her majesty or that he invaded Silverleak, the greatest institute of magic in the entire empire – Alba laughed again – What would they think if they found out that their only male child happened to be studying at a girls' school.

Ikalles huffed irritably. For the first time, he felt fear towards Alba, he didn't want Alba to use his weaknesses against him, and she knew them all – Do you think this affects me?

Alba nodded indifferently – I don't think so, I'm sure of it. You've always cared too much about your image – Pausing for a moment, Alba sighed and then rolled her eyes – Besides, he's my nephew, don't worry, I'll take good care of him …as if he were my son – Then staring at him as she emphasized the last sentence. Ikalles snorted again. She dared say things like that. Opening the door, he disappeared as if his presence there had been nothing more than a mere illusion.

Alba took a deep breath as she looked at the open door. A shadow suddenly appeared in the corner. Alba cast a spell on it, speaking irritably – Get out – The shadow completely dissolved when it saw it would be hit. A woman with colorful robes appeared shortly after on the side of the wall, full of ice thorns. Poking one of the fragments, she smiled, a drop of sweat dripping from her forehead – It's no wonder our director is such a great lady of ice.

Alba hid the hand she used to attack and sighed – What are you doing here, Aruna?

Aruna walked towards her, smiling, sitting on Alba's armchair. She said – Well, I had a strange vision about you, and I just came to check it out. I didn't know that, to my surprise, I would finally meet the great Guardian – Clicking with her tongue, she continued – He is not exactly as I imagined. Even in my visions, this guy was always with an indifferent expression.

Feeling the air chill, she glanced at Alba, coughing at her expression – I mean, I didn't know there was this kind of relationship between you. I mean, I already did but-

Alba lifted her hand, asking her to stop talking. Then, snorting, she said - We have nothing with each other.

– So, your sister was the Guardian's wife... – Aruna spoke suddenly before being faced with a firm look. Then smiling, she asked – Don't you want to talk about it?

Thoughtful, Alba touched the ice pack in her pocket, muttering – Mn.

Meanwhile, at the institute, several girls surrounded Izrun, asking little things like where he was from, what his name was, what kind of dragon he was, and about his gifts. Izrun became increasingly uncomfortable until Kenzy, irritated with the girls stepping around, took her hand and Huanxue's and led them away, leaving Dalji, who was taller, to push the girls out and not allow them to follow.

– Ive, you just arrived, and you are already so popular! – Kenzy said irritably. Huanxue sighed and smiled at Izrun – I think we'd better get back to studying, Ive. Do you need help to get back to your class?

Izrun, who remembered that he didn't have any class but now knew the direction of the principal's office, shook his head – No need, I know where it is.

Huanxue nodded – All right! See you tomorrow then Kenzy – After saying goodbye, she left Izrun and Kenzy alone. Kenzy looked at Izrun and then lowered his eyes. Without Huanxue starting a conversation, they were a little lost. Kenzy coughed lightly – I better look for it, Dalji, to return to our class. See ya!

Izrun nodded – See you then.

Kenzy smiled widely, and saying goodbye, she left happy, going to find Dalji so that the two could return to the room.

As soon as she disappeared into the corridors, Izrun was stunned for a while by the girl's simplicity, any kind of relationship other than the ones he had with his father and his sisters was strange to him, and after a while, he made his way to the Headmistress's office, entering he didn't find her inside, thinking then that he should ask for the correct times of her studies so that situations like this didn't happen frequently.

Entering, he sat in one of the armchairs in the room to wait for the Headmistress. Minutes passed, and Alba did not arrive. Izrun felt sleepy and fell asleep, waking up only when he felt a touch on his forehead. Opening his eyes quickly, he found Alba looking at him with a thoughtful expression.

She smiled when she saw that Izrun had woken up, messing up her hair. She straightened her posture and walked to her desk, saying – I had some problems, and I couldn't continue with your class. You can go to your room. Tomorrow we will continue without any excuse.

Izrun was still a little lost from the director's previous action. Getting up, he nodded to her – I won't be late tomorrow. Good night Miss Alba – With that, Izrun left the room. Alba looked at the door that had just been closed and sighed as she sat down – Ikalles was well-behaved and shy like that, too. I don't think Alira's death was the cause of his becoming so arrogant. They are very similar...

Izrun walked calmly to his room; entering that small room again, he took a deep breath, went to bed, and lay down.

Taken by drowsiness, he slept until dawn the next day. Izrun got scared when he heard the bell. Getting up and beating his clothes, he hurried to the principal's office. The girls who met him greeted him as Ive, the new girl.

Izrun answered her greetings as he quickly headed towards Alba's room. He worried as he approached the door, thinking about the possible scolding he would receive for his delay.

Knocking lightly before opening it, he entered. Alba was reading a book with a sleepy expression. Her dark circles were apparent. She had spent the whole night in her room.

– Lady Alba – Izrun called out carefully. Alba looked up and paused, her eyes widening as she seemed to remember that she had this little student to teach.

– Oh! Izrun… little Guardian, it's still so early. Have you had enough rest? – She asked with a smile, which made the little boy freeze in disbelief. Whenever he was late for training, his father would fight and say different things about responsibility and how he should always be present and be on time, or that delays could cost a lot of his life. So because of that, he should always be in advance so that nothing goes wrong.

– Thanks for the concerned Headmistress. I'm well rested – He said with his head down.

Alba looked at him, and how he acted, remembering yesterday's surprise guest, she stopped smiling – Sit down.

Izrun went to the table and sat down. Alba returned to reading her book, and the little boy waited for his tutor's instructions. Several minutes passed, and Alba still hadn't said anything. Finally, Izrun squeezed his clothes with his hands, and hesitating, he looked up, asking – Shall I do yesterday's exercise?

Alba smiled from behind her book – Mn.

Izrun nodded with his confirmation and looked at the table. Then, seeing no block to keep, he looked at the woman in front of him. Finally, he took the courage to speak again - I don't have the block.

Alba continued reading her book as if she hadn't heard what Izrun had said. Izrun tried one more time – Lady Alba, I don't have the ice block.

Not even sparing a glance at the boy, Alba flipped through yet another page – Make one.

Izrun was paralyzed for a few seconds. Then, a little nervous, he muttered – I can't...

Alba interrupted him as she spoke calmly – What are you muttering? If you have something to say, say it out loud.

Izrun repeated a little louder – I can't.

Alba rolled her eyes, thinking about how Ikalles cared for this child. The boy didn't know how to take the initiative. He was afraid to talk when he had difficulties. How would she know his problems if the boy can't talk about It? He will never be heard if he continues muttering like that – You can't or never tried?

At night, in his room, Izrun, already lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling while thinking about his tutor's words, not that he couldn't, it's just that he had never tried.

Izrun raised his hands and looked at them, observing every detail. Then, feeling their power, he tried to guide it through his body, imagining his aura running through his body and trying to take it to his hands. He tried for a few minutes before lowering his hands, he tried...

…maybe he should try harder. Raising his hands again, he retraced the movement of the aura, concentrating to the fullest. With his eyes closed, he took his aura all over his body. His hands cooled down. The whole room slowly cooled down.

Izrun felt his breathing lighten and completely relaxed, inert in his control he saw his power running through his veins, an opaque line of white color, the color of snow, trapped in his subconscious. He watched as the surroundings suddenly changed, as if he were in a large clearing with a small lake shrouded in mist. Approaching, he ran his hand lightly through the fog when he suddenly heard a noise from a nearby bush.

Startled, he stared at the thicket from which the sound had originated, and as he watched, the noise came again. Clenching his fists, he approached, and with a clumsy swing, he slammed into the thicket.

He didn't know when he had closed his eyes but realizing he wasn't attacked, he opened them and looked at the bush, relaxing to find nothing. Then the noise came again, only from a bush to the side, and then from another bush behind him, besides the noise appeared again, but on the other side of the lake. Soon, the noise came from all directions, a little scared, Izrun closed his eyes tightly, and when he opened them, he was back in his room.

Sitting up, he looked around, took a deep breath, and closed his eyes to return to the state he was in before when the same noise came back. Quickly looking toward the direction the sound was coming from, Izrun got up and promptly went to the window. The noise grew louder as he approached, carefully opening it. He looked out. A bush a little far away swayed. Maybe it was a small animal playing around, but even so, the words escaped his mouth – Who's there?

The bush stopped moving. Izrun took a small step back. Then, thinking for a moment, he decided to jump out the window. He is a dragon, the son of the Guardian. So he should have the courage to face strange and frightening situations. But, on the other hand, he, like one of the most feared creatures of all species, being afraid of a little noise was a bit embarrassing.

It's a new year. Live well.

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