
Guide to tame my villainous husbands

Sequel to Guide to raise my cutie husbands. Mo Qiang, an architect was chosen by the fairy of nature who brought her to the world of interstellar where she was punished to revive the nature that she has destroyed with her own hands while creating architecture that she thought was paving way for the future. Now, stuck with a nature-reviving system in a world full of poisonous gases and intergalactic stuff where she has to start from the very beginning and plant more forest and crops while creating a liveable world for the humans, Mo Qiang was suffering. But it sounds easy right? No! In her path she has three villainous husbands, all three of them want to kill her such that they will be able to marry her capable sister after kicking her away who was trashy and good for nothing. Mo Qiang has nothing against them, in fact, she is more than willing to divorce them after securing her life and raising her favourability in their hearts such that they will not kill her but —— Why are they coming for her now? Hello, you all wanted to marry her sister right? Excerpt: “ Here you go,” said Mo Qiang as she pushed the divorce agreement looking at her first husband who was gentle but poisonous like a snake. “ I have already signed the document of our divorce, you can take a look —-wait, why are you taking your clothes off?” The mer looked at her and smiled gently as he took off his glasses and said, “ Looks like my wife is not happy with me not giving birth to our child, don’t worry I will work hard tonight.” Mo Qiang: “…..” I do not want you to work hard! Take second! “ Take this and sign it,” said Mo Qiang, this time more fiercely as she looked at her second husband who was reading a script for his film. “ I am sure you want to divorce me right? I have already signed —-woah! What are you putting me on the bed for?” She asked while looking at the gorgeous face. Her second husband stared down at her and with a blank expression and voice as cold as water said, “ I have to practice a love-making scene, help me, dear wife.” Mo Qiang: “……” This movie that you are shooting is based on the Zerg apocalypse, don’t lie to me! With whom are you going to make love with? A Zerg? Take third! “ Huff, huff..this is the divorce agreement, sign it... I know that your company does not allow idols to date so here sign it,” she said to her third husband who was practising his dance moves. The mer who was dressed in a loose silk shirt and sweat dripping down his body took a look at the document that she was handing him and then hugged Mo Qiang. A second later she heard his sniffling voice while he peppered kisses on her neck, “ Wife you do not want me? Is that the new idol who attracted your attention, I knew it! I will take care of him!” “Put down that knife will you!” And why is the third prince of the imperial family who hated her to the bones coming after her with flowers? She already has her hands full! ….

fairytail72 · Fantasy
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917 Chs

Useless skills

Little Jiao knew that there was no way she would be able to get away from Mo Qiang this time, she sighed and turned to look at Mo Qiang before saying, " You are here because need to finish your punishment, what kind of person demands something in exchange when they are serving a sentence —— eek."

The little squirrel let out a screech when it was squeezed by Mo Qiang who was holding it a bit too tightly, almost squeezing the life out of her poor body. Mo Qiang brought little Jiao at eye level with her and then said in a cold voice, " Even prisoners are paid when they do something extra inside a prison except serving their sentence, I am here because I am serving my sentence but if you want me to work then you will have to pay me. Or we are going to have problems."

" Like what?" Little Jiao narrowed her eyes at Mo Qiang who sweetly smiled and said, "Like watching your sweet servants go on a strike and worrying about who are you going to choose next. You chose me because I was your best choice wasn't I?"

At her words, Little Jiao stubbornly looked at her and then stated with a firm voice, " You can always be exchanged human, do not think that you are irreplaceable."

" By whom?" Mo Qiang continued to smile as she patted the little thing in her hands. " Do you really think there is any good woman out there who will be as smart as me yet take orders from a small little squirrel? I bet you picked me up because you saw that I was the only one who was the most flexible one which is why we are here, right?"

" I will send you to swamp!"

" I bet twenty dollars that you won't !" Seriously speaking Mo Qiang was betting here, she was testing little Jiao ever since she woke up in this world because she wanted to see whether or not this little fairy will send her to hell with her boss which was the last thing she wanted but the thing has been nothing but haughty with her.

She would retaliate sometimes but other than that, this little fairy never once tried to exterminate her by blasting her soul into smithereens.

Which was why she was trying to make a small bet and in case she fails then she had no shame whatsoever anyway —— she had once grovelled in front of her boss, and she will do the same if the little fairy was to get angry at her.

Mo Qiang waited and waited, there came a time when the little fairy turned almost turned red with anger which she was trying to suppress with everything that she had and Mo Qiang almost got on her knees to beg in front of her but then ——

" Fine, what do you want?" She heard the little fairy say as she looked at her with those adorable black grape-like eyes that were blinking at her with a shine that almost made Mo Qiang squeal.

But she suppressed herself knowing that she should not push her luck too much which was why she cleared her throat and then turned to look at Little Jiao before she raised her fingers and said, " I want half share in everything that I do, like if I raise fifty trees then I want twenty-five of them to be used for my own use."

" I knew it," Little Jiao flew up in rage as she stretched out her furry paw and poked Mo Qiang on the cheek as she snapped at the latter, " I knew that you were trying to take advantage of me…how dare you, you measly human——"

" Look I get it that you are angry but did you not say that you wanted to create a world where humans will start relying on nature again and you will get more believers who will try to revive nature? Let's say if I simply grow things just for the heck of it and not use it then do you think, that people will start relying on nature?" Mo Qiang patiently put forward her case as she looked at the small yet angry squirrel.

" For that to happen, you will have to give some sort of bait to them —— like giving some extremely good discounts to lure in more and more customers?"

Her words caused Little Jiao to purse her lips as she started to think carefully but then she nodded and said, " All right but only fifty per cent and you will have to create a huge shrine for the goddess of nature … as you get bigger make sure to build a temple as well."

" Of course, I will even build a castle for her if that is what you want, my dear gulli- I mean fairy," said Mo Qiang as she inwardly fist pumped while Little Jiao who was tricked into handing fifty per cent of everything was feeling rather confused thinking that she was cheated.

But then she shook her head and thought, ' There is no way a human who only lived for thirty or so years can cheat me.'

What little Jiao forgot was that she was the one who said that she was only bringing Mo Qiang back to life to revive nature without giving anything in return. But now she was offering Mo Qiang half of everything that will be grown by the two of them.

" Anyway," Little Jiao stopped using her head too much and raised her head to look at Mo Qiang before she asked in an inquisitive voice, " What are you going to do about the seeds? Like you said that there are no seeds here."

" So you do know that it is more or less of an impossible task?" Mo Qiang sneered before she placed her fingers on her chin and sighed while looking at the rusty room where she was living and said, " But for the sake of a comfortable living place, I will have to try my best."