
Guide to tame my villainous husbands

Sequel to Guide to raise my cutie husbands. Mo Qiang, an architect was chosen by the fairy of nature who brought her to the world of interstellar where she was punished to revive the nature that she has destroyed with her own hands while creating architecture that she thought was paving way for the future. Now, stuck with a nature-reviving system in a world full of poisonous gases and intergalactic stuff where she has to start from the very beginning and plant more forest and crops while creating a liveable world for the humans, Mo Qiang was suffering. But it sounds easy right? No! In her path she has three villainous husbands, all three of them want to kill her such that they will be able to marry her capable sister after kicking her away who was trashy and good for nothing. Mo Qiang has nothing against them, in fact, she is more than willing to divorce them after securing her life and raising her favourability in their hearts such that they will not kill her but —— Why are they coming for her now? Hello, you all wanted to marry her sister right? Excerpt: “ Here you go,” said Mo Qiang as she pushed the divorce agreement looking at her first husband who was gentle but poisonous like a snake. “ I have already signed the document of our divorce, you can take a look —-wait, why are you taking your clothes off?” The mer looked at her and smiled gently as he took off his glasses and said, “ Looks like my wife is not happy with me not giving birth to our child, don’t worry I will work hard tonight.” Mo Qiang: “…..” I do not want you to work hard! Take second! “ Take this and sign it,” said Mo Qiang, this time more fiercely as she looked at her second husband who was reading a script for his film. “ I am sure you want to divorce me right? I have already signed —-woah! What are you putting me on the bed for?” She asked while looking at the gorgeous face. Her second husband stared down at her and with a blank expression and voice as cold as water said, “ I have to practice a love-making scene, help me, dear wife.” Mo Qiang: “……” This movie that you are shooting is based on the Zerg apocalypse, don’t lie to me! With whom are you going to make love with? A Zerg? Take third! “ Huff, huff..this is the divorce agreement, sign it... I know that your company does not allow idols to date so here sign it,” she said to her third husband who was practising his dance moves. The mer who was dressed in a loose silk shirt and sweat dripping down his body took a look at the document that she was handing him and then hugged Mo Qiang. A second later she heard his sniffling voice while he peppered kisses on her neck, “ Wife you do not want me? Is that the new idol who attracted your attention, I knew it! I will take care of him!” “Put down that knife will you!” And why is the third prince of the imperial family who hated her to the bones coming after her with flowers? She already has her hands full! ….

fairytail72 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
879 Chs

300 million

Now Mo Qiang thought that she only made a mistake by helping this mer, he clearly had everything under control and might have as well been waiting to enjoy a show, did she interrupt his fun?

Mo Qiang wanted to ask Shao Hui about it but later on decided that she did not want to ask anything like that to this mer, what if he said that she indeed interrupted his enjoyment, what was she going to do then? Suggest that he have fun with her? Though she wanted those favourability points she did not want them at the cost of her life.

" Okay… shall we go back?" She asked but the mer did not say anything nor did he move from his place causing Mo Qiang to stay where she was not knowing what to do, she thought about leaving him alone but when she was reminded of the fact that a lady King Kong was waiting for her at their home, she changed her decision almost at once.

" You know that I hate you right?" Shao Hui spoke after a long time, he stared at her with those murky eyes of his which caused Mo Qiang to stiffen and widen her eyes in surprise while looking at him. The alarm bells in her head rang all over telling and screaming 'danger' while telling her to run and Mo Qiang was going to listen to the voice in her head but then the mer reached out and held her hand causing her body to turn harder than wood.

Oh, she was going to die, she was going to die, all right.

" So…if you don't want me to get stronger in future and kill you then you might as well kill me now," said the mer causing Mo Qiang to be even more surprised when she saw the hatred in the eyes of the mers. No, it was not right to say that it was hatred, it was absolute loathing.

" I…"

" You say that you have forgotten everything, right? It is funny." Shao Hui laughed interrupting her but there was no humour in his eyes, he simply looked at her with a smiling face and a pair of murderous eyes as he leaned in close and whispered in a viper-like cold voice, " You might have forgotten but I will never forget how you almost killed my father who is ill, I could have given him enough money to treat his condition and he would not have been abandoned by my mother in this rotten place at that rotten hospital with no possibility of recovering with the lack of resources. But because of you and your stubbornness, he was divorced and he was even sent here! I have no money and no resources to treat him, the only thing I can do is helplessly watch my father who gave birth to me die!"

As he said those last words, his voice rose and Shao Hui flung her hand away from his hand like touching her disgusted him. His eyes were brimming with tears as he sneered and coldly spat, " Not only did you break my dream but you also took away the only lifeline that my father had, I will never forget this and I will never allow you to forget this either when my father dies, I wish you will remember that you and my mother collectively murdered him!"

With that, he stood up from the ground and was prepared to leave when he heard Mo Qiang say from behind, " I will save him."

" What?" At first, Shao Hui thought that he had misheard Mo Qiang but when he turned and looked at Mo Qiang again he was surprised to see that the woman was looking at him seriously causing his heart to skitter a little which he suppressed at once wishing he could throw this stupid one out and get another one —— one that smart to be transplanted in his body.

" I will save your father and I will make your dream of becoming an idol come true as well," Mo Qiang repeated as she looked at the mer in front of her. She did not know how she was going to do it but seeing how desperate Shao Hui was, she could not just ignore him, he might not be the mer she loved but she still had the responsibility to take care of him as his nominal wife. " Just three weeks, just give me another three weeks."

In three weeks as long as she did not sleep or drink, she will be able to raise those trees and corn seeds. After that, she will see how it will go…though she was going to push her body to the extreme but for the sake of life and her favourability points along with her own life —— she was going to work hard.

She did not want to die while itching herself to death!

" Heh," Shao Hui mockingly sneered as he looked at his wife. " Very well then I will give you three weeks then … but if you fail, then you better sleep with an eye open, Mo Qiang."

After he was done speaking he turned on his feet and walked away leaving Mo Qiang alone in the alley as the latter rubbed the back of her head in frustration. " That guy did not even thank me!"

However, Mo Qiang had no wish to go after the mer and ask him to show his gratitude when he clearly felt nothing but hatred for her, the hate he had for the original owner was too big to let go so easily. And she did not even blame him——

" Just what kind of disease does that guy's father have?" She asked Little Jiao who was silent for a change.

" Hmm," the small thing summoned her encyclopaedia that had information about this world and the members of the Mo Qiang family before she stiffened and then very hesitatingly replied, " Shao Hui's father has a grade second poison injury, it seemed that he was once pushed in a toxic river by the second husband of his wife…it affected his womb as well as his physical features, not only he requires a complete facial surgery but also anti toxin removal from his body."

" And the price of all of this is?"

"300 million golden star coins."

Fck. Was it too late to take her words back?