
Guide To Reign My Tycoon Husbands

Luo Huian was the most beautiful, strong and narcissistic——- Cut! Cut! Cut! Take two, and do it over. Luo Huian was the most beautiful, strong and wisest immortal in the realm of peace and harmony. Her two fathers doted on her, and she had a generous supply of resources and pills. Her life was perfect. However, her perfect life came to an abrupt end when Luo Huian, an immortal whose responsibility was to bring peace to those who had reached their ends and had run out of faith—— Watched a man jump down a building. Because of her inflexible beliefs and sense of justice, she did not save the bully. Unfortunately, that man was the son of the heavens. The loss of his life brought infinite trouble in Luo Huian’s life and she was punished by the heavens. She was sent to the world of humans where she had to rescue at least five hundred people by saving their lives when they were at the end of their wits. For an immortal this was an easy job, right? Wrong. Her grandmother sent Luo Huian to a world where Gloom Rocks had wrecked chaos. Beasts and monsters were given birth to by the Gloom Rocks that sucked every ounce of happiness from humans. This world was dominated by hunters who could kill the beasts with the powers that they had awakened. And in this cutthroat world, Luo Huian got the short end of the stick. She woke up in the body of an F-class hunter! Dang it. If that wasn’t worse enough, the previous owner had confessed to her cousin-in-law and was kicked out of the family. Double frog in the hot crock. With not a single penny in her pocket Luo Huian goes out to complete her mission. But what would happen when Luo Huian who was an F-class hunter annihilated the Z-class Glooms and Hollows that even the S-class hunters could not? Watch her fend against the dangers and at the same time save the lives of people. But in this small mission, there is a small obstruction —— The three alluring temptations. *********** Resisting the temptation take 1: “MMPH,” Luo Huian pushed against the mer who had pushed her down on the bed while sitting on her waist. “Get off.” “I can’t,” answered Qi Yongrui as he took off his shirt. “Daddy Shun said that he is envious of Uncle Wang. He also wants to hold a grandchild. So, wife let's work hard tonight alright?” Luo Huian: Dear Heavens save me, I am a woman of no desire! **** Resisting the temptation take 2: “Do you think he is good looking?” Fan Meilin questioned the woman who stood next to him. Even though he was the one who won the race and the trophy, his wife was looking at the other mer. “Well yes,” Luo Huian, who was an appreciator of beauty, agreed at once. “Why are you asking this though?” Fab Meilin’s eyes flashed as he smiled at her and leaned in closer to her body as he whispered in her ear, “He might be good looking but I am a better driver. Not only on the track but also in bed, do you want to try darling?” Luo Huian: Resist the temptation! At all costs! I am an iron-hearted woman. ***** Resisting the temptation take 3: “Is this necessary?” Luo Huian questioned as she sat on the couch, watching the mer trace his fingers on her curves while she sat in nothing but modern swimwear. The mer nodded as he wrote on his small notepad, “I need to trace every inch of your skin to create my finest creation, so don’t move.” After he finished writing, he handed the notepad to Luo Huian, his fingers brushing against the curve of her bosom, waist and ——— Luo Huian: My virtue is at extreme risk! ** Fl who is trying to do everything to save her virtue from being taken as it would slow down her cultivation X Mls who are trying their best to snatch it from her. *********** Trigger warning: though the book is set in a comedic setting, there might be some uneasy topics that would discuss depression and loneliness. ***********

fairytail72 · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Tea time with daddy

Luo Huian's words were like pebbles that fell on Luo Yeqing's heart. They caused a stir in the calm sea of Luo Yeqing's heart. 

 In the past, Luo Yeqing didn't think that she had done anything wrong. After all, she had given Luo Huian, who was an F-class hunter, a place to stay and food to eat. 

Unlike her father.

If she was as useless as Luo Huian, her father would have killed her when she was still a child. 

Compared to Old Master Luo, Luo Yeqing had given Luo Huian a chance to survive and live a normal life.

 However now as she looked at Luo Huian who was staring at her as if she were a stranger——- Luo Yeqing could no longer stay as calm as she used to be.

"Do you blame me?" She asked Luo Huian, her heart beating wildly, Luo Yeqing wanted to say something else but she was used to saying harsh words to those who were a waste of space in her eyes.

Even though the other person was her daughter, so even though her heart was aching, Luo Yeqing could not bring herself to say a word of comfort. 

No, it was better to say that she did not know how to say anything to comfort Luo Huian. What was she even supposed to say at this moment? 

"No," Luo Huian answered and Luo Yeqing heaved a sigh of relief somewhere inside her heart but then she heard Luo Huian say, "How can I blame you when I don't even remember you? For me, you are just someone whom I am supposed to call mother. But I don't want to, my heart wouldn't let me ." 

She was not lying. Even though this was her body now, it still had the remnants and traces of the previous soul. And those traces of the previous owner were exceptionally reluctant to call this woman, 'mother'.

'This happens when the person died blaming someone when they were alive,' Luo Huian thought as she rubbed the ache in her chest. Most likely when the previous owner of this body was still alive, she blamed her mother and died blaming her. 

Though Luo Huian was not the previous owner, she had no desire to go against the wishes of this body. Not to mention, she had no good feelings towards Luo Yeqing. 

She was a good woman and she had also accumulated a lot of good karma but——

'She was not a good mother to the previous soul,' Luo Huian thought to herself. Since that was the case then she might as well make this woman pay a bit of interest to the last owner of this body.

Luo Yeqing's complexion turned pale, she looked at Luo Huian who was treating her as if she was just someone whom she needed to be cordial with. 

When she found out that Luo Huian's memories were gone, she did not think too much about it. In her eyes, it was not a big matter. 

After all, no matter what Luo Huian would still be her daughter in the end and nothing would change. But now that Luo Huian was refusing to accept her as her mother ——

Her heart ached and her mind was in a mess, Luo Yeqing had never felt like this before. 

"Ugh," she clasped the spot where her heart was and groaned. 

"Honey!" Qin Qiu had not expected Luo Yeqing to be agitated by Luo Huian's words. He was half worried and half angry. 

'I thought that she didn't even care about Luo Huian but looks like I was wrong,' Qin Qiu thought as he looked at Luo Yeqing who seemed to be having difficulty breathing. 

He turned to look at Luo Huian and blamed her, "Huian, I know that you blame me but——"

"I appreciate you taking the time out to act in front of me," Luo Huian interrupted the mer as she raised her hand before pointing at Luo Yeqing. "But she is kinda turning blue, you should look for a doctor for her. Just so you know if she dies, I am not taking the blame so you better call for a doctor quickly." 

She then turned on her feet and remarked, "And since she dislikes having me in front of her, I will take my leave." 

Luo Huian raised her hand and then turned to walk out of the office. 

"Hu..Hu…Huian." Luo Yeqing watched Luo Huian walk away without looking or caring about her. The ache in her heart turned even more intense and her vision darkened. 


The entire Luo mansion was thrown into chaos when Luo Yeqing fainted but this had nothing to do with Luo Huian. 

Her predecessor was gone and she died a death that was filled with resentment and anger. Compared to that, she had done nothing to Luo Yeqing.

In fact, it would do her some good if she could learn a thing or two from this incident. Maybe she would learn how to become a good mother.

"Huian?" A gentle voice called out to her and Luo Huian turned to look behind her. 

"Mister Ye?" She blinked her eyes, feeling a bit complicated. She liked this mer because not only this mer reminded her of her daddy but also because the remnants of the soul liked Ye Shun more than she expected. 

However, she couldn't call him daddy because…

"Jia Bo will be jealous if you do that… so don't do it…not until he can accept him," Xiao Bai told Luo Huian. 

Yup, her daddy could be pretty childish when it came to her. 

Ye Shun was slightly upset when he heard Luo Huian call him, 'Mister Ye' instead of Daddy but after accepting the fact that her memories were gone, he did not push her too much. 

After he returned home from the hospital, Ye Shun researched a lot about patients who lost their memories and knew that they could not be triggered as that could seriously harm the patient.

So even though he was upset he suppressed his hurt and asked, "Huian, will you have tea with your daddy? Don't worry, I will let you go once we are done."
