
Guide To Reign My Tycoon Husbands

Luo Huian was the most beautiful, strong and narcissistic——- Cut! Cut! Cut! Take two, and do it over. Luo Huian was the most beautiful, strong and wisest immortal in the realm of peace and harmony. Her two fathers doted on her, and she had a generous supply of resources and pills. Her life was perfect. However, her perfect life came to an abrupt end when Luo Huian, an immortal whose responsibility was to bring peace to those who had reached their ends and had run out of faith—— Watched a man jump down a building. Because of her inflexible beliefs and sense of justice, she did not save the bully. Unfortunately, that man was the son of the heavens. The loss of his life brought infinite trouble in Luo Huian’s life and she was punished by the heavens. She was sent to the world of humans where she had to rescue at least five hundred people by saving their lives when they were at the end of their wits. For an immortal this was an easy job, right? Wrong. Her grandmother sent Luo Huian to a world where Gloom Rocks had wrecked chaos. Beasts and monsters were given birth to by the Gloom Rocks that sucked every ounce of happiness from humans. This world was dominated by hunters who could kill the beasts with the powers that they had awakened. And in this cutthroat world, Luo Huian got the short end of the stick. She woke up in the body of an F-class hunter! Dang it. If that wasn’t worse enough, the previous owner had confessed to her cousin-in-law and was kicked out of the family. Double frog in the hot crock. With not a single penny in her pocket Luo Huian goes out to complete her mission. But what would happen when Luo Huian who was an F-class hunter annihilated the Z-class Glooms and Hollows that even the S-class hunters could not? Watch her fend against the dangers and at the same time save the lives of people. But in this small mission, there is a small obstruction —— The three alluring temptations. *********** Resisting the temptation take 1: “MMPH,” Luo Huian pushed against the mer who had pushed her down on the bed while sitting on her waist. “Get off.” “I can’t,” answered Qi Yongrui as he took off his shirt. “Daddy Shun said that he is envious of Uncle Wang. He also wants to hold a grandchild. So, wife let's work hard tonight alright?” Luo Huian: Dear Heavens save me, I am a woman of no desire! **** Resisting the temptation take 2: “Do you think he is good looking?” Fan Meilin questioned the woman who stood next to him. Even though he was the one who won the race and the trophy, his wife was looking at the other mer. “Well yes,” Luo Huian, who was an appreciator of beauty, agreed at once. “Why are you asking this though?” Fab Meilin’s eyes flashed as he smiled at her and leaned in closer to her body as he whispered in her ear, “He might be good looking but I am a better driver. Not only on the track but also in bed, do you want to try darling?” Luo Huian: Resist the temptation! At all costs! I am an iron-hearted woman. ***** Resisting the temptation take 3: “Is this necessary?” Luo Huian questioned as she sat on the couch, watching the mer trace his fingers on her curves while she sat in nothing but modern swimwear. The mer nodded as he wrote on his small notepad, “I need to trace every inch of your skin to create my finest creation, so don’t move.” After he finished writing, he handed the notepad to Luo Huian, his fingers brushing against the curve of her bosom, waist and ——— Luo Huian: My virtue is at extreme risk! ** Fl who is trying to do everything to save her virtue from being taken as it would slow down her cultivation X Mls who are trying their best to snatch it from her. *********** Trigger warning: though the book is set in a comedic setting, there might be some uneasy topics that would discuss depression and loneliness. ***********

fairytail72 · Fantasy
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62 Chs


"There is no need," Luo Huian said to Ye Shun, her eyes fell on the dark flames that were curling around Ye Shun's heart and realised something. 

This mer who was on the verge of giving up on his life, seemed to have found a reason to live. It seemed to her that he really did love his daughter way too much. 

She looked at Ye Shun who was clinging to her like a last straw and then smacked his hands away. Though she did not put too much strength into her hits Ye Shun's skin was paler than the rest. Thus even the smallest amount of pressure caused his skin to turn red. 

"Huian, how could you hit your Daddy?" Luo Yeqing never expected that Luo Huian would refuse even Ye Shun. For some reason, she suddenly felt like she was losing control of everything and something seemed to have been snatched away from her. 

Luo Huian did not look at Luo Yeqing who was yelling at her. Instead, she placed all her attention on Ye Shun. She said, "I don't remember who you are, or what you are to me…your emotions, they make me feel a bit burdened." She smiled at Ye Shun whose eyes widened as he stepped away from Luo Huian. 

His legs gave away as he slumped on the floor.

"Father!" Qi Yongrui caught Ye Shun by his arms however, he was way too weak to hold Ye Shun up and ended up kneeling as well. 

"Hu…Huian, I am…I am your daddy… I carried you in my womb for nine months. I also …. I also love you the most," Ye Shun seemed to be on the verge of crumbling, his words no longer made any sense. But Luo Huian could see that inside his heart, he was more angry than depressed. 

Well as long as he had the will to fight back, she did not have to worry about him jumping off a roof and dying.

Luo Huian only smiled at his words and stated, "I only know one thing, Mister Ye. That you are weak, you are so weak that your daughter was kicked out of the family and you …couldn't do anything. Before claiming that you love me… ask yourself if you can even protect your daughter in a family like this?" 

Her words caused Ye Shun to snap, his expression broke as he looked at his daughter who seemed like a stranger to him. 

After she was done speaking, Luo Huian tugged on her bloodied and torn shirt before making her way to the door. 

Luo Yeqing who did not expect such a thing to happen felt like her heart was going to jump out of her chest. She had a feeling that she needed to stop Luo Huian, which was why she shouted at Luo Huian's back, "If you step out now, then don't you ever think of coming back." 

She had been bitten and stabbed by Luo Huian many times. Her daughter always pretended to run away from the house but returned home in a few days. Every time Luo Yeqing wanted her daughter to step back, Luo Yeqing said these words which worked like magic as Luo Huian indeed stepped back. 

However, this time around it was different. 

Luo Huian paused and then turned to look at Luo Yeqing. She smiled at her and stated, "Gladly." 

With that, she stepped out of the ward and left the door to close itself. 

"You sure are cruel," Luo Huian heard a voice speak to her even though there was no one next to her. However, she was not surprised as she knew that it was none other than her familiar, Xiao Bai. 

"You came as well?" She asked as she did not think that the old woman would let her familiar follow her. But when she saw the entwined snake earring in the basket that held her belongings, Luo Huian was a bit suspicious. Especially when she saw that the entwined snakes were black and white. It was too much of a coincidence. 

"Of course, your Dad was too worried to leave you alone," Xiao Bai replied to Luo Huian. She was Jia Bo's familiar but when he ascended to the Desolate Realm, he asked her to follow Luo Huian. 

Xiao Bai had nothing against this, as she found the young Luo Huian really adorable. It was just that the cuter Luo Huian was when she was young, the more of a menace she became when she grew up. Thus, Xiao Bai who was only responsible for protecting Luo Huian, ended up becoming her guardian. She had to make sure that Luo Huian wouldn't cause another trouble. 

So, it was not a surprise that she was sent to the human world to keep an eye on Luo Huian. 

And by keeping an eye, she meant to make sure that Luo Huian wouldn't lose her life. 

Luo Huian hummed but then her brows furrowed. She then questioned Xiao Bai through the internal voice, "Did Xiao Hei not come?" 

He was Luo Tingfeng's familiar. Just like Jia Bo, Luo Tingfeng also handed his familiar to Luo Huian when he ascended to the Preliminary God Realm. However, unlike Xiao Bai's calm and gentle nature, Xiao He was like an old man with a rather bad temper. 


Before Xiao Bai could finish speaking, a booming voice echoed in Luo Huian's ears. 

"Expelled from the Immortal realm? I wouldn't have been surprised if they told me that you have been killed!" Xiao Hei screamed at the top of his lungs causing both Xiao Bai and Luo Huian to flinch. "You are really something Luo Huian! You actually dared to watch a human die and that too the child of the heavens! I don't know what to say to you, how could you be so careless!" 

Luo Huian rubbed her ears and then remarked, "I had no idea that he was the child of the heavens." 

"It matters not! What did I teach you——"

"Alright, Xiao He," Xiao Bai spoke in a placating voice. "There is no point in saying such things, she is already expelled. What is the point of you repeating those things when the bird has already eaten the worm?" 

"It's because of you treating her so well and doting on her in such a way that she has become lawless," Xiao He snapped at Xiao Bai. His black body slithered up and down the small pole in agitation. "If you had been a bit more stern this wouldn't have happened!"
