
Guide To Reign My Tycoon Husbands

Luo Huian was the most beautiful, strong and narcissistic——- Cut! Cut! Cut! Take two, and do it over. Luo Huian was the most beautiful, strong and wisest immortal in the realm of peace and harmony. Her two fathers doted on her, and she had a generous supply of resources and pills. Her life was perfect. However, her perfect life came to an abrupt end when Luo Huian, an immortal whose responsibility was to bring peace to those who had reached their ends and had run out of faith—— Watched a man jump down a building. Because of her inflexible beliefs and sense of justice, she did not save the bully. Unfortunately, that man was the son of the heavens. The loss of his life brought infinite trouble in Luo Huian’s life and she was punished by the heavens. She was sent to the world of humans where she had to rescue at least five hundred people by saving their lives when they were at the end of their wits. For an immortal this was an easy job, right? Wrong. Her grandmother sent Luo Huian to a world where Gloom Rocks had wrecked chaos. Beasts and monsters were given birth to by the Gloom Rocks that sucked every ounce of happiness from humans. This world was dominated by hunters who could kill the beasts with the powers that they had awakened. And in this cutthroat world, Luo Huian got the short end of the stick. She woke up in the body of an F-class hunter! Dang it. If that wasn’t worse enough, the previous owner had confessed to her cousin-in-law and was kicked out of the family. Double frog in the hot crock. With not a single penny in her pocket Luo Huian goes out to complete her mission. But what would happen when Luo Huian who was an F-class hunter annihilated the Z-class Glooms and Hollows that even the S-class hunters could not? Watch her fend against the dangers and at the same time save the lives of people. But in this small mission, there is a small obstruction —— The three alluring temptations. *********** Resisting the temptation take 1: “MMPH,” Luo Huian pushed against the mer who had pushed her down on the bed while sitting on her waist. “Get off.” “I can’t,” answered Qi Yongrui as he took off his shirt. “Daddy Shun said that he is envious of Uncle Wang. He also wants to hold a grandchild. So, wife let's work hard tonight alright?” Luo Huian: Dear Heavens save me, I am a woman of no desire! **** Resisting the temptation take 2: “Do you think he is good looking?” Fan Meilin questioned the woman who stood next to him. Even though he was the one who won the race and the trophy, his wife was looking at the other mer. “Well yes,” Luo Huian, who was an appreciator of beauty, agreed at once. “Why are you asking this though?” Fab Meilin’s eyes flashed as he smiled at her and leaned in closer to her body as he whispered in her ear, “He might be good looking but I am a better driver. Not only on the track but also in bed, do you want to try darling?” Luo Huian: Resist the temptation! At all costs! I am an iron-hearted woman. ***** Resisting the temptation take 3: “Is this necessary?” Luo Huian questioned as she sat on the couch, watching the mer trace his fingers on her curves while she sat in nothing but modern swimwear. The mer nodded as he wrote on his small notepad, “I need to trace every inch of your skin to create my finest creation, so don’t move.” After he finished writing, he handed the notepad to Luo Huian, his fingers brushing against the curve of her bosom, waist and ——— Luo Huian: My virtue is at extreme risk! ** Fl who is trying to do everything to save her virtue from being taken as it would slow down her cultivation X Mls who are trying their best to snatch it from her. *********** Trigger warning: though the book is set in a comedic setting, there might be some uneasy topics that would discuss depression and loneliness. ***********

fairytail72 · Fantasy
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64 Chs

An An’s beauty project

[The starting chapters of this arc will be a bit common but once the Gloom monster appears ——Uff.]

Xu Suisui felt a rush of warm energy inside his body. The gloomy thoughts of not being enough and not being liked by his wife swiftly vanished and were taken over by good memories. 

The first time he held hands with his wife, the first time they kissed and the day of his wedding. But the one memory that made Xu Suisui's heart swell with happiness was when he gave birth to Pan Delan. That was a memory that swept all the dark thoughts away. 

"Daddy, why are you crying ?" Pan Delan was scared silly when she saw that her daddy was crying. Why was her daddy crying all of a sudden? Did she make a mistake when she was baking the eclairs? Was sugar and salt mixed? 

Xu Suisui wiped the tears on his cheeks and then shook his head. "No, it's really good." As he ate he glanced at Luo Huian. There were a lot of questions that he wanted to ask Luo Huian, however, when he thought about it, he didn't say what was on his mind. 

It didn't matter if Luo Huian was a hunter or something else, she was willing to help him and that was all that he needed to know. 

Luo Huian also noticed that Xu Suisui was looking at her but she did not care about his gaze. After all, she was not in a world where magical powers didn't exist, even if someone were to doubt her, she could just say that she was a hunter. 

She bit into the eclairs and nodded. This thing was indeed good. No wonder, Xu Suisui liked it so much. The cream and the crunchy pastry was a really good combination. 

Even the chocolate glaze on top was really delicious. 

Luo Huian finished eating an eclair and then turned to look at Xu Suisui. She wiped the crumbs off her lips and then said to Xu Suisui, "Now that we have dealt with one thing, we might as well begin with the latter half of the matter." 

She turned to look at Xu Suisui and carefully assessed him. Though he was a good-looking mer, time had left its traces on his face. Not to mention, he had given birth to a child, which was why his skin was slightly yellowish as he hadn't taken care of himself properly. 

He was a fashion designer but he himself was dressed in a tie-dye shirt and baggy pants, which looked enormous on his thin frame. 

Even the slippers that he wore were really weird. 

Not to mention the eye bags under his eyes. 

"You, when was the last time you took care of your skin?" Luo Huian asked as she looked at Xu Suisui, who touched his face and was slightly stunned. He thought about it carefully and realized that the last time he went to the spa and skin treatment lab was when he got married, ever since he got married and had Pan Delan, he stopped caring about himself. 

He was busy with his company and his daughter, on top of that, he had to cook for his wife every day. Pan Xinyi had a weak stomach and couldn't eat the cooking of the nanny. Thus, it was Xu Suisui who stood in the smoke and fumes of the kitchen and cooked for her. 

In such circumstances, where would he get the time to pay attention to his own looks? 

Forget about taking care of his skin, he didn't even have the time to care about his clothes. He would just casually pick up anything, as he didn't like wearing clothes that would cling to his body, he would wear an oversized tee shirt wherever he went and unless he had a formal event to attend, he wouldn't wear anything too fancy. 

He looked at his tie-dye shirt and the baggy pants, his gaze then fell on the slippers that he wore and his broken nails. Xu Suisui remembered the flashy appearance of Du Mumu and he bit his lips. 

That mer was younger and more well-maintained than him, of course, his wife would favour him. 

Luo Huian snapped her fingers and looked at Xu Suisui before pushing another eclair in front of him. 

"I asked you a question, I didn't say to go down the memory lane," she then rummaged through her pouch which had no limits and carefully pulled out an ointment that belonged to the immortal realm. 

Fortunately, she carried this pouch with her everywhere. However, it was only filled with beauty and healing products, there wasn't even an ounce of gold inside of it. If Luo Huian knew that she would be penniless one day, she would have filled the pouch with money. 

'What a mess, I only have to worry about my ethereal beauty in the immortal world but now I have to worry about my beauty and empty pockets,' Luo Huian sighed as she touched her cheeks. 

"Shouldn't you be more worried about the empty pockets' part?" Xiao Hei questioned. Was this the time to worry about her beauty? 

Luo Huian rolled her eyes and said, "What do you know? My beautiful face is a grace that I received from the heavens and it's a gift to those who feast upon this beauty of mine. If my face gets ruined, wouldn't it be a shame for those who like to watch me?" 

Xiao Hei: "…" This woman and her narcissism! 

"What is this?" Xu Suisui was unaware of the quarrel that was taking place between Luo Huian and Xiao Hei. He picked up the vial on the table and looked at Luo Huian. 

"It's an ointment to help you with your skin. Three drops and you will be fine," Luo Huian stated causing Xu Suisui to frown. 

"There is no, my skin will get better in just three drops," he said with a light laugh. This skin of his hadn't been treated for years.

Luo Huian smirked at him, she interlocked her fingers and said, "Do you wanna bet?"