
Guide to power(Dropped)

A 4 year old kid thrown due to bad luck thrown into a planet filled with monsters that are wayy out of his league,a fateful meeting changed his whole life. "You monster,afterall these deaths you still have such an indifferent face"a lady said. "For my goals I would massacre this entire world an still have this indifferent face of mine"A Teen replied in a calm voice. He then beheaded the woman and confine his massacre "so much bloodlust for one so young he friend's ". .. 1:am a newbie writer so expect some mistakes although I will try not to make too much.

revolt_027 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

His past pt4

As the skeleton continued to expand the list of things the kid has to do he continued "and in the afternoon to night will be your sword training as well as your ki training"the kid suprised asked "ki what's that"not surprised that the kid didn't know what ki is the skeleton go onto explain"there are 2 types of energy in the universe there are mana and ki with ki being the most unique energy out of all and also the most difficult to used because although everyone is born with it many doesn't awaken it unless you train for years to end or you experience multiple near death experience"skeptical the child asked "so what is the other type of energy an why can't I train in the other one instead?? ""he enquired"the skeleton replied because mana arts are kept from the public an only nobles have access to it"the boy suprised asked "nobles"the skeleton continued yes nobles it has other ways to get it however I never had any talent in weilding mana that's why we are goin to focus on ki instead"he continued"so come sit Infront of me an follow the path that my ki is goin to flow in your body"he said however in his mind he was thinking'if the kid can survive my ki then he actually has a unique physique If he can't well it just meant that I will have to find another way to get my revenge 'he thought at that moment the kid however reached him an sat in front of him in a meditative position,he placed his hand on the kid back only to be suprised at how complex the kid ki pathways where he willed his ki into the kids pathway,the kid felt a heavenly sensation going through his body only for the next moment for a pain so unbearable he almost passed out but the moment he was about to loose consciousness the skeleton yelled"KID IF YOU PASS OUT NOW YOU WILL DIE"the kid as if lightning hit him his body jerked however the skeleton was surprised at what was happening to the kids body it started absorbing a great amount of his ki to repair the kids broken pathways not only did it mend the pathway it also reinforced them suprised the skeleton pulled his hands away only to find out that his pathways had cracks on them and for an undead to have cracks on their pathways is detrimental to there lifeforce itself suprised however he wasn't too worried about his path ways, because the kid survived his ki

It took 45mins for the kid body to adapt to the skeleton ki so as soon as he woke up he smelled something horrendous he turned an look at the skeleton and said in a matter of factly tone"old man you smell"the skeleton however exclaimed "old man??the nerves of this kid"however after calming down he said "look at yourself brat"the kid then proceed to smell himself an fainted again only this time he awoke faster than the last with a black an blue eyes and a broken nose,the skeleton then goes on to say"call me old one more time an you won't have any sleep for the next month straight" the kid shivered the skeleton then continued"after every workout session you will meditate and feel the pathway that I sent my ki into last time now go and take a bathe you stink"the kid then proceed to take a bath an ate a herb before he goes to sleep,only to wake up to a katana to his neck,the skeleton then said"trust no-one in this world power comes first everything else second the weak doesn't get to decide how they die in this world"scared shitless the kid backs away only to find out he couldn't move backwards..again he forgot that he was in a space rift,the skeleton got up an yelled "let's begin sword training we will also spar"the kid however asked "but didn't you say work out is in the morning "?? The skeleton stopped in his tracks he turned an said "kid you slept a day straight"shocked the kid asked"why didn't you wake me"the skeleton replied"I tried but no matter what I did you just wouldn't wake well that was until it looked like you was about to sleep the second day too so I rested my katana on your neck an release a bit of my killing intent an that's when you sprang up so let's go and stop asking questions "the kid complyed as they stood in position the kid held a wooden sword while the skeleton was... barehanded,he said"on the count of 2 we will begin" Two and the skeleton spang forward an hit the kid square on the nose he wasn't showing any mercy to the kid the kid however got up fast,an yelled " you said when you count to 2 however you didn't even say one"the skeleton however chucked and said "yes i did say that However you were naïve enough to believe me another lesson never believe what your enemy says"and with that it charged forward again the kid tried to do a downward slash however only to hit air ,the skeleton yelled "Foolish what makes you think the enemy will always come from the front" and appeared behind him and do a whip like kick to his ribs,a few bones were broken the kid felt to the ground again,he got up even faster this time although he was holding his ribs,and the skeleton took that was a sign that he needs another lesson he sprang forward again and aimed for his already broken ribs "never show weakness to the enemy"and with those words came another whip like kick to his already broken bones,this time however he stayed down,he passed out from the pain however his body was already healing on its own an with the skeleton shoving a herb in his mouth___________