
Guide to be The Perfect Villainess

Solaris Aveline De Vincarte, Duchess of west, was executed in front of every commoner, officials, nobles and royalty. A punishment befitting for her 'sins'. As her head rolled, the kingdom sighed in relief but cannot relax as her last words became their curse. Filled with anxiety and fear, they waited and waited until 400 years later nothing happens. With their new found confidence and security, the memory of the curse was forgotten and the story of the evil duchess was used as a story time for kids and a history for students. Well, life would be easy if weren't for the Duchess being born again.

MayUcee · Fantasy
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3 Chs

A Curse

In the central plaza of the Vivant Kingdom, hundreds of its citizens are gathered. No matter if its commoner or noble, they are all gathered to watch the 'punishment' of the great Duchess Solaris Aveline De Vincarte.

The cruel and ruthless duchess who ordered a mass culling in her district. Even though most of them haven't witnessed it, just hearing the details gave goosebumps to them.

"As today, Solaris Aveline De Vincarte, is being stripped of her nobility and title! We will witness the rightful punishment for this sinner who took the lives of many innocent citizen, blackmailing, slavery and manipulation of information! Sir Paladin, Drag her out."

The paladin dresses in his all black outfit representing the severity and the occasion happening, an Execution of a sinner, silently deal a woman head taller than him. With her wavy hazel brown swaying as she gracefully walk, chin up and chest in, a position of confidence and elegance. Her amber eyes looking straight at the announcer, dark and playful.

Evil? Cruel? Ha! Why sugar coat it? Just straight up say that she's the image of devil! A monster! Well, it's not that they're wrong when they said that.

"Lady Solaris, do you have any last words?"

"Last words? Hm...well there is." Her face turn blank. The man looked at the Executioner, signaling him to lift his axe.

"Please state."

Solaris Aveline De Vincarte open her mouth and state her last words together with the swift swing of the heavy axe. Everybody gasped, the upper class and royalty having a grimm and dark look.

"This kingdom will burn. Be buried and Forgotten by all."

Her head rolled and blood spluttered. All sigh in relief. Today, the evil who brought their night mare is gone, but why? Their hearts feels so heavy and the life ahead seems so dim, why?

A figure in front of the podium exhaled, it's body shaking a little. The person's eyes arch, their cheeks rising and lips tugging. The crowd started to disperse, the nobles and royalty ready to return to their abodes.

The figure stayed a little and watch the servants clean the podium while the knight carried the body away. Once everything finished, the figure turn their heels away muttering soft and low words.

"The curse shall start today..."

Today, tomorrow and probably the series of next week, the death of the Duchess of West will be talked and gossiped. While in the future, this history will remain and tackled by all, stories weaved and change. In that moment, one by one, the curse will come true.




Hurried steps echoed through the wide hallways, nervous servants carrying different objects walk in and out to one specific room.

One peeped inside, a four post bed with its sheer curtains tied to the post. Four figures can be seen inside of it, one lay to the bed while the three hover around the laying person.

"Mistress, One push and the baby will be out! You can do it!"

The voice of the midwife is loud and clear, speaking loudly to pull out the hazy consciousness of the Mistress. The person called mistress responded by a loud 'ahhh' and strong push.

"Is it not over yet?!" A tall stout man nervously asks, pacing back and forth. His dignified appearance in the day completely disappeared as he wait for the news of his wife's successful birth.

"Your grace, please calm down. It would only amplify your negative emotions. It wouldn't help,"

"Ha! okay, you! Remind them that if my wife died or my child, they'll be buried together with them!" The servant pointed nodded and walk to the midwives. Talking quietly to them.

The man doesn't know how long it took to hear the servants announced the success. Biting his lips nervously, he felt his butt on fire and can't sit.

"Your grace! Mistress has give birth successfully! It's a healthy baby girl!"

The man rushed inside and walked to his exhausted wife's side, holding her hands and squeezing it tightly.

"Wife, you did great..."

"Your grace... I've given birth to a female ha..."

"I pay no mind... it's alright. Just don't you dare leave us...okay?"

The exhausted wife weakly nodded and glance at the baby being cleaned by the midwife. She smiled and try to reach out for her child.

"Mistress, you should drink this first then rest. Res assured about the young miss, we'll handle her." Her personal maid, Tatiana, said. Helping her sat down and making her drink a bowl of warm water.

"Wife, Isabella. Go heed their advice and rest. I'll handle everything, hm?" The stout man comforted his wife and coax her to rest after drinking the water. Isabella nodded and obediently lay back and let them clean her. Sighing, she finally succumb to her exhaustion and enter a deep sleep.

"Congratulations, Your grace. Mistress has birthed your third child."

"Ha.. thankfully. Here, let me see her."

The man carried his child and stared at her. Smiling softly as he see that he inherit his bushy eyebrows. She's still can't open her eyes and asleep.

Satisfied, he ordered all of his servants to cater her and look after her before going to bath and change of clothes.

The commotion died down and the servants slowly get back to their quarters as they finished their tasks.

An inconspicuous middle age man stayed and supervise everyone, it's the head butler of the house. He smiled as he look at the child before turning around and leave.

"Congratulations to your new life, My lord."

A/n: I'm not satisfied by how my story is going on so I'm rewriting it. To those who red it before, sorry. (╯︵╰,) But i hope you'll like this new flow! (Most are still the same)

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