

can angles save the world from vampires can angles help the world not to fall apart? . . . . . . . . find out in this novel

MinAra28_09_07 · Fantasy
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2 Chs


'Ring, Ring' there goes the alarm at 7 in the morning on the nightstand, Loren woke up and turn the alarm off. "Haaa" Loren yawned before getting up from the bed, "Loren wake up, it's 7:00 a.m. you will be late for school!" her mom yelled from downstairs, "yes, mom I m up!" Loren yelled back. That's how her morning starts every day. Soon Loren was done with her morning routine, she came downstairs and went to her mom who was cooking breakfast and kissed her cheeks and said "good morning mom" and then turned around and went to her father who was sitting on the couch reading newspaper and kisses his cheeks and wished him good morning too. Soon her older brother came downstairs they both hugged and wished each other good morning same goes for her older sister and smaller brother.

              "Bye mom, bye dad," Loren said to her parents before leaving the house with her siblings.

After a while of her sister driving, they reached school and they all went to their separate ways.

Soon after Loren enter the school gaps and cheering would be heard since she is a popular girl because of her being in the famous girl group named 'lovesforever' and also for being a badass and smart student of the school, "heyyyyyy bitchh, how was your sleep" asked Scarlett her best friend, "mine was awesome what about you?" Loren asked Scarlett "mine was awesome too, by the way, do know that popular guy vamp?" Asked Scarlett "yes how can I forget my crush" replied Loren "there are rumours about him confessing you today cause he has a crush on you," said Scarlett "what in the world are you serious? Oh my god!!!" Asked Loren being excited "yes I m serious well now let's go to class or else we will be late," said Scarlett "ok!" Said Loren.

They both went to class, the whole day Loren was sooo excited, soon it was break time Loren and Scarlett went to the cafeteria to meet other friends and have lunch together, on their way to cafeteria they saw vamp going the same direction. "Hey guys," said Loren and Scarlett after seeing their three friends "hey Loren and Scarlett have a sit," said violet. Suddenly gaps were heard in the cafeteria, Loren and her other friends turned around to see what happen as soon as Loren turned her and her friends' eyes winded...