
Guardians of Magic

Xael Himura is the heir and scion in the kingdom of Furia. The kingdom is in its highest peak that some would even call it the golden age. It has been that way for almost 15 years until a prophecy warned them for an upcoming war. They realized that it was not just a regular war with an ordinary enemy that the queen insisted to find 9 warriors that are destined to be guardians of both the land of Ethiopia and the circles of hell. It's up to Xael and her companions to find them and win the war!

LulunaCat · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 6: Meeting

Chapter 6


"Let me think about this. I'm still her mother"

Hiro's Point of View


I couldn't move a muscle. I was still on the ground, clutching my stomach. The woman's kick was...different. It was controlled. The pain was bearable but it wouldn't go away that easily.

This was the first time I experienced intimidation. She wasn't here anymore but I can still hear her voice that gives me chills down my spine.

My heart was still racing. I closed my eyes to try and calm my heartbeat down, still kneeling on the ground.


y mind was still occupied with so many questions. Who was that woman? What was her purpose? How did she get in? But more importantly... WHY IN BLOODY HELL WOULD SHE KISS M-


I was put back in reality when I heard another voice. It was a servant girl.


Huh? What is this girl saying?

"I'll marry you," she said and was crying tears of joy.

I realized that I was still in my kneeling position as if I'm proposing. One moment I was kicked, the next thing I knew I was engaged. Wow. Ok.

"No. No. No. You got it all wrong. I wasn't-" I said and stood up waving my hands in the air.

"But we still don't know each other yet. Oh. This is all so happening so fast," She kept babbling and jumping up and down. I tried to console her and explained the misunderstanding but she kept on talking.

"Penny!" She stopped talking when someone called her. I guess her name was Penny.

A thought crossed my mind. I mean, not to be assuming but...Why am I always involved with women trying to flirt with me?

"That's my call. I'll be leaving now, sugarlumps" she said and gave me a flying kiss.

I don't know what's happening anymore. Everything's a blur. I'm very confused right now. Everything may be a mess but I know one thing for sure, she's the key to all these mystery and you know who she is: Lady Solaris.


I finally recovered from what happened and stood here by the entrance of the meeting room. I was gonna knock on the door but stopped when I felt a presence. Good Lord, why is trouble always following me?

I decided to ignore that since I realized that maybe I'm just overreacting and had enough drama for the day. I knocked thrice to indicate that a high positioned member of the royal council is here.

The doors opened and I walked inside the Meeting Room. Everyone stared at me as I walked to the center and gave my respect to the royal council. I placed my hand on my chest and bowed.

"Masters, Lady Solaris, my queen, my king. I have arrived," I said still bowing.

"Take a seat, son," my dad said in a serious tone.

I walked to his side where an empty chair was placed between him and Kichi.

"I thought you wouldn't make it," he said.

"Now that we are complete, we can now start the meeting with the matter at hand," the queen spoke. She walked in the middle of the room to grab the attention of the people.

Everybody was indeed complete. There are 12 members of the royal council.

The Queen has the highest position in the royal court when proceedings are done. In our kingdom, the Queen is higher than the King. The Queen is responsible for the internal affairs of the kingdom. (Queen Serenity Himura of Furia)

Second highest position is the Right Hand of the Queen which is Lady Solaris. She acts as the official Royal Adviser. Whenever the Queen is not available, she acts as the pinch hitter for the position of the queen. This usually happens when the queen is enceinte or pregnant up until to her labor or when the queen is too young to rule. Believe it or not, she's higher than the King himself. (Lady Solaris Miyamoto of Furia)

Third in position is finally the King. His position involves the brute and 'masculine' part like war, negotiations and external affairs of the kingdom. Another job for the king is to give the queen a female offspring and give assistance to the Queen throughout her leadership. (King Fendrel Himura of Furia)

Fourth in Position are the 7 Masters. First is the Master of War or the Lord/Lady Commander of the King's Guard which is my Dad. He is also called General and is usually responsible of the military aspect of the kingdom. He is in charge whenever a war comes up so generals are usually the right hand of the Kings. (Master River Takishima)

Second is the Grand Master or Lord/ Lady of Remedy which is responsible for healing and knowledge. She is in charge of hospitals and schools in our kingdom. (Master Diana Cross)

Third is The Master of Coin or the Lord/Lady of Treasury which is obviously responsible for the financials and economic matters. (Master Freya Stone)

Fourth is the Master of Law or the Lord/ Lady of Justice which is also another royal adviser besides the Right Hand that is responsible for the law. He can only advise about the law and order and nothing more. (Master Lawrence Fey)

Fifth is the Master of Ships or the Grand Admiral who is responsible for the tradings, fishing and sea wars. (Master Caspian Whim)

Lastly, the Master of Whisperers or the Lord/Lady of Emissary. She is in charge of the secrets of the kingdom and spying on other kingdoms to benefit the kingdom. (Master Kira Dawn)

There was supposedly a Master of Alchemy or Lord/ Lady of Spells but it wasn't carried on since the incident of the last Master. Although, they are trying to revive it with Kichi in training. (Master Alexander Tanaka-deceased)

Fifth in Position are us, the Nobles. We are those who are still in training. It could be the next masters, the princess or anyone who is next in line to the royal council.

Going back, the Queen proceeded the meeting.

"I'll cut to the chase. A war is coming. We are to prepare for this," she continued.

The masters weren't surprised. Everybody witnessed the event earlier.

"Prepare from what?" Master Cross said.

"Does it matter who we are against?" the queen retorted.

The members created a fuss with the Queen's manner. Even I was surprised.

"Good gracious. My queen, I understand you had just recovered but I beg you to come your senses," Master Fey said with disappointment on his tone.

"Heika, I beg you to snap out of your senses. A war isn't child's play," Master Dawn commented

"The kingdom is at its golden stage. At its peak. I understand if people would take it for granted but coming from you, your highness? This is absurd!" Master Whim said.

The other members continued to talk and might I say, criticize.

"From Kratos."

Everyone stopped talking when Lady Solaris spoke. They were all shocked. Even the queen, herself. Their faces couldn't be read. That name was enough to shut someone up.

"What's wrong with Kratos?" Breyan whispered to me. I ignored his question and continued to listen to the higher ups.

"H-how did it come to this?" my Dad asked.

Lady Solaris didn't respond and turned her head to the queen. Everyone kept quiet and thought for a while until the queen gasped.

"Luna," she gaped.

"What's wrong with the moon?" Kichi whispered to me again. I just shrugged.

No one was still talking. The silence was too deafening. I had to stop my mouth because I wanted to hear some noise.

Mistress decided to speak to finally break the silence.

"Master Takishima. We need all of your knights to secure the kingdom. Increase security. Raise the efficiency of the army and secure the borders. I need your best blacksmiths to create armors made of silver."

My Dad recovered from shock. I wasn't even sure if he could still comprehend.

"S-silver? Wouldn't that cost too much?" He said.

"Demons are weak with silver," she said.

"My lady, if I may interrupt, sure we have the best economy in our land, but wouldn't that be too much? Aren't we spending too much for just a war?" Master Stone asked.

"This isn't 'just' a war," she retorted.

"Then what about the defense? What's the plan?" Master Whim asked.

"I'll let the general take the spotlight for that," She said.

Everyone nodded and just paid close attention.

"My Lady. We are one of the best when it comes to the military side, but against Kratos? Luna? Demons?" Dad trailed off. From Lady Solaris, he looked at the queen.

"I'm afraid our troops aren't enough. My Queen, is waging war the only option? This is like bringing a knife to a gun fight. A 50/50 chance is even too high for us"

"Guardians," Solaris mumbled.


Everyone eyed each other and looked at the queen.

"We have no choice. They are our only hope," she said.

"My lady, it's too risky" Master Stone said.

"Risky?" The Queen asked.

"Yes, my queen. It would take too much time. We don't have enough people to search for them," Master Stone continued.



I was too deep in thought and focus that I almost jumped when the queen called my name. The atmosphere was too thick that I could even cut it.

"Yes, heika?" I said.

"You are to be appointed to search for the 9 guardians"

Although confused, I just nodded. I couldn't figure out how the conversation switched from war to Guardians.

"Does this answer your questions, Master Stone?"

"By all means, my Queen," she finally said but I could still feel the hint of doubt.

"You may take someone with you" the queen continued.

"Mom. Can I go?" Breyan cut in.

"Do as you wish," she said.

"Serenity," Lady Solaris called out.

The members were shocked. Lady Solaris called the Queen with just her name.

"It's time."

The Queen's face quickly changed into a horrified look.

"No!" the Queen shouted. The members were more shocked by her sudden outburst. It wasn't her to not contain her composure.

"No. You will not let my daughter set out for a mission from the mistake she ma--"

The door slammed open and showed Xael.

"Your imperial highness, my apologies. I tried to stop her but she wouldn't listen," Bree said behind her who was bowing intensely.

"Mother, I want go" she said in a firm tone.

"No. As your queen, I forbid you. As your mother, you shall go back to your room this instance"

"No, mother! I am not a kid anymore. I want to go on the mission," she said, her voice cracking as if she was stopping herself from crying.

"Let her go. This is all part of the plan. We cannot meddle with what fate the gods has bestowed upon us. Remember where you stand. Now let her go" Lady Solaris cut in.

I couldn't understand what was happening now. What are they were talking about?

The queen hesitated for a moment and sighed.

She slammed her fists to the table and walk towards the door furiously. She came to the door and looked at Lady Solaris.

"Sol, please. Let me think about this. I'm still her mother"

Lady Solaris closed her eyes and sighed. She nodded and the queen looked at Xael one last time before slamming the door close.

The king looked at Mistress with a begging face. He sighed and followed the queen

"I know that this is unfair for your part but you must understand her situation, Sol" He said. He half-smiled and closed the door.