
Guardianes Meca English Edition (Mech Guardians)

Joseph, a warm-hearted young man who wanted the world to be in peace and without any sign of evil, got caught in a series of horrible events that led him to his new identity with his new friends. He is looking for something deep in his heart. Read and find what he is finding.

Eltamagoshi · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

Joseph mounted his horse heading to the market, passing through the pig prairie. When he was half way through in some woods, he lowered his horse's speed and walked in that shady place, then, he felt he was been watched.

Almost out of the woods, some bushes were moving, then a wolf jumped out of it and started barking at the horse scaring it and making it run away, the wolf started chasing them and other two wolves appeared, the hunt was on. Joseph had the plan to just hang in to the horse until they arrive to the market.

But, another group of wolves appeared in front of them and they made the horse to change course right into a big forest. Inside of it, Joseph tried to regain control of his horse, failing in the process because of the wolves barking and intimidation. They were running heading to a fallen trunk, the horse made a risky jump that Joseph wasn't ready for, and because of that he was thrown to the ground.

Rapidly, he stood up tall and started screaming menacingly while making himself look bigger, surprisingly it was working, the wolves were waiting their moment to attack.

Joseph could already see his end between those fangs. But, an arrow flew and hitted hit the ground in front of the wolves, it had a short, flaming wick, when it consumed, it explode in green smoke, distracting the wolves, suddenly a hooded figure fell in front of him, they took Joseph from his arm and started running away with him. After few minutes, and after verifying that everything was safe, they rested in a fallen tree.

— Thanks… — Joseph said heavily breathing. — Ya' saved me.

— There's no problem. — said a girl's voice also heavy breathing. — Just a little longer and you would've been eaten by those wolves.

— May I ask who are you? — asked looking at the hooded girl, then, when looking at the green hood, he noticed two holes where two long, pointy ears peeked out. — You an elf? — The hooded girl, pretty small compared to Joseph, aimed at him with her bow. — Wow, wow, wow! — exclaimed surprised. — I-It wasn't my intention to…

— Silence, human. — said the hooded girl pulling the arrow. — I am the one who asks the questions in here. Who are you?

— I… I'm Joseph, Joseph Kallen. — said a little scared. — And I'm not a "human". — slowly, he moved his hands behind his ears.

— Be careful of what you're doing. — said her a little nervous.

— No need to worry… I ain't doing any harm to ya' — said calmly. He reached to his artifacts and took them out showing his short, pointy ears.

— What…? — asked the girl astonished. — What are you?

— In theory, Imma half elf.

— I… I don't… I don't understand what's going on. — said while lowering her bow.

— Calm down, I don't hate elves, my mama's an elf and my papa's a human.

— And how do you avoid hunters? — asked sitting in the fallen tree.

— These things — he showed her the artifacts. — My papa gave me these when I was a tod', they are used to hide our ears.

— Our ears? — she asked looking curiously at those sticker-like artifacts.

— Yup. And speaking of which. Can I know with whom I'm talking? — she took her hood down showing her face, she didn't look older than Joseph, neither that young, light skin and blonde, bright hair, green eyes an three earrings in her left ear. Joseph couldn't do but to stare at her, when she noticed, she blushed and, tried to hide it, then her ears lowered themselves like those of a cat.

— Sohee. — she said in a shy way.

— You saying? — Joseph asked still hypnotized.

— My name is Sohee, Sohee Miracle. Y-You asked for it… Didn't you?

— Oh! O-Of course! — exclaimed. — S-Sorry… I've never seen other elf in my life other than my mama. — they kept looking at their faces for a little longer, then Joseph realized something. — My horse! — shouted concerned. He whistled that echoed in the dark forest, then the horse came back, no harm nor injuries. — Thanks the goddesses! You're not harmed… Now… Where do I escape from here?

— D-Don't worry, I'll guide you. — Sohee said a little flustered.

Joseph mounted and Sohee did so, she guided him until they saw the prairie, they stopped at the edge of the forest, Sohee dismounted.

— Where ya goin'? — Joseph asked.

— Back home. My parents will kill me if they discover where I have been.

— It… It was nice to meet ya… Will we ever see again? — he asked with sadness.

— I hope so, but for now, beware of wolves and you should hide those ears of yours.

— Oh, right. — he said wearing the artifacts, before starting to gallop home, he looked at Sohee. — Catch! — shouted throwing at her a golden coin.

— What's this for? — she asked confused while looking at the coin.

— It's just a thanking for savin' me. Please, take care of yourself…

— W-Wait. — she said while looking in her red tunic, then she took a white feather. — Elves give whenever we receive, I cannot leave you without something as a gift. — she proceeded to give him the feather with a big smile before putting the hood on and disappear between the foliage.

Joseph looked the feather, smiled, saved it in his jacket and went back home.