

The jet pack hummed as it lifted Torterra into the sky. He flew upwards, breaking through the clouds and rising above them. Further and further he rose into the upper layers of the earth's atmosphere. The air was getting colder and thinner.


"Wait a minute! The power of the fuel does not depend on whether you can get into space or not! In order for a jet engine to work, it needs oxygen to burn fuel, and there is no oxygen in space! Isn't that the same reason this jetpack doesn't work underwater?" Torterra sharply reduced the power of the engines and stopped gaining altitude. Slowly he froze on the city and began to descend to the bottom.

The engine ran intermittently due to lack of oxygen, but when it descended to cloud level, its quality of operation was restored. Powering up again, Torterra continued his flight, tearing the clouds apart as he flew right through them.

POV: Raleigh

Far in the sky could be heard the strong hum of engines. It sounded like thunder in the middle of a clear sky as Torterra flew over the island, leaving white smoke in its wake.

People came out of the bunker and watched this behemoth flying at an extraordinary speed. They did not go far from the exit to be able to hide in time. When a skyscraper flies over your head, you instinctively want to hide underground.

"Oh no! All my tools got washed away by the water."

"Where's my lunch!?"

Many of the workers jokingly complained about Torterra because of the tsunami he threw on the island. But all the same, people looked at the sky with admiration. Some did not shoot it with their mobile phones.

"Can we make a cabin for people in the middle of the jet pack?" Raleigh walked over to the scientists, who stood apart from the workers and stared at their tablets.

"I would not recommend this. The vibrations in the middle are very strong and you will not feel comfortable. We didn't make this device for people."

"I don't believe it! You just don't want to waste time." Raleigh was not pleased. Although he can fly on a plane even without Torterra, he felt that flying on the back of a huge monster would give him a different feeling.

"Think what you want, but we won't do it. This type of fuel is highly explosive. If it is damaged and reagents enter the fuel, an explosion of sufficient force will occur to blow up the city. We're not going to add anything extra to this jetpack."


An explosion rang out in the sky. Raleigh immediately raised his head to the sky and saw Torerra breaking the sound barrier.

"Perfectly! The level of vibrations is within normal limits." One of the scientists continued to monitor the indicators on his tablet, constantly pressing some buttons.

"When will I be able to get into Jaeger and fly on it?" Raleigh dreamed of flying while drifting. It would probably feel like a person flying alone in the sky like Peter Pan.

After a while, the sound of the engine grew louder as the Torterra approached the island.

"NO! NO! NO! Into the water! Land in the water!" One of the scientists panicked as the Titan flew over the surface of the ocean, approaching them. Many people immediately ran back to the bunker, but some scientists did not react in time, outraged that their instructions were not followed.

Raleigh also remained standing at the entrance to the bunker. He watched as Torterra approached the island at a low altitude, his chest almost touching the water. When he was already near the island, he raised his head and his body rose to a vertical position. At this point, he turned off the engine, but continued to coast forward.


First there was a shaking of the ground as he touched the island with his feet, and then his claws on his feet began to cut into the stone floor, leaving scars. Torterra glided across the island from one end to the other, coming to a complete stop on the opposite side of the island.

The next moment, the island was covered with smoke from the engine, which brought the wind with it.


Raleigh and the scientists next to him began to cough from the smoke. They covered their noses with their sleeves and waited for the smoke to clear.

When the smoke cleared, Torterra was inside his house, taking the jetpack off his back and hooking it to the wall.

"Good device. Thank you!" Torterra said as he left the house. "If you need me, I'll be by the underwater volcano."

POV: Torterra

Flying was very nice, but I had a strange feeling that I didn't have time to just have fun. I had a lot of things to do. He needed to make himself a weapon. In the future, it was not wise to fight with bare hands.

Before, he couldn't make a weapon for himself because he didn't have the metal to do so. It was almost impossible to find metal in the ground and dig it out. The same with lava. Even diamonds could be found in the lava, but it was impossible for him to filter the lava. Only now, when he found old ships, he could melt them down and make something interesting out of them.

He wanted to make his workshop in his room, but people put a jetpack and tools there to support his work, so he will have to find another place to work. He could spend six months to expand the island and build another building on it, but it was better to make weapons before the next attack.

He needed a heavy and strong weapon, so the swords of the Jaegers were not suitable. He could break any sword just by squeezing it with his hand.

"Where's my battleship?" I asked the people. As far as I remember, I put it on the edge of the island.

"It was washed away by the wave you caused when you fell into the ocean the first time," replied Raleigh, who continued to stand at the entrance to the bunker and stare at me.

"Ok..." Diving into the water, I found a battleship lying on the bottom near the island. I took him from both sides and dragged him to the volcano.

Arriving where needed, I put the ship on the brick. Various fragments of stones and failed attempts to create bricks lay everywhere. There were some good bricks that I could now use as a work table.

First, I had to compress the battleship in volume. It had a lot of empty space in the middle. I picked up a 50 meter (160 ft) brick that was lying nearby and hit the battleship with it.


Due to the weight of the stone, the battleship immediately flattened into a pancake shape. Many pieces of metal flew off him and fell off the table, but I didn't care about them. Placing the brick on the floor, I shifted the battleship, placing the other half on the table.

The battleship was very large, much larger than the table and the brick I used to hit it, so it would not be possible to finish it in one go. Having changed the position of the battleship on the table, I hit it again from above.


I continued to hit him a few more times until I had a pancake made of metal lying in front of me. Then I folded it in half and hit it again. After 10 minutes of work, there was a pile of metal in front of me that could be melted. This pile of metal was not a beautiful piece of metal, many pieces of the ship were not bent or compressed, they were torn and sticking out in different directions. This pile of metal resembled an ordinary scrap pile from a metal dump.

The bricks I used as a table and hammer were also badly damaged. The stone was cracked. It was no longer possible to use them for work. One more hit and the bricks will split in half.

I collected all the metal and placed it on top of the fresh brick. The pile of metal I was able to squeeze was 10 times less volume than the ship had. This is barely enough for one weapon. This was from a huge 250 meter (820 ft) battleship! If I need to make another weapon, I'll have to find more sunken ships, because the ones I've already found won't even be enough for a toothpick.

The lack of tools was very annoying. Next, I needed to melt the metal, but when I started to do this, the stone on which the metal lay began to melt first. This caused the metal to sink into the stone and I had to clean it from the lava.

After some thought, I placed the metal on the ground where the sea sand was. I could only hope that the sand had a higher melting point than this metal.


A golden stream of fire went towards the metal, enveloping it. The water around immediately began to boil and it was disturbing to see what was happening to the metal. I had to stop and see what condition it was in. Little by little, the metal heated up and reddened, and the sea sand seemed fine. It was a good sign.

Continuing to blow the fire and check the condition of the metal, I was finally able to melt it. The sand around it was also red, but not yet liquid, while the metal glowed with heat and spread everywhere. The cold water washed the metal and created a black crust on the surface of the metal, which was cracked. It looked very beautiful and resembled a demonic weapon from a fantasy world.

I did not have a mold for the weapon because there was no suitable material for it. Sand under water could not hold its shape, and this stone will melt from hot metal. I bent down and tried to touch the molten metal with my hand. I felt a burning sensation on the tip of my finger, but it was tolerable. Taking the metal with both hands, I began to squeeze it like dough. It feels like you're holding a hot cake in your hands.

I needed the metal to be uniform and not leave any traces of the ship's construction.


I continued to release a light concentration of fire directly onto my hands and continued to grip the metal. Its volume was constantly decreasing and after 1 hour of work I had a metal sphere in my hands with proportions that resembled a soccer ball.

The next stage was to give it a form. I released the fire once more. The metal sphere in my hands was molten inside, but the outer layer was solid due to the cold water. If I work with the sphere now, the top layer of metal will just crumble and fall to the bottom of the ocean. I didn't have much metal to lose those shards, so I continued to fire at the sphere.

In the middle of the fire was a bright red sphere of metal. The metal creaked as my hands gripped it and shaped it. I had the feeling that I was working with clay. First I made a long and thick stick with a sphere on the end.

An hour later, I got a one-sided ax. I wanted to make a double-sided one, but there was not enough metal for it. The ax was quite large and it looked beautiful as the inner hot layer of metal showed through the cracks in the hardened bark.

While the ax was still hot, I had to sharpen it. I tried rubbing it against the stone, but the basalt was not hard enough to effectively sharpen the metal. I had no choice but to make sharp teeth on the blade with my claws. Now it didn't look like an axe, but rather like an oddly shaped saw.

After waiting a few hours, the ax cooled enough to not fall apart in my hands, so I tried to swing it. She was huge. About 70 meters (230 feet) long. It could be grasped with both hands and hit the enemy well. I'm pretty sure if you hit a Kaiju in the head with an ax, he'll die instantly.

Raising the ax above my head, I hit the brick with it.



The impact cracked the brick in half, and the ax sank into the middle of the brick. "Not bad. With that I can stop punching by hand the Kaiju."


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