

Harry POV

Looking around the room I see there are some people I know and some I do not know. My Grandfather beings to take me around to meet everyone. After that, he brings me to a private place to talk. "Grandfather would you please tell me how are you still living?"

"Harry I am sorry for not being there for you. I was in a coma-like death till a few days before your uncle sold you. I sent out my house elf to find you and your parents only to find out what happened to them. I did not find any answer on where you were till Tooby found you. I had to use Muggle means to get you out of that house. I didn't expect your Uncle to lose his job and sold you. When I found out about it you were already gone. The man you help me and your Grandmother stay alive. Help you by calling on the Lady Scáthach when you was used in a ritual. We will have more time to talk about everything. Now just enjoy the party then go from there."

Nurmengard Castle

Gellert Grindelwald was sitting in my prison as usual. Thinking about what he had been feeling. For the last five years. A change was coming and he wanted to know why. "Tempey come here." After a few seconds, a POP was heard. "Master called for Tempey"

" Yes, I did. I want you to find out what caused that massive magical power surge a few years ago. Also, find out what new happening in the Wizarding world. Look for a young man that can take up my name. You will know him when you see him. Now go."

"Yes, Master." Tempey POP out of the Castle to find out what was going on. He had not been in touch with the outside world. So he when to find another House-elves to get the information. It did not take too long before he found out what was going on.

Gellert was still sitting in the same place. Waiting for the elf to get what he needs. Ten minutes have gone by when he heard the elf POP back in. "Master I have found out what you ask for." Gellert just nodded and waited for his elf to continue. Tempey knew he was to go on talking. "The massive magical power surge was caused by a ritual gone wrong. The young Harry Potter was sold by his Muggle family and placed in an unknown ritual. The magical power surge happened not too long after it started. Your old lover is upset because no one is telling him anything and he doesn't have control of the boy.

"That is some good news. He has finally found someone to say no to his face. You know what Tempey I think I have a good idea. Something they never expect. No to mention that it causes some problems for him and the boy." Getting myself together I smile and perform a magic inheritance ritual. "Tempey go to Gringotts take this vial of my blood and use it when young Harry does his blood test. He will be my Heir and has my full support." I watch my house elf leave my cell. Using my hands instead of a wand I make my vow. "I Gellert Grindelwald here by claiming Harry James Potter as my Heir, so be it <Lumos><Nox>.

Lady Scáthach POV

Walking around the party I feel alive. For the first time in centuries. I have a new lease on life and I will not mess this up. Thinking about the young man who made it possible she bushed. To think that she would finally be defeated by him.


Lord Potter and his wife and Harry walk into Gringotts early the next day. Harry wanted to Heritage test done before they had a meeting with everyone. Harry watches his grandfather move to one of the tellers. Letting him know they are here to see the Potter Account Manager.

They found some comfortable-looking seats and sat down while waiting to meet with the Potter account manager.

They didn't have to wait long as not five minutes later he was approached by a different Goblin and asked to follow him to the account manager.

Winding their way through the corridors of the bank Harry saw names he knew on doors as he passed. Names of students he went to school with, some of the staff, and some he had never heard of. He noticed that as they progressed deeper into the bank the doors they passed were slowly getting more ornate. Finally, they came to a door with Potter on it. Their escort knocked once then motioned for them to enter the room.

"It is good to see you Sharpclaw. I would like you to meet my grandson Harry Potter." Sharpclaw smiled and said. "Mr. Potter it is a pleasure to finally meet you. Now let's get the Heritage and Magical test out of the way. This will identify all houses that you have claimed to, as well as identify any issues with your magic. We will then be able to move on from there. Sharpclaw pulled out two sheets of parchment along with a long Dagger. "Please cut your hand and place seven drops of blood on each parchment."Harry took the dagger and cut his palm. Holding his hand over each parchment he dropped the requested amount of blood on the parchment as indicated. After a couple of minutes, the spidery script could be seen forming on each sheet of parchment. Looking at the two sheets both were surprised by what they read.

Heritage Test

Harry James Potter

31 July 1980

Father: Lord James Charlus Potter (Deceased)

Mother: Lady Lily Marie Potter nee Evans (Deceased)

Godfather: Lord Sirius Orion Black – Godfather Ritual

Godmother: Lady Alice Cheree Longbottom – Godmother Ritual

Heir Primus: Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter (Paternal)

Heir Primus: Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Peverell (Paternal/Maternal)

Heir Primus: Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Black (Godfather)

Heir Primus: Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Slytherin (Conquest) Heir Primus: Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Gryffindor (Paternal) Heir Primus: Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Grindelwald (Magic Adoption)

Magical Test

Harry James Potter High Human Variation 31 July 1980

Magical Core

Animagus – Possible forms of three





Care of Magical Creatures


Parcel Magic

Legal Guardian: Lord Fleamont Potter

Magical Guardians: Lord Fleamont Potter

Harry could not believe what I am seeing. He had an idea about some of them due to reading fanfic in his past life. How in the world did I become heir to Gellert Grindelwald? My memory of this world can't be used. I have to make plans for whatever comes my way. I will have new enemies and friends all trying to use me. I look to my Grandfather for some help.

Fleamont was as shocked as Harry. To see that name appear on his inheritance paper. Knowing that he will have to move fast and get some of my old and new allies to work to head this off. "It's ok Harry no one who can't be trusted will know about this. We have to jump through some hoops and make many arrangements. I believe that we will get through this. You have a lot to learn Harry and it is not going to be easy for fun. Sharpclaw please keep today's events to yourself till we are ready to announce it." Taking his family with him. They head for the big meeting Fleamont knows he has to tell them.

Harry was thinking about what he has just seen. Going over it in his mind about how this could be a good thing. The fight that is coming will affect the whole world. They could use all the help they can get. He hope that some of the hidden races would come out to help. Meanwhile, around the world, many different magical beings were meeting. They could feel the change in the air. Their Oracles have been given visions of what is to come.


Albus Dumbledore was not in a good mood. He had been waiting for his contact from Gringotts. Only for them to send his contact head in a box. All of his plans were falling apart and he know who to blame. The only thing good thing out of all of it was Harry was still coming to Hogwarts.

Guardian Castle

Connor MacLeod was sitting talking with Lady Scáthach. While waiting for the other members to show up for the meeting. "Lady Scáthach do you still have any contact with the other races?" "No, Connor I do not. It been far too long for any of my contacts to be alive. Let us hope they will fight with us. Now then do you know which of you kin man is going to Hogwarts with Harry?

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